Network Topology Tools:

Network Topology Tools:

|S.No |Name |Brief Description |Open Source? |Platform |Functions |

| | | | | |Ally (the Alias Resolver) is used to determine whether two IP addresses belong to |

|1 |Ally |Alias Resolver |No |Linux |interfaces on the same router.By sending UDP datagrams to each address and collecting |

| | | | | |the responses, Ally outputs and prints the IP identifiers, source IP addresses and |

| | | | | |remaining TTLs. It then resolves aliases by using heuristics to match these discovered|

| |research/networking/rocketfuel/ | | | |addresses. |

| | | | | |Iffinder is capable of finding interfaces that belong to the same router. It sends a |

|2 |Iffinder |Find interfaces belonging to |No |Windows |single UDP packet probe to an unused port on an interface address. Many routers will |

| | |the same router | | |reply to such a packet with an ICMP PORT UNREACHABLE error. Probing one interface and |

| | | | | |getting this error from a different interface therefore proves that the two interfaces|

| |measurement/iffinder/ | | | |belong to the same network node. |

| | | | | |Skitter is an active measurement tool whose primary goal is visualization of global |

|3 |Skitter |Visualization of Global network| |Windows |network topology. Skitter probes paths from multiple sources to a set of destinations |

| | |topology | | |that carefully stratify the current IPv4 address space. Measurements allow production |

| | | | | |of directed graphs that represent a significant fraction of macroscopic Internet |

| |measurement/skitter/ | | | |connectivity. Skitter acquires infrastructure-wide (global) connectivity information |

| | | | | |by measuring forward IP paths (the "hops") from a source to many destinations. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Mantra (Monitor and Analysis of Traffic in Multicast Routers) is a tool for depicting |

|4 |Mantra |Monitoring multicast on a |No |Windows |snapshots of constituents of the multicast infrastructure from the point of view of |

| | |Global network | | |multicast routers. Characteristics of multicast sessions and the behavior of |

| | | | | |participating hosts are graphed. Graphs indicating traffic flow based on MBGP route |

| |measurement/mantra/ | | | |usage, routes gained, lost, or changed are also available. |

| | | | | | |

| | |Real-Time multicast | | |Mhealth discovers and graphically displays the full network tree distribution and |

|5 |MHealth |tree visualization & Monitoring|No |Windows |delivery quality for a group, in near real-time. Data logs can be used to isolate |

| | |tool | | |network faults by analyzing receiver lists over time, route histories and changes, as |

| | | | | |well as the location, duration, and frequency of data loss. |

| | |Network equivalent of a | | | |

|6 |Cheops |swiss-army knife, unifying your|Yes |Linux |Cheops organizes network by mapping which shows the routes taken to access area of |

| | |network utilities. | | |your network, Detects OS running on each system. |

| | | | | |Has a generalized TCP port scanner. |

| | | | | |Network management tool for mapping and monitoring your network |

|7 |Cheops-ng |Next generation Cheops – The |Yes |Linux |It has host/network discovery functionality as well as OS detection of hosts |

| | |network Swiss Army Knife. | | |On some services, cheops-ng is actually able to see what program is running for a |

| | | | | |service and the version number of that program |

| | | | | | |

|8 |Visual Route |Obtains traceroute/whois data |No |Windows |• Analyzes Internet/Intranet connectivity |

| | |and plots it on a World map | | |• Locates the source of poor network response time (latency) |

| | | | | |• Locates poor connection quality (packet loss) and identifies the ISP responsible |

| | | | | |Qualys offers network security audits and vulnerability management to organizations of|

|9 |Qualys |free map – Topology tool |No |Windows |all sizes. It discovers and prioritize all network assets. |

| | | | | |Proactively identify and fix security vulnerabilities.Prevent worms, viruses & trojan |

| | | | | |horses. Manage & reduce business riskEnsure compliance with laws, regulations and |

| |products/overview/ | | | |corporate security policies |


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