Minutes of a meeting of St Martin Parish Council held in ...

Minutes of a meeting of Manaccan Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday24th September 2018 at 7.30pm


Councillor Andrew Briggs (Chairman)

“ Andrew Lyne (Vice-chairman)

“ Dan Flunder

“ James Dudley

“ Heather Ibotson

“ Richard King

“ Julian Rand (Cornwall Council)

3 public

MINUTE SILENCE before commencing the meeting a minute’s silence was held for the late Richard Winfrey who had suddenly died recently. He had been a member and former chairman of Manaccan Parish Council for several years.

APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ray Knight.

INTERESTS There were no declarations.

PUBLIC QUESTIONS There were no public questions other than they would say what they wanted to say about planning when it came to the item on the agenda.

MINUTES Minutes of the last meeting, having previously been circulated, were confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING To receive update on application to include Helford shop as a community asset this had been turned down due to Cornwall Council not being able to confirm whether the flat above constituted a domestic dwelling because it appeared to be over 50% of the total area of the building in which the shop was situated and domestic property could not become listed as a community asset. There appeared to be no right of appeal for the applicant, merely for the property owner if an application had succeeded. It was noted.

PLANNING PA18/07988 Reconstruction of retaining wall to car park, incorporating 4 guest rooms and associated plant room, The Shipwrights Arms, Helford, Mr Roger Fergus

PA18/07989 Listed building consent for reconstruction of retaining wall to car park, incorporating 4 guest rooms and associated plant room, The Shipwrights Arms, Helford, Mr Roger Fergus

Both applications were considered together, the second one merely being the listed building application for the same work as the first. The applicant spoke first stating that he had withdrawn his 2017 application due to concern over the construction period from residents and himself, but also NE and AONB had objected. He now had three aims:

a) The retaining wall had a landslide and required work anyway

b) To add rooms to the business, which was very strong in the summer but there was nowhere to hold parties, meetings, etc

c) To add additional parking ( double the existing)

Amendments made included the construction – the scale had been reduced so the boundary did not come up to the road. Piling would not now be required as it could be done in sections. The walls would now be planted to soften the look due to AONB concerns.

A Helford resident in the public stated that the proposal was strongly supported in Helford and felt Council should support the applications but there were one or two concerns. One concern was that the road might collapse during construction and if it did who would replace it? A second concern was insufficient money to repair the road. The applicant stated he would ensure the construction company chosen had adequate insurance cover otherwise he would not go forward until everyone was happy with the contractor.

It was unanimously RESOLVED to support the application and Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand was tasked to ask the planning officer whether a condition could be included to ensure that road repair money was available.

FINANCE Clerk’s pay (6 months in arrears) £1588.04 it was RESOLVED that the account of £1588.04 be paid.

Clerk’s expenses (6 months in arrears) £178.92 it was RESOLVED that the account of £178.92 be paid.

HMRC TAX/NI £397.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £397.00 be paid.

Account for repair of pavilion lock £78.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £78.00 be paid.

Cornwall Pension Fund (Sep) contribution £84.72 it was RESOLVED that the account of £84.72 be paid.

Account for cutting playing field x 2 VAT only £46.00 (28th May) it was RESOLVED that the account of £46.00 be paid.

Account for cutting playing field x 2 £276.00 (30th Jun) it was RESOLVED that the account of £276.00 be paid.

Account for cutting playing field x 1 £138.00 (31st Jul) it was RESOLVED that the account of £138.00 be paid.

Account for cutting playing field x 2 £276.00 (31st Aug) it was RESOLVED that the account of £276.00 be paid.

To receive internal auditor report on and resolve to adopt 1st ¼ accounts it was RESOLVED that the 1st ¼ accounts 2018/19 be adopted.

Account for 4th month porta loos Helford toilets £660.00 (31st Aug) it was RESOLVED that the account of £ 660.00 be paid.

British Gas Helford toilets electricity £30.67 it was RESOLVED that the account of £30.67 be paid.

SSE pavilion electricity £32.68 it was RESOLVED that the account of £32.68 be paid.

Footpath trimming £270.00 (paid) noted.

CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence.

C’WLL COUNCIL Cornwall Councillor Julian Rand reported that August had not been so busy with 50% less miles due to no council meetings and officers being on holiday. September had been pretty busy. He had attended a crime & terrorism meeting, visited the ‘residency’ bus that was touring the county testing whether people were actually local. He had a meeting about education infrastructure (early years) work being done, then a full Cornwall Council meeting. He had attended a boundary commission meeting about the new Cornwall Council wards. Gweek had been included with Constantine and Mawnan Smith and did not wish to be in this ward so he was trying to change that. The proposed merger of Devon & Cornwall Police with Dorset got voted out because not enough information had been provided. Local issues; sale of coastline rental houses, planning for local needs exception sites – should be 100% affordable but developers state unviable so default ends up at 50/50%. Art & Drama was being dropped by schools due to funding issues (Mullion School being the exception). Children suffered a lot of stress and mental illness and he felt they need art as a release. Roads and their sizes, congestion, speed limits and road signs were also local issues.

OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.

NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on 29th October at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.02pm.



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