Minutes of a meeting of St Martin Parish Council held in ...

Minutes of a meeting of Manaccan Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 26th November 2018 at 7.30pm


Councillor Andrew Briggs (Chairman)

“ Andrew Lyne (Vice-chairman)

“ Dan Flunder

“ Ray Knight

“ James Dudley

“ Heather Ibotson

“ Richard King

“ Julian Rand (Cornwall Council)

1 public

APOLOGIES There were no apologies. INTERESTS There were no declarations.

PUBLIC QUESTIONS There were no public questions.

MINUTES Minutes of the last meeting, having previously been circulated, were confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING to receive update on Helford toilets refurbishment the Chair, Vice-chair, Clerk, and agent had met the contractor on site in the middle of the month and work had since started. It was noted.

PLANNING PA18/10181 T1 - Cupressus macrocarpa (Golden) - raise lower canopy and shorten branches, Pentreath, Helford, Mr Farrant (Liam Williams, tree surgeon) There were no objections.

PA18/08153 Formation of two affordable local needs dwellings and two open market dwellings, land W of Minster Meadow, Manaccan, Messrs D & C Broad this had been referred back to the agent to address the privacy issue with regard to a neighbouring property but nothing further had been heard about it so the matter was deferred until more information was received.

PA18/00003 SPD Draft Housing Supplementary planning document – for consultation This was noted and there were no comments.

Decisions There were no planning decisions received from Cornwall Council.

FINANCE Cornwall Pension Fund (Nov) contribution £84.72 it was RESOLVED that the account of £84.72 be paid.

Account for cutting playing field x 1 £138.00 (31st Oct) it was RESOLVED that the account of £138.00 be paid.

Account for repairs to fencing at tennis courts £163.20 it was RESOLVED that the account of £163.20 be paid.

Account for 6th month porta loos Helford toilets £528.00 (31st Oct) it was RESOLVED that the account of £528.00 be paid.

B Knight account for pavilion caretaking 7 months £590.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £590.00 be paid.

SWW account for pavilion £34.09 it was RESOLVED that the account of £34.09 be paid.

Account for internal audit 2017/18 £120.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £120.00 be paid.

Cornwall Council 2nd instalment rates Helford toilets £177.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £177.00 be paid.

Adoption of 2nd quarter accounts 2018/19 it was RESOLVED that the 2nd quarter accounts be adopted.

To consider budget and set precept for 2019/20 After some discussion, in view of the refurbishment works now commenced on Helford toilets it was RESOLVED to precept for the maximum 1.99% extra on last year, which made a total precept of £12,498.00.

Cornwall Council 1st instalment rates Helford toilets £175.29 (paid) it was noted.

RBL Poppy Appeal poppy wreath for Institute £18.50 (paid) it was noted.

CORRESPONDENCE Clerks & Councils Direct magazine this was circulated.

CCTV the Clerk had finally managed to contact the police officer in the Crime Commissioner’s Office who was responsible for the community CCTV scheme. He explained it depended on need and how the parish envisaged it working as to what scheme would be appropriate. For a smaller community if wished it could be installed and connected into the main system but on a record only basis. That way the information would be there available for police to view should they need to do so but people would not be bored out of their minds watching blank screens of nothing happening 24/7 in the control room. An even lower level option that they were planning was to buy several mobile cameras and target areas. These could be hired by parishes and moved about whereas once a camera was permanently installed it could not be moved to a fresh area if the crime moved elsewhere. The monthly rental for that would be £130.00. It was agreed that the recorded version sounded the most useful as the evidence would be there if required. More information on that system would be sought.

C’WLL COUNCIL It had been another busy month. The previous week Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand had attended the Cornwall Flood Forum when people were warned to expect extreme and that communities should consider preparing emergency flood plans. Manaccan did have an emergency committee already set up that was re-confirmed at each AGM in May. He had travelled to Exeter to meet DEFRA and the RPA about the Leader programme finishing and what would happen to farming payments post Brexit. He had attended a Strategic Planning meeting about a development in Camborne, but it would probably not go ahead. He had spoken with Nick Cross, the MD of Cornwall Housing, as both still had concerns over the way Coastline was handling its property portfolio in rural areas. With regards to the problem with schools funding in Cornwall; he was meeting George Eustice MP the following Friday. He, along with other Cornwall Cllr colleagues, was considering the highway salting regime and whether they were doing it where needed.

OTHER BUSINESS A sub-lease of 50% of Helford toilets site to the HRCST would be looked into with Council's solicitor.

RECEIPTS The following were paid into the bank:

Cornwall Council (Helford toilets refurbish) 12,000.00

NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on 28th January 2019 at 7.30pm. There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.49pm.



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