Netgear Router Setup For Falcon 4

Netgear Router Setup For Falcon 4

By: Steven “Killer” Miller

Version 1.1 Updated 2-20-2003

To use Falcon 4 behind a Netgear NAT Router for Multiplayer, you must first open a couple of ports.

The concept of Port Forwarding simply means that all data coming in on a particular port will be forwarded to a specific machine on the network. We need to tell Falcon where to send our Multiplayer data. To accomplish this we will need to perform the following tasks:

1. Find your local machine (Falcon machine!) LAN IP address.

2. Enter the Netgear User Interface.

3. Find your WAN IP address.

4. Configure the Advanced/Ports (Port Forwarding) screen.

5. Update Falcon command line with WAN IP

6. Using Jetnet

7. Using Hyperlobby

Find Your local machine LAN IP Address

To find your local machine LAN IP Address, select Start Menu /Run and enter WINIPCFG. This will give you a screen that looks like this – Select your NIC card from the drop-down menu. I have a Netgear FA311 Fast Ethernet card.


My local LAN IP for this machine is

Enter the Netgear User Interface

To enter the Netgear User Interface, open your web browser and type in (Default) – This is your Router’s IP. Supply ID and Password.

Find Your WAN IP Address

To find your WAN IP address, select the “Maintenance” tab. You will see a screen like this:


Your WAN IP address is listed under “WAN Port”.

Configure The Advanced/Ports (Port Forwarding) Screen

To open the ports for Falcon, select Advanced then Ports. You will see a screen like this:


Here is where we can open ports and “Forward” data to the local (Falcon) machine.

Above we identified the local IP as with WINIPCFG. We can enter the ports and IP now. Above is a sample that opens ports for Falcon 4, Jetnet, and Roger Wilco.

Falcon Online Multiplay: 2934 and 2935

Falcon Jetnet: 7778, 27900, 27910, 28900

Falcon Internal Voice Comms: 2936 and 2937

Roger Wilco (Optional): 3782 and 3783

Notice in some cases you can enter a series of ports like 2934 thru 2935 (Start and End port).

Update the Falcon 4 command line

To tell Falcon 4 where to send the multiplayer data, enable the command line switch “-IP where is your WAN (Not LAN) IP.

Right click on the Falcon icon and select Properties. You will see a screen like this:


Add the WAN IP here and click APPLY.

Using Jetnet

If you have trouble connecting to Jetnet make sure falcon is using the correct Jetnet IP (Check Frugals World for help locating the Jetnet IP – Currently it is This can be changed by editing the FalconSP.cfg file, and updating the “// Internet hostname of master server” section if necessary.

Here is an example of the FalconSP.cfg file that has been edited with the new Jetnet IP, and other optional information.

// JetNet settings

// Advertise multi player games to global master server

set g_bEnableUplink 0

// Internet hostname of master server

set g_sMasterServerName ""

// Port on which the master server listens for server advertisements

set g_nMasterServerPort 27910

// The name of your server how players will see in the server browser

set g_sServerName "Killer Miller's Falcon Server - No Trees"

// The geographical location of the server

set g_sServerLocation "Seattle, WA"

// The name of the server administrator (optional)

set g_sServerAdmin "Killer Miller"

// Email account of the server administrator (optional)

set g_sServerAdminEmail "SMiller435@"

Using Hyperlobby

To ensure that these parameters are used with Hyperlobby, open the HLPRO.INI file in the Hyperlobby directory.

Locate the section for Falcon 4.0 SuperPak 3.

Here is an example of the updated Falcon section that includes the WAN –ip, -nomovie, and -bandwidth parameters.

[Falcon 4.0 Superpack 3]


;customize commandline parameters for the game ...




clientcmd=-ip -nomovie -bandwidth 110

hostcmd=-ip -nomovie -bandwidth 110

Description=Killer's game



Remember, when your WAN IP changes, you’ll need to change it here if you plan to use Hyperlobby.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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