Somma Science

Science Current Events AssignmentMs. SommaPurpose: In order to more successfully contribute to community and society at large, one should be current on the world’s issues, updates, and changes. Being an informed citizen and discussing current events will give one a better perspective on different points of view and help increase depth of understanding of scientific topics.Article Guidelines: Article must be current— within approximately one month of due date. Article must be relevant— should pertain to a scientific topic or issue (be able to explain)Article must be from appropriate source— NOT Wikipedia! (see suggestions on reverse side)Article must be attached to Assignment and should be appropriately marked. 114300628015Due the first Monday of every month! NO EXCEPTIONS!Due Dates: 9/26, 10/5, 11/7, 12/5, 1/9, 2/6, 3/6, 5/1, 6/5 00Due the first Monday of every month! NO EXCEPTIONS!Due Dates: 9/26, 10/5, 11/7, 12/5, 1/9, 2/6, 3/6, 5/1, 6/5 Directions: Every month you will read a current events article and turn in a science current events assignment write-up. The news source can be digital or print. If you have an “excused” absence on a due date, your assignment is due the next class. Note: Begin by ANNOTATING THE TEXT as you read! This should include underlining main ideas, highlighting important facts/details, circling unfamiliar vocabulary, writing notes and/or connections in the margins, etc. Specific directions for each section are given below.Summary (1 paragraph, 5 points): Read the entire article then summarize what the article is about in YOUR OWN WORDS. A good summary should include WHO did WHAT, WHERE it occurred, WHEN it happened, and WHY it is important.* Be careful not to plagiarize. This means do not just change a few words and copy the rest of the article. You need to rephrase the information in your OWN words. I want to know what you learned from reading the article. If you are using someone else’s words, you must put them in quotes.Vocabulary (3 words defined, 5 points): Circle at least three unfamiliar scientific vocabulary words from your article as you read. If you cannot find three, you may have to choose words that others might not know. Attach a vocabulary list (including definition) to your write-up.Reflection (1 paragraph, 5 points): This section of the assignment must include why it relates to science and/or how the information was beneficial to you or may be beneficial to someone else. For example, an article about pesticides might be relevant to a farmer or an article on a new drug might be relevant to someone who has cancer. DON’T FORGET TO ATTACH YOUR ANNOTATED ARTICLE TO THE BACK OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT BEFORE YOU TURN IT IN!!! (5 points)* turn this page over for suggested current event sources *0318770Suggested Current Events SourcesPrint / Online SourcesLocal newspaper!New York Times – newspaperWashington Times – newspaper Washington Post – newspaperLos Angeles Times – newspaperChicago Tribune – newspaper NBC – broadcast T.V. news CNN – cable T.V. U.S. News & World Report – magazineOnline-only SourcesPopular Science NewsStudent Sciencestudent.sciencenews-studentsTIME for Kidsnews-archive/scienceLive ScienceScience Daily00Suggested Current Events SourcesPrint / Online SourcesLocal newspaper!New York Times – newspaperWashington Times – newspaper Washington Post – newspaperLos Angeles Times – newspaperChicago Tribune – newspaper NBC – broadcast T.V. news CNN – cable T.V. U.S. News & World Report – magazineOnline-only SourcesPopular Science NewsStudent Sciencestudent.sciencenews-studentsTIME for Kidsnews-archive/scienceLive ScienceScience Daily ................

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