Career & Technical Education Leadership Development Program

Competency Guide Sheet

Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________________

Competency Number:

Competency Title: Successfully Utilizing Social Media

Criteria Selection: Which criteria on the LPAF for this competency will be checked as "N/A" and which will be checked as "Attained"?

"N/A" Criteria:

"Attained" Criteria:

Background (Theory) Resources: The definition of social media according to Merriam-Webster Online is any form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, pictures, and video. (Merriam-Webster Online) Popular social media applications include LinkedIn, Facebook, myspace, Twitter, google, and pinterest.

Social media applications can deliver advantages to people, companies, and schools alike. However, the nature of this format encourages the transmission of personal information that can lead to even the most cautious and well-meaning individual sharing information that should not be shared. ()

The key to successfully utilizing social media includes a balance of developing a social media marketing plan for a technology center, creating a social media framework in which the center’s employees can abide, and educating and training students to use social media to their benefit. It is most important to view social media as something that is not going away, and something that should be used productively, rather than devalued in schools. Doing so can mean an easier transition for students moving into the workplace. Properly trained students will be able to use social media to its fullest potential, and to their benefit, not detriment.

For this competency, please select an Internet site that addresses the following topics. Include the link as the final item on your documentation list. Include a copy of page one of the site with your completed competency.

• Using social media to market your school

• Marketing your education program with social media

• Creative ways to incorporate social media into the classroom (see link below)

• Developing an acceptable use policy

• Social media usage for teachers/administrators

• Educator’s inappropriate use of social media (see link below)


List of Key Points or Key Concepts: What in your reading did you find particularly important or valuable?






Documentation: As you develop this competency, document your actions. This documentation could include:

1. A copy of your center’s acceptable use policy.

2. Acceptable use policy of at least one other technology center/school district.

3. Discussion of your meeting with center administrators on additions/changes/updates to current policy.

4. A printout of a legal case documenting an educator’s misuse of social media.

5. Evidence of your role in facilitating faculty meeting regarding additions/changes/updates as they relate to students/faculty/administrators.

6. Discussion of how other centers/your home center use social media for marketing purposes.

7. Resource file (folder with internet printouts) of new and creative ways to use social media in the classroom.

8. Discussion/training with interested faculty on implementing social media into curriculum.



Competency: Successfully Utilizing Social Media


| |N/A |Not Attained |Attained |

|Criteria: | | | |

|the leadership intern: | | | |

|1. Reviewed legal case of educator’s inappropriate use of social media (see link below) | | | |

|2100-500202_162-6789897.html | | | |

|2. Revised/updated school’s acceptable use policy with any changes needed | | | |

|3. Discussed updates/revisions of acceptable use policy during a faculty meeting; discussed | | | |

|legal case of educator (from #1 above) with faculty | | | |

|4. Distributed resources/links to interested faculty on creative/innovative ways to use | | | |

|social media in the classroom | | | |

|5. Compared social media marketing plan of technology center against other technology centers| | | |

|social media marketing plans | | | |

|6. Discussed new/innovative ways social media could be used to promote technology center | | | |

|7. Developed a lesson plan discussing advantages/disadvantages, appropriate/inappropriate | | | |

|uses of social media with students | | | |

|8. Presented appropriate/productive ways to use social media in the classroom | | | |

____________ ______ ____________ ______ ___________ ______

Intern’s Initials Date SLRP’s Initials Date FRP’s Initials Date


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