French Revolution video – Part 1


French Revolution Video Questions

1. The palace of Versailles is located ___________ miles outside Paris

2. Louis XVI was _________yrs. old and Marie Antoinette was __________yrs. old when they got married.

3. Marie Antoinette was from what country?____________________________

4. People outside Versailles were deprived and ______________________________

5. The population of France rose from 20million to ___________________________ in the 18th Century

6. 4 yrs. after the wedding, Louis XV dies from ________________________ and Louis XVI becomes King.

7. Louis XVI sends troops to help the Americans defeat the British in the ____________________Revolution

8. Marie Antoinette was obsessed with _____________________________ like towering hair-do’s

9. Marie Antoinette’s nickname was ____________________________________

10. Bad harvests = no flour = NO _______________________________________!

11. The essence of life in France during the 18th century was________________________________________

12. By 1789, a loaf of bread cost a _____________________________________________________

13. In order to fix France’s problems, a __________________ minister was named

14. Kg. Louis XVI called a meeting of the ______________________________ which had not met for 175 yrs.

15. May 4th, 1789, Robespierre went to Versailles to speak on behalf of which Estate?____________________

16. June 20th, 1789 – 3rd Estate is locked out of mtg. hall and must go and meet where?__________________ They take an oath that they will not leave until they have a what?_________________________________

17. By early July of 1789, Louis XVI begins having what gather around Paris?__________________________

18. The National Assembly’s army is called the ______________________________ Guard

19. People steal guns, but the guns lack gunpowder – where do they go to get the gunpowder_______________

20. July 14, 1789 – a new flag is born. What are the order of the colors from left to right?__________________

21. What do the people of Paris do to the head guardsmen of where the gunpowder is?___________________

22. Where was Louis XVI when all of this rioting was happening in Paris?________________________________

23. According to the ______________________________________________________, class dictation would be abolished, all men would be created equal, and sovereignty belonged to the people.

24. Jean Paul Marat started a _______________________________________ called the “A Friend of the People”

25. On Oct. 5th women gather together to protest the shortage of what?_____________________________

26. Those women march to Versailles and demand that the King & Queen move to where?_______________

27. What do the women do to the Kings guards?_________________________________________________

28. What was Robespierre’s nickname?_________________________________________________________

29. June 21, 1791 – what do Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette try to do?_________________________________

30. What is the guillotine? _____________________________________________________________________

31. April, 1792 - The National Assembly declares war on whom? _______________________________________

32. Aug. 1792 - the King lost his title and the French _______________________________________ was born

33. The Sans Culotte are led by a loud, full of life person who inspires the people of France to go to the battle front and fight the enemy. His last name is what?_________________________________________

34. Sept. 1792 – The Sans-Cullote break into prisons & slaughter#_______people accused of helping the enemy

35. Robespierre puts Kg. Louis XVI on trial for what?________________________________________________

36. On Jan. 21, 1793, Kg. Louis XVI is sent to the Guillotine at _____:_____ a.m.

37. Charlotte Corday is appalled at the killings and goes to Paris to kill whom? ____________________________

38. Oct. 15, 1793 – Marie Antoinette is put on trial for 3 things – name 2

39. The violent repression where enemies of the Republic were executed was called “The Reign of ___________”

40. The 12 man council that was organized w/Robespierre as the head was called the what?_________________

41. “De-Christianization” was the destruction of what church?__________________________________________

42. French armies begin to see victories under the leadership of whom?_________________________________

43. Danton organizes a group to speak out against Robespierre’s plan of “terror w/virtue” – what happens to Danton and his followers?__________________________________________________________________

44. June 6, 1794 – death carts come to a halt in honor of a new holy ____________________________is held.

45. June 28, 1794 – Robespierre is arrested. Where he is being held, he tries to commit what?______________

46. July ______, 1794 – Robespierre is sent to the Guillotine – the only way to end “terror” is to kill him.

47. 5 yrs. will pass before power will be put into the hands of a great army commander named_______________


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