Population Density: United States

Population Density: United States

Population Density is the term that describes the number of individuals occupying an area in relation to the size of that area. In this assignment you will calculate the population density of each US state. You will then use your calculations to create a population density map. In the last part of the assignment you will be asked to analyze the maps you have created.


1. Use the chart given to calculate the population density of each US state and the population density of the entire United States.

2. Then go through your calculations and any state that has a population density above 560, place a #1 in the RANK column. Any state that has a population density between 280-560, place a #2 in the Rank column…and so on.

3. Then, choose 5 colors to represent each of the following:

• Less than 70 people per square mile (Lightest) __________

• Between 70 and 140 _______

• Between 140 and 280 ________

• Between 280 and 560 ______

• 560 or more (Darkest Color) ____

• Make a key for the map and shade it in accordingly to create a Cloropleth map of the United States

4. Analyze the map and answer the following questions

1. 1) Where is most of the population of the U.S. concentrated?

2. 2) Where is the least densely populated area in the U.S.

3. 3) What state is the most densely populated

4. 4) What geographical features can account for the population density of the Midwestern states?

5. 5) How might geographical features have affected the population density of the United States?


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