Global Pop Culture - Weebly

Global Pop Culture


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Television has become a global phenomenon. All nations have their own individual TV cultures but there are similarities in the type of shows that are popular. Soap operas, cooking shows, ‘reality TV shows, comedy shows, TV news and game shows are popular everywhere.

Most of what appears on TV remains culture specific but with the rise of cable and satellite TV some shows can reach out to audiences across national and cultural boundaries.

There is a debate in the West about whether or not TV is helping to ‘dumb down’ national cultures. Many people claim that having 200 TV channels to choose from improves the quantity but not the quality of output.

Quick Fact: In the United States, there are about 95 television sets for every 100



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Many sports broke down cultural barriers long ago. Football, tennis, golf, rugby, snooker and gymnastics are just a few.

With technological advances it is now possible to watch many sporting events anywhere in the world at any time – but only the sporting event the TV network chooses to show - many sports complain about being ‘left out’.

Quick Fact: The oldest continuous trophy in sports is the America’s Cup.


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Animation and cartoons would appear to cross cultures more easily than other mediums. Many American, Japanese and European characters have become world famous.

Quick fact: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first Disney animation film, released in 1938.


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Whilst most communities around the world have their own special events and celebrations some have grown enormously.

Christmas and Chinese New Year have become very important commercially around the world, along with other events such as Halloween. And almost everybody now counts down at the New Year on December the 31st.

Quick Fact: Since 1910, 15 people have been killed in the ‘Running of the Bull’ festival in Pamplona.


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Fashion Magazines for women have been around for a long time. But the last 15 years have also seen a rise in ‘Lads Mags’ like FHM and Maxim.

Quick Fact: Vogue is the worlds most popular fashion magazine.


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Sometimes it would seem that the whole world is dressed in jeans and a T-shirt – a way of dressing that first became popular in the US.

Quick fact: The American blue jean was invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in



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From big US fast food franchises to local Chinese restaurants it would appear that foreign foods seem to be popular everywhere.

Quick Fact: Chicken Tika Masala from India has become the most popular dish in

England – eaten more than the national dish of Fish ‘n’ Chips.

Literature & Novels

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There is a great tradition of literature and novels written in English. Shakespeare is probably the most famous writer of all time and the Novel was first popular in England but many of the world’s greatest writers come from all over the globe. One of the most popular kind of novels come from the genre ‘Chick Lit’ which are designed for young women.

Quick fact: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is claimed to be the bestselling

novel ever ahead of Lord of the Rings and Dream of the Red Chamber by

Cao Xueqin.


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Cinema has had an enormous impact on world culture. Hollywood movies from America are watched almost everywhere. It is claimed that the dominance of US films harms local film industries and that they promote the moral and ethical values of the US. However, some of the world’s favourite and most successful films have come from America.

Quick Fact: Over 800 films are released each year in over 15 languages. About 450

are released by from Hollywood.


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The internet is probably the most influential aspect of culture in today’s world. Information has never been so easily accessible before nor has communicating across national boundaries and cultures.

The rise in social media is a new phenomenon which still growing and it is not clear where it will lead or how important it may become in people’s daily lives. The Internet has had a huge impact on the ways people communicate and even live their lives making many things easier and much more convenient. However, there are concerns about personal identity security and governments spying on their people or using excessive censorship.

Quick fact: In 2011 there are over 750 million users on facebook.


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