Name_______________________ Date___________________ Period

Name_______________________ Date___________________ Period______________


Geography is used to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future.

Directions: Use Units 1 and 2 of textbook, library books, and other resources to complete the following. The textbook is online, and a link is on my webpage.

What is geography? _______________________________________________________

List the 6 elements of geography and briefly describe. Then use the city of Petal to

give an example of each. One has been done for you as an example. (page RA44)


|1.World in Spatial Terms | | |

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|2.Places and Regions | | |

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| | | |

|3.Physical Systems | | |

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|4.Human Systems | | |

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|5.Environment and Society | | |

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|6. Uses of Geography |- apply geography to interpret the past |-using city data to expand school system |

| |- apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future |-weather data to plan evacuation services |

| | |(Katrina) |

3. Using the map below, identify and label the 7 continents and 4 oceans.


4. Which lines of latitude and longitude divide the Earth into hemispheres? ______________________________________________

5. The theory of the ____________________________________ states

The continents once formed a giant landmass then slowly drifted apart.

6. Give two examples of how internal forces have shaped the Earth’s surface. ____________________________________________________

7. What is the current estimated population of the world? _____________

What is it expected to be in the year 2050? ______________________

8. Birthrate - number of births per year for every 1000 people

Death rate - number of deaths per year for every 1000 people

Zero population growth occurs when __________________________


9. Justify why the world is divided into 24 times zones? (page R16 )


10. Use colored pencils or an effective numbering system to identify the following on

the map below. Create a map key. NO points given without an effective map key.

*Rocky Mountains *Appalachian Mountains *Death Valley *Continental Divide

*5 Great Lakes *Hudson Bay *Mount Denali *Grand Canyon

*Mississippi River *Greenland *Alaska *Hawaii

*Gulf of Mexico *Pacific Ocean *Atlantic Ocean *Arctic Ocean


11. Currently, there are a total of ___________territories of the United States, five of which are inhabited: Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Marianas, United States Virgin Islands and American Samoa.

12. The United States and Canada form a geographic region of enormous physical variety and breathtaking landforms.

a. ________________________ -Alaskan mountain range; 20,320 feet; highest point in North America.

b. ________________________ - is the longest mountain chain in North America stretching more than 3,000 miles from Mexico to Alaska.

c. The _____________________________, also called the Great Divide, is a mountain ridge that runs north and south and separates the flow of water on the continent. On the eastern side of the divide all streams flow toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. On the western side all water flows toward the Pacific Ocean.

d. __________________________ - a enormous gorge of the Colorado River in northern Arizona; deepest at 6,000 feet

e. The Great Basin cradles __________________________, an arid desert basin of eastern California and western Nevada. Its lowest point is 282 ft. below sea level.

f. ________________________ are North America’s oldest mountains and are the second longest mountain range.

g. _______________________ made up of volcanic islands; 8 major islands and 124 smaller ones.

h. ________________________ is the world’s largest island.

i. Lake Itasca, Minnesota is the source of the _____________________________ which is 2,357 miles long. It is one of the world’s largest commercial waterways.

j. The _________________________ is a group of five lakes and connecting waterways: the largest group of lakes in the world: constitutes the most important system of inland waterways in the world.

k. The ________________________________is a large inland sea in Canada and the second largest bay in the world after the Bay of Bengal.

l. ____________________________________ -world’s first national park; larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined; 3472 square miles; 96% in Wyoming.

m. _____________________________ is the deepest lake in the United States and the seventh deepest in the world. At times you can see over 100 feet down which makes it a popular tourist attraction.


13. List 2 descriptions of how physical geography in the United States influenced U.S. history, culture, and government.



14. Identify historical and current factors that have likely contributed to making French Canadians protective of their culture.


15.______________________________ -agreements involve cooperation between at least two countries to reduce trade barriers – import quotas and tariffs – and to increase trade of goods and services with each other.

16. _______________________________________________________- is a three-country accord negotiated by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States that entered into force in January 1994.

17. Both the U.S. and Canada have market economies. What is a market economy? ___________________________________________________

18. Much of this island’s tourism revolves around fauna and flora. The most sought after wild life includes polar bears, humpback whales, walruses, and sea eagles. July is the only month in which temperatures reach above freezing. _______________________________

19. U.S. and Canada face many environmental challenges today. Complete the chart below.

20. United States and Canada are developing _______________________

economies, which place less emphasis on heavy industry and traditional manufacturing and more emphasis on service and high-tech businesses. (Silicon Valley, California)

21. What is the current estimated population of the United States? ______________________

22. What is the most densely populated area of the United States? _________________________________________________

23. What is the literacy rate of the United States and Canada? _____________________

24. How does Canada’s population density compare to that of the

United States? ________________________________________

25. Many Canadians and Americans enjoy a high standard of living. Justify what that means. __________________________________


26. What are Canada’s two official languages?

______________________ ______________________

27. What are the two main languages spoken in Greenland today?

_______________________ _________________________





Directions: Listen CLOSELY to all product presentations, and complete.

Physical Feature Presentation: Region/Country? ________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

U.S. Connections Presentation: Region/Country? ___________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

Travel Brochure Presentation: Country? ___________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

5 Day Vacation Itinerary Presentation: Country? ________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

National Geographic Interview Presentation: Region/Country? _______________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

Culture Map Presentation: Country? _______________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

Theme Park Presentation: Country? _______________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

Time Capsule Presentation: Country? _______________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

A Day in the Life (Comparing Countries) Presentation:

Country 1_______________Country 2__________________ Country 3__________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ___________________________________________________________________

Scientific Research Team: Country? _______________________

1. Concept: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fact: ________________________________________________________________________

|Unit Requirements: |

|United States, Canada, and Greenland |

|Bellwork: _____________________ (4 points each) |

|Studyguide Topics: _____________ (2 points each) |

|E-Bar Completion: ______________ (3 points each) |

|Paragraph/Writing: _____________ (10 points) |

|Video Analysis: _______________ (10 points) |

|Peer Evaluations: ________________(2 points each) |

|[pic]CLASSWORK GRADE: ___________________ |

|(recorded as a test grade) |

| |

| |

|DBQ Focus Lesson: _____________ (60 points) |

|Nearpod Responses: _____________ (40 points) |

|[pic]DBQ GRADE : _________________________ |

|(recorded as a daily grade) |






E-Bar : Explain, Elaborate, and give Examples _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





















Acid Rain




crops and


soil and



Cars and factories

release chemical

emissions such

as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that react with water

vapor in the air.














“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

Saint Augustine


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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