HUNTSVILLE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSIONMINUTESMay 13, 2019The Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission met in the Conference Room on the 1st Floor of the Public Service Building located at 320 Fountain Circle on May 13, 2019. The members present were:Mr. Mike HolbrookMr. Peter LoweMs. Drenda KingMs. Sheree HollandMs. Frances AkridgeMr. Jan Williams Mr. Randy CunninghamMr. John KvachMr. Dennis MadsenAlso present at the meeting was Ms. Katie Stamps, Historic Preservation Consultant, and Ms. Sharon Mize, Recording Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Mr. Mike Holbrook, Chairman. Ms. Stamps announced that May is Historic preservation month. On May 30 at 6:00 p.m. at the Stovehouse there will be an event promoting preservation month and she encouraged everyone to attend.Mr. Holbrook welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Commission members. He then read the preamble and asked everyone to place their cell phones on silent. 803 Ward Avenue – Ms. Debra BrasherMs. Brasher returned before the Commission to request painting her house in the colors of Behr Ultra-Pure White for the body, Solid Color Slate for the porch floor, and Broadway for the door; installing a black wrought iron handrail on the front steps; and replace the porch railing. The handrail will be a plain wrought iron handrail down the middle of the front steps. Because there is only one rail up the middle and just a few risers, spindles will not be required. The porch railings will be repaired and brought to code.Mr. Madsen made the motion to approve painting the house, adding a wrought iron handrail down the middle of the stairs, and repair/replace the porch railing. Mr. Kvach seconded the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve.1014 McCullough Avenue – Mr. Ty Rains and Ms. Alanna Howard for Bird Dog PropertiesThe applicants came before the Commission requesting to remove the vinyl siding, the metal awning over the front window, add shutters, replace the front door and porch columns, and add a driveway and a sidewalk. Mr. Holbrook asked what was under the vinyl siding and Mr. Rains said there is metal siding and then wood siding. The proposed paint colors for the house are Benjamin Moore Pure White for the trim and Hollingsworth Green for the siding. The front door will be replaced with an antique door with antique hardware. The wrought iron columns will be replaced with wood painted columns.Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve removing the vinyl siding and restoring the wood siding, remove the awning on the front of the house, replace the shutters on the front of the house, replace the front door, replace the columns, paint the house, and add a concrete driveway and sidewalk. Ms. King seconded the motion. Mr. Holbrook asked if they would be open to changing the fish scale shakes with a rectangle shake. Mr. Rains said they were open to using a different shake but wanted to add some character to the house. Mr. Holbrook said shakes which stack would be more appropriate for this style house. Mr. Rains said they will probably need to add a gable vent at the top so the space between the frieze and the shake would be minimal. Mr. Cunningham asked if they propose to remove the awnings on the side of the house as well as the one on the front. Mr. Rains said they will just remove the awning on the front of the house. Mr. Holbrook asked if they will be painting the brick columns and foundation because it appears they were previously painted. Mr. Rains said they will paint them and they will keep the columns small and in proportion to the porch. Mr. Holbrook asked if they would be opposed to removing the paint off the brick and keeping it red. Mr. Rains said the further you get in the back the brick is old and in bad repair and the face is starting to come off the brick. He said personally he would like to paint the brick but will do whatever the Commission requests. Mr. Holbrook said it was previously painted there should not be an issue to paint it again. Mr. Lowe asked what color they will paint the brick. Mr. Rains said he did not know but it would be darker than the siding. Mr. Lowe suggested they take a color for Ms. Stamps to look at and approve.The vent will be a triangle louvered style vent which will match the pitch. Mr. Holbrook said if the wood siding is in disrepair and needs to be replaced, they will need to replace in kind. The existing gravel driveway will be replaced with a concrete driveway and sidewalk. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion. 400 White Street – Mr. Deane DaytonMr. Dayton came before the Commission requesting to replace some damaged storm windows, window shutters, add a wrought iron handrail to the front entrance, repair and rebuild the fences on the west side of the property. Mr. Dayton said there two types of fences on the property and both are in bad repair. He is requesting to replace the fences with a shadowbox style fence and paint them off-white to match the trim on the house. The fence will be no taller than six feet. Mr. Lowe said the spacing is too wide on the shadowbox fence and requested the spacing be smaller. There are two different style shutters on the house and they would like to use matching shutters made by Exterior Solutions. All the shutters on the front of the house will remain. The proposed handrail will be on the left side of the porch and will be a wrought iron handrail. There will not be a handrail on the right side of the porch because of the copper gutters on that side. Mr. Madsen made the motion to approve replacing the damaged storm windows and shutters, the addition of a wrought iron handrail to the front steps, and repair/replace the fences on the west side of the property and Ms. Holland seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion as submitted.417 & 419 Randolph Avenue – Mr. Mark Brubaker for Mr. Steve CowartMr. Brubaker said the applicants want to replace the existing fence with a fence with a cap and painted in the color of HC-69. This will give three houses in a row the same fence. Mr. Cowart would also like to add a simple wrought iron handrail to his front steps on the right-hand side. Mr. Madsen made a motion to approve replacing a fence and adding a hand rail to the front porch. Mr. Kvach seconded the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion. 720 Clinton Avenue – Tyler & Jessica PhillipsThe Phillips came before the Commission requesting to paint their house in the colors of Sherwin Williams In The Navy for the body, Origami White for the trim and front porch railing and floor, and Powder Blue for the front door and porch ceiling. They would also like to repair the front porch railings and the shed window on the rear of the house which has rotted wood. Mr. Madsen asked if they will need to replace the windows. Mr. Phillips said he did not plan on replacing the window; he just wants to re-caulk, seal and paint the windows. Mr. Madsen made the motion to approve painting the house, repairing the porch railing, and repairing the shed window. Ms. Holland seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve the motion, except for Mr. Holbrook who voted nay because he did not think the color was appropriate for the house. Ms. Akridge asked the Phillips when they made application and Mrs. Phillips said two weeks ago.1201 Randolph Avenue – Mr. Jonathan StewardMr. Steward requested replacing a kitchen window with a shorter window, install a garden shed, replace the fence, and paint the house. The new fence will be located where the existing fence is and will be a privacy fence like the existing and will be painted white. The garden shed will be located behind the house with the paint and shingles matching the existing house. They want to shorten the window in the kitchen to allow room for cabinets. They will shorten the window 2 feet and it will be a single pane window. Mr. Holbrook asked if they would consider blacking out the bottom portion of the window and leaving it in place and Mr. Steward said they would prefer to put in a new window. Mr. Holbrook recommended they store the window they remove for future use. The paint colors will be Van Deusen Blue for the shutters and door, white for the trim and Dorset Gold for the body. Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve painting the house, erecting a garden shed, replacing a kitchen window with a shorter window, and erecting a new fence and Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.700 Greene Street – Mr. Nathan CobbMr. Cobb painted his brick house white without approval from the Commission and came before the Commission to seek approval and requested to install gas lanterns and copper gutters. The shutters will be painted and put back in place.Mr. Holbrook asked what happened since they last came before the Commission and asked to replace a window and add a skylight and how did the house get painted without approval. Mr. Cobb said his wife is an interior designer and had the interior painted and they were considering exterior colors. The painters tested some colors on the exterior of the home and they did not want to leave the test on the house so they painted the house. Mr. Holbrook said the guidelines say that brick should remain unpainted even though this is a non-contributing house. Mr. Cobb said the front door will be painted black to match the shutters. Ms. Akridge asked if this house would have received approval to paint the brick if they had asked before they painted the house. Mr. Lowe said he would have been in favor of it because it is non-contributing. Mr. Kvach made the motion to approve painting the house, and installing gas lanterns and copper gutters. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve the motion, except for Mr. Holbrook and Mr. Cunningham who voted nay.433 Newman Avenue – Mr. Marcus MeadMr. Mead came before the Commission requesting to remove and replace his driveway, add gutters and shutters, and paint the shutters and front door. The driveway will be exposed aggregate concrete and match the neighbors. The new gutters will be coper half-round gutters on the front of the house and the K-style gutters for the rear. The shutters will be louvered with black iron hardware on the windows facing the street. The shutters and door will be painted in the color of Benjamin Moore Night Fall. Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve replacing the driveway, adding gutters, adding shutters, and the paint colors for the shutters and door. Mr. Kvach seconded the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.803 McCullough Avenue – Mr. Todd SimsMr. Sims requested to paint the house in the colors of Sherwin Williams Rookwood Brown or Craftsman Brown for the body, Raycroft Vellum for the trim, Raycroft Bottle Green for the sash and Interesting Aqua for the porch ceiling. He also requested the option to remove the plywood soffit around the porch to reveal the original rafter tails. The brick will not be painted on the columns or the foundation. Mr. Holbrook said he thought the darker brown would be more appropriate for this style house. Ms. Holland made the motion to approve painting the house and accessory structure and to remove the soffit around the porch. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.404 Pratt Avenue – Mr. Ken Hamilton and Mr. Brian Richardson for Mr. E. C. SharpThis structure was once a single-family Victorian cottage which was modified into an appliance store in the 1960’s. The applicants are requesting preliminary approval to demolish the structure and erect a new commercial/residential structure. Ms. Stamps and Mr. Holbrook visited the property to see the condition of the property. The structure and the rear yard are full of old appliances. This structure is listed as a contributing structure in the National Register Survey and is zoned C-1.Mr. Holbrook said this house was once the last house on Walker Avenue but now it has a Pratt Avenue address. Mr. Kvach asked how this structure kept it’s contributing status in this condition. Mr. Holbrook pointed out the original Victorian cottage portion of the structure which has had several additions. He said the footprint is there of the original cottage but it is buried. He said the chances of converting this property to a single-family residence is probably void because there is no road there now. The entrance is on Pratt Avenue or the alley. Mr. Lowe said he does not see anything economically feasible about this building. It would be difficult to purchase the property; make renovations and try to save the old house. Mr. Lowe asked if the property could hold the proposed replacement structure and said it would a blessing to the neighborhood just to get rid of all the appliances on the property.Mr. Kvach said if they make the motion for demolition it should be with the understanding the house cannot be demolished until they come back with approved plans on what they propose to build on the property. Mr. Richardson said he has a long-term option on the property until he gets approval to rebuild. He said he would salvage as much of the interior elements as possible. He said he owns the apartments next door and due to the appliances and the water collected in them the mosquitos are a huge issue for the residents who live there. Ms. Akridge asked if they could restore the house as it once was. Ms. Stamps said there has not been any maintenance done to this structure in decades. The elevation presented was a rough sketch of a proposed new structure with a commercial front and townhouses to the rear. Mr. Holbrook said he would like to see the commercial part of the building which will face Pratt Avenue look more like a commercial Victorian building rather than a residential style. Mr. Hamilton said they plan on making the front brick. Mr. Hamilton said parking will be key. If they do not have enough parking then the project will not go. The commercial parking will be in the front and the residential parking will be via the alley on the rear. They will need to go before the Board of Zoning Adjustment to get several variances including lot setbacks, a height variance, lot coverage and parking. Mr. Hamilton said the proposed townhomes will be three stories and will require a height variance from the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The six townhomes will be approximately 1,800 sq. ft. each and will be 20’ x 30’. Ms. Akridge said she did not think they will get the variances they will need. Mr. Kvach made the motion for preliminary approval for demolition based on conceptual plans presented, subject to architectural plans for construction of a new structure approved by this Commission. Mr. Lowe said they will need an architect to draw their proposed new construction. Mr. Lowe seconded the motion. Mr. Kvach suggested they make the townhomes more like the townhomes in the Cotton Mill and Lincoln Mill and use flat roofs which will help with the height. Mr. Cunningham said they will need to do a re-subdivision of the lot because the townhouses are considered six single family residences on an individual lot. Mr. Richardson said he was told if they were all one building it would be okay; they just could not be separated or detached. He was also told by Planning he could do commercial on the first floor and condos on the top. Mr. Cunningham said condos are different from townhouses. Mr. Lowe said townhouses are easier to finance. Mr. Holbrook said the Commission just needs to discuss what is under their prevue. Mr. Holbrook opened the discussion up to the floor and Mr. Todd Sims of 706 Ward Avenue came forward. He said he knew of two properties which were in worse shape than this property and they were both denied demolition. Both structures were purchased and preserved and are now useful structures again. He said he did not think this property was too far gone to be preserved. Mr. Sims said the City does not allow the exterior display of goods in a C-1 property and the owner currently has appliances all over the lot. There are health regulations to make people clean up their properties. He would not recommend tearing down the house just to get rid of the present bad use. He asked they not approve demolition. Mr. Holbrook said Mr. Sims made a good point and he has never seen a structure that could not be saved and restored. The problem here is the detachment from the residential neighborhood and the location on Pratt Avenue. He recognizes they would be setting a precedent; however, this is a unique case. Mr. Madsen said he views it differently and thinks the property has been completely demolished by neglect. He said it is heartbreaking but this one will not get back to its point of origin. Mr. David Johnson said he wanted to commend the Commission and the prospective owner and thought the proposed use of the property was a great idea. Mr. David Naumcheff of 210 White Street, said he did not see a private residence going back into this structure. He is concerned about all the appliances and thought the structure should come down. Mr. Holbrook said he understood the current owner is planning on moving the business to another location. Mr. Larry Bricker asked for clarification if this structure is contributing and Mr. Holbrook said it is. Mr. Holbrook said this is a slippery slope and could set a precedent. Ms. Akridge said she envisioned the structure being a cottage like the one which was demolished across the street. There should be a way to bring the structure back to a nice cottage. Mr. Madsen said he could see the structure being brought back and turned into a little cottage like the others on Pratt Avenue; his concern is not about the use but the condition of the structure. Based on his walk-through of the property he said if you touched any of the building it would crumble in your hands. He said the structure is in bad of shape as any he has ever seen.Mr. Holbrook said for him it is the use of the property. He cannot see a residential use of this property. Ms. Stamps said it could be better used as a commercial property. Mrs. Rachel Armayor said this structure is being discussed as past the point of repair but they took their house all the way down to the studs and others have had to do the same and she did not understand why they couldn’t do the same with this structure. The motion for preliminary approval for demolition based on conceptual plans presented, subject to architectural plans for construction of a new structure approved by this Commission was voted on and approved with the exceptions of Mr. Madsen, Ms. Holland and Ms. Akridge who voted nay.1113 Pratt Avenue – John & Rachel ArmayorThe Armayors requested to reposition the front porch columns, align the front steps and sidewalk with the off-centered front door, widen the front steps, replace or remove the porch rails, and install a new front door. The Armayors want to make the porch more symmetrical. The porch was added to the house in 2010. They want to make the columns 8” square and spaced evenly over the 108.8” of the porch. The porch floor is 18” from the ground. The proposed new front steps will be 108” wide with concrete to look like the steps at 1008 Clinton Avenue. Mr. Holbrook said the work they are doing to the house improves the house aesthetically and visually. The roof has been raised and replaced. The chimney and the original roof line is gone and when this change is made, if it is approved, this house will be unrecognizable to either of the surveyors who considered the house contributing in the past. This house will fall off the status as a contributing structure. All the elements which made this structure a contributing structure has been removed or changed. Mr. Lowe asked why they wanted to go through the expense and effort to move their sidewalk. Mrs. Armayor said they have put so much money on the inside of the house and want to make the outside look nice too. When you walk up the sidewalk you walk into the siding of the house and it is odd. They drove around and looked at other homes in the district and saw some with side doors. She said it makes sense to be able to walk up to the door. Mr. Madsen made the motion to approve as submitted the repositioning of the porch columns; align front steps and sidewalk with off-center front door; widen the front steps; replace or remove the porch rails; and install new front door. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Holbrook said the front door needs to be an all wood door. Mr. Madsen amended his motion to include the door be a solid wood door. The Commission voted to approve the motion, except for Mr. Holbrook and Mr. Cunningham who voted nay.405 Eustis Avenue – Mr. Carl Gessler for DSN HoldingsMr. Gessler came before the Commission requesting to paint the house using the colors of PPG Night Watch for the siding, Alabaster for the trim, and Kendall Charcoal for the porch, stairs and railings. Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve the paint colors and Ms. King seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.804 O’Shaughnessy Avenue – Mr. Carl Gessler for DSN HoldingsMr. Gessler requested painting this house in the colors of Sherwin Williams Natural Choice for the siding and trim; Iron Ore for the shutters, and Halcyon Green for the doors. Mr. Madsen made the motion to approve the paint colors and Mr. Lowe seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.419 Newman Avenue – Mr. Stephen GreenMr. Green requested adding a gate on the shared driveway. The neighbor signed a letter agreeing with the gate going across the shared driveway. The gate will be a black wrought iron gate and will be setback 31 inches from the edge of Mr. Green’s house and just in front of the neighbor’s window. Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve the wrought iron gate being installed across the driveway and Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.501 Randolph Avenue – Mr. Frank Nola for Jean TempletonMr. Nola came before the Commission to revisit revisions to include the addition of a stoop on the west side of the house. The revisions include the relocation of the steps to face southeast and the extension of the roof to partially cover the stoop. Mr. Williams made the motion to approve the stoop modifications and Ms. Holland seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion.300 Williams Avenue – Mr. Frank Nola for Trey and Samantha BentleyMr. Nola and the Bentleys came before the Commission to ask permission to make some additions and alterations to the rear of the house and install a fence. The fence will be a black vinyl coated chain link fence along the west side of the property and will be 6 feet in height. There is already chain link fence around the property and is needed for security reasons especially along the alley way and is probably 600 feet in length. There will be no changes to the front of the house. The house has not been updated in 100 years and they want to make minimal changes to bring it into the 21st Century. There are no bathrooms in the central core of the house so there is a need to add them in the extensions. There is an existing service building which is connected to the main house and they propose to construct an enclosed glass lined corridor down the east side which will connect to a two-story garage structure. The garage will be a two-bay garage with an office above. Part of the addition will include a master bathroom and closets.The service building will be repurposed to be a sitting room and a laundry area and the kitchen will be in the front area which they think was a kitchen because of an existing hearth. The rooms on the second floor are not accessible from the house and have a low ceiling height. The only proposed changes visible from the front will be the closet addition and it will be setback 60 feet. They would like to remove the modern window from the servant’s quarters and replace it with a more appropriate shutter window treatment to make it look like a breezeway. They also proposed a window in the front elevation of the servant’s quarters for the kitchen. There is some infill brick in the servant’s quarter which will remain. On the rear porch they would like to add screens. There are a few windows which will be removed when the addition is made and they plan to salvage the windows on the addition. Garage door openings were previously added to the servant’s quarters and has the building in distress. They will probably have to rebuild the entire wall. They will drop the floor and regulate the windows to create the family room and the laundry room. Mr. Holbrook said the plans look very nice but he would like to see the servant quarters more preserved as opposed to rebuilding it. Mr. Nola said he is totally sympathetic but said they don’t have much of a choice because of the condition of the building. Mr. Holbrook suggested they could support the openings while they are doing the renovations. He would like to see them preserve as much of the building as possible. Mr. Nola said they do not plan on taking the building down but they do need to make some changes. Mr. Williams made the motion to approve the additions and alterations to the rear of the house and to erect the chain link fence as presented and Mr. Lowe seconded the motion. Some of the windows in the servant’s quarters will need to be dropped down slightly. Mr. Bentley said there is a rod located on the outside and the inside of this building which is there for support. Mr. Holbrook said that will need to be addressed when the alterations are made. Mr. Nola said they will do everything they can to reuse the existing brick. The Commission voted and the application was denied with Mr. Kvach, Ms. Akridge, Ms. Holland, Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Holbrook voting nay. Mr. Bentley said they are going to great lengths to preserve this house. The house was in critical condition and they are trying to make the house livable. To preserve the initial house and make it a livable home there must be some changes made. Mr. Holbrook suggested they lower the floor in the servant’s house, infill the openings with brick and lower and lengthen the windows. Mr. Holbrook said that would help keep the story of the house intact. Mrs. Bentley said she is respectful of what the Commission is trying to do. The garage door openings were cut out in 1920 and are not original. Mr. Holbrook said that was 100 years ago and is part of the history. Mr. Lowe asked if they could square up the windows. Mr. Kvach recommended they drop the windows down. Mr. Kvach made the motion to approve the alterations and maintain the structure and make interior adjustments for their living space; change the exterior by filling in the garage openings and drop the window sills down and lengthen the windows. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion. 1103 Pratt Avenue – Jarom & Beth HaynieThe Haynies came before the Commission requesting to replace their garage, which is contributing, and erect a new two-story garage. All the colors and roofing material will match the existing house. The doors are rotted and do not close properly on the existing garage. The garage leans against the fence and the upstairs floors are collapsing. The previous owner was a hoarder and the garage was absolutely packed with stuff. The existing stairs are very unsteady. Some workers came out to pressure wash the barn and when they put ladders against the barn, the barn started leaning. They were unable to pressure wash it because it was unsafe. The previous owner placed boards over the rotted wood instead of replacing the wood. The building has been patched several times but never really repaired. There were dead animals in the building as well as junk stacked all the way to the top. Mr. Holbrook said he did not go into this structure but viewed it from the alley. The structure has been in disrepair for 40 – 50 years. It is a pole barn with cedar poles. The Haynies would like to replace the structure with a garage with a second floor of living space. They need a place for the children to play and need their cars off the street where they get vandalized. Mr. Kvach asked if they had spoken with the Zoning Department. Mr. Haynie said they were advised they could only have two plumbing fixtures in the accessory structure. Mr. Lowe made the motion to approve the demolition and the erection of a new garage. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Holbrook asked them to consider a vertical panel garage door and Mrs. Haynie said she would prefer it. Mr. Lowe modified his motion to include meeting all Zoning requirements. Mr. Cunningham said a variance will be required because the garage is on the property line. The Haynies said they received a variance to build the garage from the Board of Zoning Adjustment but it had expired so they will need to go back before the Board. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the motion. Old Business:Mr. Kvach made the motion to approve the minutes from the April 8th meeting. Ms. Stamps said Ms. Akridge’s name was misspelled in the minutes and needed to be corrected. Ms. King seconded the motion to approve the minutes as corrected. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes.Ms. Stamps said the Commission had received funding for grants for Edmonton Heights National Register nomination and for the survey. Ms. Stamps invited everyone to attend the event on May 30th at the Stovehouse. New Business:The public meeting was held on April 29th and the goal was to have a meeting report at the end of May for review and have a public survey put out by mid-June. They are wanting to be sure they are hearing the community correctly and then in mid-July there will be another public meeting to present the report. Ms. Akridge said she would like to see staff be able to approve paint colors. Mr. Holbrook said that is not an easy thing to do. Ms. Akridge said Ms. Stamps knows what is appropriate and if she denies someone they can appeal to the Commission. Mr. Holbrook said he wants to meet with the legal department again to discuss the regulations and the by-laws of the Commission. Ms. Stamps said the legal department wants to combine the regulations and the ordinances into one. Mr. Holbrook said that would take away some of the latitude to make small changes along the way. Mr. Madsen said some things will be clearer after they decipher the public’s input. Mr. Holbrook said that is why he wants to meet with legal. Mr. Kvach said there is also an issue with people picking the correct historic color and not a current popular color. Not everyone has done their homework to select the appropriate colors. Ms. Stamps said she agreed and that is why it needs to come before the Commission. Mr. Holbrook said the Commission needs to be consistent. Ms. Akridge said there should be a committee formed to review minor repairs including paint colors so people do not have to come to the meetings. Mr. Holbrook said that would have to be discussed with legal. Mr. Holbrook is more concerned about the lack of enforcement the Commission has. Mr. Madsen said there are many concerns; some newer and some which have been around for a long time which need to be addressed. This is not something which needs to be rushed through. Mr. Holbrook said the Commission needs to have a way to better enforce the guidelines and discipline those who do things without getting approval first. Ms. Akridge said there are concerns with the citizens on making repairs and doing maintenance on their properties and are afraid their hands would be tied. Ms. Stamps said she would be happy to discuss changes with anyone within the district.Mr. Cunningham said he was afraid the demolition of the building on Pratt could come back to haunt the Commission. It will set a precedent for others to come back and say, “you let them demolish the structure on Pratt.” Mr. Kvach said it is already demolition by neglect. Mr. Madsen said the structure is in such bad shape you could probably touch it and it would fall over. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Dennis MadsenManager of Urban and Long Range Planning ................

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