Country Profile Status Update #1

Country Profile Status Update #3

Cultural/Political Geography

Name _______________________________ Country ________________________________

As you study for the third exam, be thinking also how your country might serve as an example of the cultural geography we’ve covered. Below is a checklist of the kinds of things you should be looking for. For each item – if they apply to your country – simply provide terms or a very brief (one sentence) explanation. If a subject doesn’t apply, write “no” or “none.” An easy way to search out this information is to Google the subject and your country’s name together. You should obtain population figures for 2011.


Total population 2011: __________

Total surface area (square miles): __________

Arable land area (sq. mi.): total __________ % arable __________

Farmed land area (sq. mi.): total __________ % farmed __________

Arithmetic density: __________

Physiologic density: __________

Agricultural density: __________

% persons engaged in agriculture: __________

Births per 1,000 population: __________

Deaths per 1,000 population: __________

Rate of natural increase (%): __________ (this is not births minus deaths)

Total fertility rate: __________

Stage of the Demographic Transition: __________

Average life expectancy: __________

Percentage of population under 15: __________

Percentage of population 65 and over: __________


Significant immigration issues: ___________________________________________________________

Significant emigration/refugee issues: ______________________________________________________

Is there a positive or negative migration balance?


Major language(s): _______________________________________________________

Official language(s): _________________________________________________________

Major religion(s): ______________________________________________________

Is there religious conflict?

Main racial/ethnic/tribal group(s): ___________________________________________________

Is there racial/ethnic/tribal conflict?


Was your country a colony of an imperial power and if so, which one?

When did your country become independent?

What part did your country play in Cold War?

Has the United States ever been involved in a war/conflict/intervention in your country?

What type of government does your country have?

Do hereditary rulers (kings and other royalty) have any role in the government?

Is your country suffering from internal conflicts/civil wars/insurgencies?

Is your country at war or in a conflict with another country now?

Is your country controlled by or occupied by forces from another country?


❖ A population pyramid (constructed using the Population Generator Excel spreadsheet)

❖ A population density map

❖ An ethnicity, religion, or language map of your country

❖ A picture of a religious landscape from your country

❖ An article about a recent news event for your country about a culturally/politically-related event


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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