Final Exam Review Sheet


1. Terms

• culture

• high/elite culture

• folk culture

• popular culture

• zeitgeist

• transitory zeitgeist (beliefs & values)

• concrete zeitgeist (bedrock beliefs & values)

• heroes (real & imaginary)

• icons (real & imaginary)

• rituals

• The House of Pop Culture – bedrock beliefs and values, beliefs and values, icons, stereotypes, celebrities

3. “Your Choice” Short Answer - Ideas & Concepts from Articles and Discussion

There will be short answer questions (you will choose one) asking you to apply knowledge of various theories we have discussed to modern examples of pop culture phenomena. You are responsible for being able to identify and discuss any concepts and ideas in any articles we read. For example, you should be able to write about the zeitgeist of a particular era based on the popular culture of that time.

• Units of discussion this semester:

o Introduction to Pop Culture

o Concept behind the “House of Popular Culture”

o Violence in Pop Culture and the Media (Bowling for Columbine, etc…)

o “Reality Television” – effects/appeals of reality programming

o Current Events

4. Required Short Answer

• There will be short essay response on a topic relevant to pop culture on which you will have to analyze and draw conclusions based on what you have learned this semester.

5. Reading and Response

• You will be required to read a short passage (this could be factual, a current event, or an editorial) and respond in a short answer format.


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