WEBQUEST : A tour of New York City To start with

WEBQUEST : A tour of New York City To start with...

Cette webquest est très largement inspirée du travail élaboré par Michelle Henry (ac. Nancy-Metz)

|population |17- What do the 7 spikes represent ? |

|1- What is the population of the USA : |Here are some views of the monument |

|2- What is the population of New York City : |18- What's the name of the island situated not far from the Statue |

|3- Name New York City's 5 boroughs : |of Liberty ? What was it ? |

|4- What is New York City's nickname? |19- Before going out of the centre and entering the USA, immigrants |

|5- What are the possible origins of this nickname ? |had to stop 8 times (click on "continue tour" to view the 8 stops) .|

|6- List the famous New Yorkers you know : |List those stops and write one or two sentences (do NOT copy) to |

|Discovering the city... |explain why they had to stop. |

|7- There are many ways to visit NYC. List the ones you would like to|20- The marathon finishes in Central Park. Have a look at the sports|

|try |you can practice and list 4 that you would like to try. |

|8- What about this one ? Make sentence using "would" and 3 |21- Here is a winter sport. What is it ? Have you ever practised or |

|adjectives to give your opinion. |would you like ? |

|9- I'm sure you know the famous marathon. Where does it start and |22- And, of course, what else can you visit ? |

|where does it finish ? |A few famous buildings in Manhattan ! |

|10- Near the start, what famous bridge do the runners cross ? Which |23- Name this one. How many members are there ? |

|boroughs does it link ? |24- What kind of building is this ? Who was Chrysler ( see |

|11- Write down its main characteristics : opening year / towers |"details") ? |

|height / length between the towers |25- Give the name of this building. How many elevators are there ? (|

|12- Why is it called the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge ? |see p.3) |

|13- When you are in Brooklyn, you can see the symbol of the USA. |26- Some famous films were shot there. What is it ? List those |

|What is it ? |you've seen or heard of. |

|14- Find the following information : title / location / sculptor / |And now a bit of sightseeing in Manhattan ... |

|engineer. |27- Are the streets and avenues in Manhattan parallel or |

|15- Who was it presented to ? By whom ? when ? why ? |perpendicular ? |

|16- Height from base of the torch  ? |28- Where can you go shopping ? |

| |29- When & where is the famous parade ? More photos here. |

| |30- What is the Crossroad of the World ? |

| |31- What happens there every New Year's Eve ? |

| |32- Give the name of this famous area. More photos here. |

| |Want some more ? Go there & enjoy ! |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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