Table of Contents

Simplified Statement of Requirements(for Asset Projects and Tenant Service Projects)<Project Name><Location>National Project Management SystemDefinition PhaseVersion: May 14, 2015 Prepared by:Date: CPBN:SIGMA Number: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Section I – Statement of Requirements PAGEREF _Toc418002420 \h 21.Problem/Opportunity Definition PAGEREF _Toc418002421 \h 22.Background PAGEREF _Toc418002422 \h 22.1 Building Condition PAGEREF _Toc418002423 \h 22.2 Tenant Considerations PAGEREF _Toc418002424 \h 22.3 Strategic Context PAGEREF _Toc418002425 \h 33.Project Considerations PAGEREF _Toc418002426 \h 34.Risk Considerations PAGEREF _Toc418002427 \h 45.Appendices PAGEREF _Toc418002428 \h 4Section II – Client Approval PAGEREF _Toc418002429 \h 51.Client Approvals Sought PAGEREF _Toc418002430 \h 52.Client Signature(s) PAGEREF _Toc418002431 \h 5Section III – PWGSC Approval PAGEREF _Toc418002432 \h 61.PWGSC Approvals Sought PAGEREF _Toc418002433 \h 62.PWGSC Source of Funds PAGEREF _Toc418002434 \h 63.PWGSC Signatures PAGEREF _Toc418002435 \h 7Section I – Statement of RequirementsA Statement of Requirement document is a proposal to an authority, stating a problem or an opportunity and seeking funding and approval to conduct Project Identification Stage activities. The Statement of Requirements provides a broad description of the nature of the requirement, overall timing and any special considerations.Problem/Opportunity DefinitionThe key issues and factors driving the initiation of the project are the following:Type of Factor/ IssueDriving Factor (Yes/No)Brief DescriptionMaintain or improve assetIssues related to a systemEnvironmental performancesPrevious approvals, decisions or agreementsPortfolio DecisionClient RequirementsEmergency SituationHealth and SafetyOther project(s) or program(s)Note: For all items identified “Yes” as a driving factor, provide a brief description in the table above. This section should not include any indication of the proposed solution. Its purpose is to concentrate on what drives the project.Background2.1 Building ConditionBrief description of the buildingAge, location, classification of the building, building owner Identify special building characteristics which must be taken into consideration, such as heritage designation, strategic value of the asset, service agreements, etc... Future plans for use of this asset based on Owner Investor/ Portfolio Management Overall condition information from Building Condition Report, Properties Facilities Management, Building Management Plan, Asset Management Plan etc. (if appropriate)Facility Condition Index (FCI) (if applicable)Key or critical project related problems and impacts2.2 Tenant ConsiderationsList all the building occupants (preferably in order or importance based on occupancy or impact). For tenant services projects, provide all relevant information on the client accommodation strategy, anticipated changes, related tenant direct or tenant services projects, identified fit-up projects, issues etc. (if applicable) which must be taken into consideration and could affect the recommendation and approval of this Simplified Statement of RequirementsIdentify whether the client is currently in conformance with both the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standard and the Space Allocation Standard.Identify the type and amount of space occupied in form of a table (if appropriate) or attach a copy of the relevant Occupancy Instruments as appendix documents.ClientType of spacem2um2rOccupancy Instrument (OI) Expiry DateLease Expiry Date (if applicable)XStorage473.9494.3August 31, 2016YOffice SPS2,744774.32,982.6807.5December 31, 2018ZOffice6,9007,495.1September 30, 201510,892.211,779.52.3 Strategic ContextThe problem/opportunity relates to current strategies and plans as identified below:Strategies/ PlansRelates (yes/no/NA)Justification (for “no” / “NA”)Asset Management PlanBuilding Management PlanStrategic Action PlanClient Accommodation Strategy(ies)Regional Investment Strategy (RIS)Portfolio StrategyCommunity Based Investment Strategy (CBIS)Sustainable Development StrategyProject Considerations The project must take into consideration the following issues/requirements which may impact the options analysis and the eventual solution. Elaborate and provide necessary details below for all issues identified as “considerable” or “major”.Special Issues/ RequirementsNo identified Issues/ Not applicableMinor IssueConsiderable IssueMajor IssueDetails (for “Considerable”/ “Major” Issues)Technical requirementsLevel of urgencyHealth and safetyEnvironmental requirementsTiming or project scheduleProject fundingSecurity requirementsAccessibility requirementsHeritage buildingClient requirementsOther requirementsRisk ConsiderationsIdentify any potential risks that might come up when developing the project or any risks that might impact the success of meeting the project requirements. Elaborate and provide sufficient information for all risk factors which are identified as having a Medium or High risk level (based on the probability and impact)Risk FactorProbability (L/M/H) Impact (L/M/H) Risk Level (L/M/H)Details (for factors with a “M” / “H” risk level)Lack of PWGSC fundingLack of client fundingMeeting established timelinesPublic scrutinyChanging prioritiesClient engagement/ commitmentOtherImpact/Risk of not proceeding. State the risk(s) that management would be exposed to if approval to start the project is not granted. Some risks could pertain to, but are not restricted to:Health and safetyTimingDelaysCost increase or escalationsOperational restraints Effect on other related projectsAppendicesList the relevant Appendix documents such as the Building Management Plan or Client Occupancy Instruments (Lease Out documents) as applicable.Section II – Client ApprovalNote: This section only applies to tenant service projectsClient Approvals SoughtApproval of the Simplified Statement of RequirementsAssignment of client representative(s) to the project teamClient Funding: RPS Revolving Fund for tenant services (SSA)Summarize the dollar amount per fiscal year to be funded by the client to undertake the scope of work outlined in the table below in order to get to Project Approval. Full client cost will be established at the analysis phase. ItemFY120XX/XXFY220XX/XXFY320XX/XXTOTALTotal Client Funded Client Signature(s)The client representative endorses PWGSC to proceed with the Project Identification Stage of this problem/opportunity. In doing so, the client representative agrees to pay for client costs identified above, and agrees to seek funding for their portion of the Project Delivery Phase following Project Approval (approved IAR).ACTIONDATESIGNATURERecommended by Client RepresentativeApproved by(Authorized Client Representative(s) – with Financial Signing Authority)Section III – PWGSC ApprovalPWGSC Approvals SoughtApproval of the Simplified Statement of Requirements.Approval to initiate the documentation relevant to the development of this project to Project Approval (PA).Approval of Expenditure Authority in the amount of $XX (total costs, substantive estimates, current dollars, including HST of $XX) to undertake the scope of work outlined in the table below in order to develop this project to the PA.Item20XX/XX20XX/XXTOTALSimplified Statement of Requirement (SSOR)Preliminary Project Plan (PPP)Functional Program (if required)Consultant Feasibilities StudiesInvestment Analysis Report (IAR)ContingencyTOTALTotal Client Funded (as per Section II)Total PWGSC FundedAssignment of a PWGSC project team to consist of:Project LeaderProject ManagerProfessional and Technical ResourcesProperty ManagerOther (specify)Consultation has or will take place with the following additional key stakeholders in the development of this projectOwner InvestorAccommodation Manager/ Service AdvisorProfessional and Technical ResourcesOther (specify)PWGSC Source of FundsIdentify the source of funds for the Expenditure AuthorityPWGSC Vote 1, FA&H Special Purpose Allotment, Real Property B123PWGSC Vote 5, Capital Expenditures , Real Property B141PWGSC SignaturesNote: Refer to NPMS Directive for Real Property Projects to identify position and obtain the appropriate approvals in signature block below.ActionDateSignaturePrepared byProject LeaderRecommended byApproved by ................

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