France: Permanent Observer Country

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Date of Entry: September 20, 1972

National Day: July 14

Type of Government: Republic

Head of State: President Emmanuel Macron (May 15, 2017)

Head of Government: Primer Minister Jean Castex (July 3, 2020)

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development: Jean-Yves Le Drian (May 2017)

Permanent Observer: Ambassador Anne de la Blache (September 2018)

|ECONOMIC |2010 |2011 |2012 |


|2005 |$47,468.00 |$11,650,039.00 |0.41% |

|2006 |$255,538.00 |$19,060,470.00 |1.34% |

|2007 |$194,086.00 |$20,398,686.00 |0.95% |

|2008 |$197,597.00 |$22,684,500.00 |0.87% |

|2009 |$90,376.00 |$20,318,115.00 |0.44% |

|2010 |$486,656.00 |$15,781,991.00 |3.08% |

|2011 |$430,858.00 |$15,692,757.00 |2.75% |

|2012 |$344,216.00 |$13,239,105.00 |2.60% |

|2013 |$48,573.00 |$16,926,686.00 |0.29% |

|2014 |$200,565.00 |$10,999,882.00 |1.82% |

|2015 |$46,669.00 |$17,489,205.00 |0.27% |

|2016 |$177,658.00 |$14,048,254.00 |1.26% |

|2017 |$57,995.00 |$14,587,212.00 |0.39% |

|2018 |$105,263.00 |$16,135,360.00 |0.65% |

|2019 |$84,702.00 |$21,072,075.00 |0.40% |

|Total US$ |$2,768,220.00 |$250,084,337.00 |1.11% |



| | |IN US$ |IN US$ |

|1999 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) – International Civilian Mission in Haiti (MICIVIH) |$49,180.00 |  |

| |Trade Unit - Intern |  |$20,000.00 |

| |Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,000.00 |

| |Columbus Memorial Library - Book |  |$20.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Seminar in Martinique |  |$19,300.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$49,180.00 |$42,320.00 |

|2000 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) |$203,118.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) |$81,353.00 |  |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,000.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Anti-Drug Training Course for Central|  |$5,000.00 |

| |American Customs Officials, Martinique | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$284,471.00 |$8,000.00 |

|2001 |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – RECTOD |$29,000.00 |  |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,000.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Anti-Drug Training Course for Central|  |$5,000.00 |

| |American Customs Officials, Martinique | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$29,000.00 |$8,000.00 |

|2002 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) – Demining Program |$75,255.00 |  |

| |CICAD/CIFAD Andean Regional Seminar on Combating Money Laundering and Corruption |$31,858.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) - RECTOD |$29,316.00 |  |

| |OAS Special Mission in Haiti (Equipment and Technical Assistance) |  |$140,000.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Technical and Professional Assistance|  |$50,700.00 |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$2,500.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$136,429.00 |$193,200.00 |

|2003 |Sustainable Development Unit |$138,888.00 |  |

| |Office of the Assistant Secretary General – Special Mission in Haiti |$350,683.00 |  |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,760.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Technical Assistance |  |$99,600.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$489,571.00 |$103,360.00 |

|2004 |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) |$51,104.00 |$140,000.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Haiti |$150,024.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) – Demining Program |$72,984.00 |  |

| |Secretariat for Political Affairs (SPA) – Inter-American Forum on Political Parties |$66,902.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$341,014.00 |$140,000.00 |

|2005 |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – General Fund |$47,468.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Anti-Money Laundering Support |  |$96,000.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$47,468.00 |$96,000.00 |

|2006 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Support to Human Rights Activities in Haiti |$171,304.00 |  |

| |Department of External Relations (DER) – Lecture Series of the Americas |$11,994.00 |  |

| |Summit Follow-Up – American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |$20,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) |$52,240.00 |  |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Professor, Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,000.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$255,538.00 |$3,000.00 |

|2007 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) |$65,395.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) |$10,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission Against Terrorism (CICTE) |$10,000.00 |  |

| |Indigenous Rights |$20,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) |$20,000.00 |  |

| |Department of External Relations (DER) |$5,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) |$53,691.00 |  |

| |Emergency Relief Fund (FONDEM) |$10,000.00 |  |

| |Department of International Law (DIL) – Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro |  |$3,000.00 |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – Training Seminars in Colombia |  |$30,000.00 |

| SUBTOTAL |$194,086.00 |$33,000.00 |

|2008 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Projects in Haiti |$60,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission on Women (CIM) – Course on Empowerment, HIV, and Violence against Women|$23,000.00 |  |

| |in the Caribbean | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Office of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom |$15,000.00 |  |

| |of Expression | | |

| |Working Group to Prepare the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |$12,385.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission Against Terrorism (CICTE) |$10,000.00 |  |

| |Department of International Affairs (DIA) – Lecture Series of the Americas |$5,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) |$62,212.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund (FONDEM) |$10,000.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$197,597.00 |  |

|2009 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom |$10,000.00 |  |

| |of Expression | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Individual Cases in Haiti |$23,800.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) - Counternarcotics |$56,576.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$90,376.00 |  |

|2010 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom |$8,073.00 |  |

| |of Expression | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) |$18,837.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) – General Activities |$51,808.00 |  |

| |Secretariat for Legal Affairs – Department of International Law - Professor, Course on |  |$10,365.00 |

| |International Law in Rio de Janeiro | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)– OAS Electoral Observation Mission to|$277,778.00 |  |

| |Haiti | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission |$130,160.00 |  |

| |to Haiti – Second Round | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$486,656.00 |$10,365.00 |

|2011 |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission |$138,888.89 |  |

| |to Haiti – Second Round | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Strategic Plan 2011-2015 |$251,100.00 |  |

| |Secretariat for Multidimensional Security / Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission – |$40,869.00 |  |

| |Forfeited Assets Latin America | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$430,857.89 |  |

|2012 |Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (DSDSM) – Mission to Support the Peace |$250,000.00 |  |

| |Process in Colombia (MAPP/OEA) | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Strategic Plan 2011-2015 |$20,951.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom |$10,475.08 |  |

| |of Expression | | |

| |Fund for OAS Electoral Observation Missions |$62,790.00 |  |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Exchange between Electoral |  |$2,958.00 |

| |Organizations Agreement Electoral Cooperation SG / Observatorio de America Latina y el Caribe | | |

| |(OPALC) | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$351,736.19 |$2,958.00 |

|2013 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom |$15,494.00 |  |

| |of Expression | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Strategic Plan 2011-2015 |$30,988.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) - 20th Anniversary Convention Belem do Para |$2,091.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$48,573.00 |  |

|2014 |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Fund for OAS Electoral Observation |$200,565.00 |  |

| |Missions (€150,000, Agreement signed April 21, 2014) | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, |$24,691.36 |  |

| |Rapporteurship on the Rights of Afro-Descendants and against Racial Discrimination, and | | |

| |activities related to abolition of the death penalty) | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$225,256.36 |  |

|2015 |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, |$21,978.02 | |

| |activities related to abolition of the death penalty-20,000 euros) | | |

| |Inter-American Commission for Women (2,500 euros) |$2,686.125 | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – Freedom of |$7,326.00 | |

| |Expression 2015-2017 | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – Program 1 – |$16,461.00 | |

| |Direction in Law | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – Program 4. |$7,326.00 | |

| |Afro-descendants | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 4. Deprived of Liberty|$7,326.00 | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – Strengthening |$8,230.00 | |

| |Freedom of Expression | | |

|SUBTOTAL |$46,669.00 | |

|2016 |The Permanent Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women CIM – Contributions to CIM |$2,660.00 | |

| |The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation – EOM 2014 Haiti |$150,000.00 | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Freedom of |$7,246.00 | |

| |Expression 2015-17 | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Program 2 – |$14,493.00 | |

| |Individual Petition Syst. | | |

| |The Permanent Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women CIM – Contributions to CIM |$3,260.00 | |

|SUBTOTAL |$177,658.00 | |

|2017 |The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation – EOM |$57,995.00 | |

|SUBTOTAL |$57,995.00 | |

| |

| |

|2018 |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Freedom of |$7,752.00 | |

| |Expression 2015-17 | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Program 2 – |$15,504.00 | |

| |Individual Petition Syst. | | |

| |The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation – EOM |$56,330.00 | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Monitoring |$7,752.00 | |

| |Capacity | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Strategic Plan|$15,504.00 | |

| |General Funds | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Freedom of |$2,422.00 | |

| |Expression 2018-2021 | | |

|Subtotal |$105,263.00 | |

|2019 |The Permanent Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women CIM – Contributions to CIM |$3,487.00 | |

| |The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation – EOM |$55,200.00 | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Objective 1 – |$10,321.00 | |

| |Promote Justice | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Objective 5 – |$12,000.00 | |

| |Inst. Mngt. IACHR | | |

| |The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR – Monitoring |$3,694.00 | |

| |Capacity | | |

|Subtotal |$84,702 | |

|GRAND TOTAL |$4,088,096.44 |$640,203.00 |



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This page was last updated on November 18, 2020.





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