Installing the HDP5000 printer driver on a Mac OS X system

Installing the HDP5000 printer driver on a Mac OS X system.

This document assumes the connection to the HDP5000 printer will be via a USB connection.

Open the Finder Utility and browse to the location where you downloaded the HDP5000 driver. Double click the zipped driver file to unzip it.


Double click the unzipped driver file, HDP5000 V1.0.0.4.pkg to begin the install process.



When the driver install Introduction page opens, click the Continue button in the lower right corner


In the Destination Select/Installation type window, do not change the installation location. Click the Install button in the lower right corner.



If/when requested, enter the required password to continue with the installation.


When the Summary window indicates the Install Succeeded, click the Close button in the lower right corner.



Open your web browser and go to

to open the CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) home page and click the Add Printer button.


In the Add New Printer window:

1: Enter a name for the printer.

2: Enter a brief description of the printer’s location.

3: Enter a brief description of the printer itself.

When finished, click the Continue button



In the device window, select Internet Printing Protocol ipp.


After selecting Internet Printing Protocol ipp, click the Continue button.



Enter the IP address for the printer followed by the Port number ( use 9100) using the


format, where the aaa.c.ddd is the IP address of the printer. Then click the Continue button.


In the Make/Manufacturer window select Fargo Electronics from the Make: list. Then Click the Continue button.



In the Model/Driver window select the HDP5000 from the Model: list. Then click the Add Printer button button.


This completes the installation of the HDP5000 networked printer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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