Social Studies 11 Unit 1-1 Reading Guide Key

Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues, 2nd Ed.

Reading Guide for Chapter 11 | |

____ / 85

Population Trends and Issues

Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues, 2nd Ed., Chapter 11, pages 356-385

World Population Growth: page 358

1. How long did it take the Earth's population to grow from 300 million to one billion?

Demography: pages 358-364

2. What is "demography"?

3. For what is demographic information used?

4. What is a "census"?

5. What agency collects census data in Canada?

6. What is a "developed country"?

7. What is a "developing country"?

8. Why might a census in a developing country be less accurate than one conducted in Canada?

9. What is meant by the term "birth rate"?

10. What is meant by the term "death rate"?

11. What is meant by the term "immigration rate"?

12. What is meant by the term "emigration rate"?

13. Which country in Figure 11-7 has the most children born in a given day?

14. Which country in Figure 11-7 has the highest birth rate?

15. Why might Russia have the highest death rate of the four countries listed in Figure 11-7?

16. What is meant by the term "natural increase"?

17. What is meant by the term "exponential rate of growth"?

18. What is meant by the "rule of 70"?

19. What is meant by the term "doubling time"?

20. How long would it take for Canada's population to double if it did not take in immigrants?

21. What is "net migration"?

22. What are "economic migrants"?

23. How can large-scale migrations affect the populations of countries?

24. From where have many of Canada's immigrants come in the last few decades?

25. What is meant by the term "population growth rate"?

The Demographic Revolution: pages 365-369

26. Why did the population grow only slowly prior to the 1700s?

27. What does the term "life expectancy" mean?

28. Why was the average person's life expectancy only around 30 before the 1700s?

29. Why did families tend to have many children prior to the 1700s?

30. Why did population rise after the 1750s?

31. What contributed to a decline in the birth rate in Europe and North America in the 1930s and 1940s?

32. Why did the population grow rapidly in less developed countries after WWII?

33. What is the "demographic transition model"?

34. Define "industrialization".

35. Define "urbanization".

36. On what is the demographic transition model based?

37. Why might the model not apply to areas such as Africa?

38. What is "family planning"?

39. What is the "rhythm method"?

40. Why might it not have been an effective birth control method in India in the 1950s?

41. What is "sterilization"?

42. What is a "vasectomy"?

43. What is "coercion"?

44. Do you believe that any government is justified in setting limits on the rights of individuals to have children? Explain.

45. What is "contraception"?

46. Define the term "total fertility rate".

47. What was the "one-child policy"?

48. Define "infanticide".

49. What is "gender selection"?

Population Profiles: pages 370-374

50. What is a "population pyramid"?

51. What are "age cohorts"?

52. Which of the pyramid models in figure 11-17 best represents Canada's population?

53. How do you think Canada's population pyramid in figure 11-19 will change over the next 20 years?

54. Why might the birth of more males than females become a problem for China in the future?

55. What do you think caused this imbalance?

56. What is the "dependency ratio"?

57. What is meant by the term "dependency load"?

58. What was Canada's dependency load in 2006?

59. What does the Japanese government consider to be a major problem facing it in the future?

60. What problem faces developing countries with a large and growing young population?

Canada’s Population – Past and Future: pages 375-379

61. How has Canada's life expectancy changed since 1900?

62. How has the increased number of seniors affected Canada's social and medical services?

63. Why has Canada encouraged more immigration in recent decades?

64. What is the Canadian governments target for immigration?

65. How many immigrants does Canada actually attract each year?

66. What is "accreditation"?

67. Why does Canada find it a challenge to attract young skilled workers?

68. What accounts for a large part of Canada's immigration budget?

69. Why might Canada's Aboriginal population be rising?

70. Who was Thomas Malthus?

71. What do the "neo-Malthusians" predict?

72. What does the term "carrying capacity" mean?

73. What is meant by the term "ecological footprint"?

74. What do William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel say about humankind's ecological footprint?

75. What do the "cornucopians" believe?

76. What is DJ Bogue's theory of "demographic regulation"?

77. What is the major problem in preventing famines?

Where Do Six Billion-Plus People Live?: pages 380-383

78. What is meant by the term "population distribution"?

79. What does the term "ecumene" mean?

80. Where does most of the earth's population live?

81. What is meant by the term "population density"?

82. What is Canada's population density?

83. Why is this figure misleading?

84. To what does the term "nutritional density" refer?

85. Compare farmland in the Fraser Valley with farmland in southern China.


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