Secretary of State of Washington

This schedule applies to: Port Districts and other Local Government AgenciesScope of records retention scheduleThis records retention schedule authorizes the destruction/transfer of public records of Port Districts and all other agencies relating to functions including economic development (tourism, trade, job creation, etc.) and transport (rail, airports, marine terminals, shipping/freight/industrial storage, etc.). This schedule is to be used in conjunction with the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE), which authorizes the destruction/transfer of public records common to all local government agencies. xe "payroll" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "financial" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "accounting" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "benefits (human resources)" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "staff records" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "electronic information systems" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "mail/delivery" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "public disclosure" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "records management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "human resources" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "asset management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "fleet/motor pool" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "minutes" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "contracts" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "security" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "maintenance" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "inventories" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "design/construction" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "construction" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "boards/councils/committees" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "community relations" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "legal (advice, litigation, legal affairs) " \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "property management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "glossary of terms" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "executive communications" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "governing bodies" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "meetings" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "plans" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "billing" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "certification (airport)" \t "see CORE, Authorizations/Certifications" \f “subject” xe "application (foreign trade zone)" \t "see CORE, Authorizations/Certifications" \f “subject” xe "foreign trade zone applications" \t "see CORE, Authorizations/Certifications" \f “subject” Disposition of public recordsPublic records covered by records series within this records retention schedule (regardless of format) must be retained for the minimum retention period as specified in this schedule. Washington State Archives strongly recommends the disposition of public records at the end of their minimum retention period for the efficient and effective management of local resources. Public records designated as “Archival (Permanent Retention)” must not be destroyed. Records designated as “Archival (Appraisal Required)” must be appraised by the Washington State Archives before disposition. Public records must not be destroyed if they are subject to ongoing or reasonably anticipated litigation. Such public records must be managed in accordance with the agency’s policies and procedures for legal holds. Public records must not be destroyed if they are subject to an existing public records request in accordance with chapter 42.56 RCW. Such public records must be managed in accordance with the agency’s policies and procedures for public records requests.Revocation of previously issued records retention schedulesAll previously approved disposition authorities for records that are covered by this retention schedule are revoked, including those listed in all general and agency unique retention schedules. Local government agencies should take measures to ensure that the retention and disposition of public records is in accordance with current approved records retention schedules. AuthorityThis records retention schedule was approved by the Local Records Committee in accordance with RCW 40.14.070 on June 3, 2020.Signature on FileSignature on FileSignature on FileFor the State Auditor: Al Rose For the Attorney General: Matt KernuttThe State Archivist: Steve ExcellREVISION HISTORYVersionDate of ApprovalExtent of Revision1.0November 29, 2012New sector schedule created from records series imported from version 5.2 of the Local Government General Records Retention Schedule (LGGRRS), which has been dismantled. All disposition authority numbers (DANs) have been assigned a prefix of “ED” and a revision number of “0” (zero). A glossary of terms is located in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).1.1June 3, 2020Minor revisions to the Transport section.For assistance and advice in applying this records retention schedule, please contact your agency’s Records Officeror Washington State Archives at:recordsmanagement@sos. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \t "**Functions,1,#1 ACTIVITIES,2" 1.AGENCY MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc31355235 \h 41.1CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS PAGEREF _Toc31355236 \h 42.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PAGEREF _Toc31355237 \h 53.TRANSPORT PAGEREF _Toc31355238 \h 6INDEXES PAGEREF _Toc31355239 \h 9AGENCY MANAGEMENTThe function relating to the overarching management of the local government agency and its general administration where not covered by CORE.CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTSThe activity of managing contracts and agreements entered into by the local government agency and processes involved in the development of such contracts and agreements, where not covered by CORE.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONED55-04-07xe "ED55-04-07" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Customer FilesIncludes applications and contracts. XE "customers” \f “subject” XE "contracts” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after termination of agreement thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) XE “AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Contracts and Agreements:Customer Files” \f “archival” ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery) XE “AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Contracts and Agreements:Customer Files” \f “essential” OPRECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION AND DISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONED55-04-09xe "ED55-04-09" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Foreign Trade Zone Application XE "foreign trade zone” \f “subject” XE "foreign trade zones” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after termination of agreement thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) XE “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:Foreign Trade Zone Application” \f “archival” NON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-14xe "ED55-04-14" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Tariff MemorandumDocumentation of tariffs and history of tariff changes. XE "tariffs” \f “subject” Retain until obsolete or superseded thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMTRANSPORTDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONED55-04-01xe "ED55-04-01" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Airline Statistics XE "airports/airlines/aircraft” \f “subject” Retain for 3 years after end of calendar year thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) XE “TRANSPORT:Airline Statistics” \f “archival” NON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-03xe "ED55-04-03" \f ”dan” Rev.0Cargo Handling and Storage DocumentationInventories, delivery and receiving records, orders, tonnage reports, stock transfers, warehouse receipts. XE "cargo handling/storage” \f “subject” XE "reports:tonnage” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after end of fiscal year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRED55-04-04xe "ED55-04-04" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Civil Aeronautics Board Dockets and Related Files XE "Civil Aeronautics Board” \f “subject” XE "Aeronautics Board” \f “subject” Retain for 5 years after end of calendar year thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) XE “TRANSPORT:Civil Aeronautics Board Dockets and Related Files” \f “archival” NON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-05xe "ED55-04-05" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Cold Storage Time and Temperature Records XE "cold storage” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRED55-04-08xe "ED55-04-08" \f ”dan” Rev. 0F.A.A. Regulatory Files XE "FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)” \f “subject” Retain for 5 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-10xe "ED55-04-10" \f ”dan” Rev. 0International Customs Reports XE "international customs” \f “subject” XE "reports:international customs” \f “subject” Retain for 5 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-11xe "ED55-04-11" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Landing Fee Reports XE "landing fees” \f “subject” XE "reports:landing fees” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRED55-04-12xe "ED55-04-12" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Longshore Work Reports and PayrollNote: Pacific Maritime Association retains primary copy. XE "longshore workers (port districts)” \f “subject” XE "reports:longshore workers” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after report submitted thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMED55-04-15xe "ED55-04-15" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Transient Aircraft FilesBilling, landing fees, gate usage, and ticket counter fees. XE "transient aircraft” \f “subject” XE "airports/airlines/aircraft” \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after end of fiscal year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRED55-04-16xe "ED55-04-16" \f ”dan” Rev. 1Vessel FilesCargo manifests, bills of lading discharge list, dockage report. XE "vessels” \f “subject” XE "reports:dockage" \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRED55-04-17xe "ED55-04-17" \f ”dan” Rev. 1Vessel Logs and Passenger ManifestsRecord of each visit by vessel (including passenger manifests). XE "vessels” \f “subject” XE "passenger manifests (vessels)” \f “subject” Retain 6 years after last entry in log thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) XE “TRANSPORT:Vessel Logs and Passenger Manifests” \f “archival” NON-ESSENTIALOPRINDEXESARCHIVAL RECORDS INDEXSee the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE) for additional “Archival” records. INDEX \f "ARCHIVAL" \e "" \c "2" \z "1033" \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT AGENCY MANAGEMENTContracts and AgreementsCustomer Files4ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTForeign Trade Zone Application5TRANSPORTAirline Statistics6Civil Aeronautics Board Dockets and Related Files6Vessel Logs and Passenger Manifests8ESSENTIAL RECORDS INDEXSee the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE) for additional “Essential” records. INDEX \f "essential" \e "" \c "2" \z "1033" \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT AGENCY MANAGEMENTContracts and AgreementsCustomer Files4DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBERS (DAN’S) INDEX INDEX \f "dan" \e "" \c "4" \z "1033" ED55-04-016ED55-04-036ED55-04-046ED55-04-056ED55-04-074ED55-04-087ED55-04-095ED55-04-107ED55-04-117ED55-04-127ED55-04-145ED55-04-157ED55-04-168ED55-04-178SUBJECT INDEXNote: The use in this index of CORE refers to the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule. INDEX \f "subject" \e "" \c "3" \h "A" \z "1033" Aaccountingsee COREAeronautics Board6airports/airlines/aircraft6, 7application (foreign trade zone)see CORE, Authorizations/Certificationsasset managementsee COREBbenefits (human resources)see COREbillingsee COREboards/councils/committeessee CORECcargo handling/storage6certification (airport)see CORE, Authorizations/CertificationsCivil Aeronautics Board6cold storage6community relationssee COREconstructionsee COREcontracts4, see COREcustomers4Ddesign/constructionsee COREEelectronic information systemssee COREexecutive communicationssee COREFFAA (Federal Aviation Administration)7financialsee COREfleet/motor poolsee COREforeign trade zone5foreign trade zone applicationssee CORE, Authorizations/Certificationsforeign trade zones5Gglossary of termssee COREgoverning bodiessee COREHhuman resourcessee COREIinternational customs7inventoriessee CORELlanding fees7legal (advice, litigation, legal affairs)see CORElongshore workers (port districts)7Mmail/deliverysee COREmaintenancesee COREmeetingssee COREminutessee COREPpassenger manifests (vessels)8payrollsee COREplanssee COREproperty managementsee COREpublic disclosuresee CORERrecords managementsee COREreportsdockage8international customs7landing fees7longshore workers7tonnage6Ssecuritysee COREstaff recordssee CORETtariffs5transient aircraft7Vvessels8 ................

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