“List of 269 companies supporting Antifa, Black Lives ...

FROM ADAM IN THE GARDEN TO PORTLAND, OREGONWHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HUMANITY? The epicenter of the Garden of Eden, covering the area of what today is known as East Jerusalem, is where the turning point of humanity took place, where the redemption of humanity took place, and where the uniting of the Redeemed will take place. In this small area are three portals, reaching directly from earth into the throne room of Yahuwah: 1) Mount Moriah (Temple Mount/Genesis 22), 2) Mount Zion/City of David (II Samuel 5: 7; 8 1; Revelation 14:1-5) and 3) the Mount of Olives (Ezekiel 11:23; Acts 1). Adam and Eve lived in an eternal state – they could not die. Their right to eternal life depended on their eating of the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:14) which was in the Garden, but also in the throne room of Yahuwah at the same time. They had access to the very tangible Presence of Yahushua also who walked in the Garden with them. Yahushua breathed the breath of life into Adam (Colossians 1: 9-17, Hebrews 1). Adam and Eve had one major command: DO NOT eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was the “test-tree” to see if they would trust and obey their Creator. They did not! In the days of Jared, fallen angels came into the earth, mated with human women, and produced hybrid offspring known as “Nephilim.” (Genesis 6; books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees). In their disembodied state, they are known as “demons” who seek a human body to operate through (Mark 5:1-30). Because they did not obey Yahuwah and Yahushua, Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden, the eternal state – otherwise they would live forever in eternal death. (Genesis 2:7-9, 15-16, chapter 3) A great flaming sword was put at the entrance to the Garden, across from the Mount of Olives, and what became the Garden of Gethsemane across the narrow Kidron Valley between the Eastern Gate and the Garden of Gethsemane, so that no one would ever enter UNTIL – the Revelation 14:1-5 remnant re-enters. They are “blameless” before Yahuwah, and therefore only desire to eat of the Tree of Life. This remnant is truly born again and filled with Yahuwah’s Spirit - submitted servants of Yahushua, and 100% under the power of Yahuwah’s Spirit within (I Corinthians 6:20-21). He sees these humans as transformed, blameless, totally trustable! Relationship has been formed between Yahuwah, Yahushua, and this remnant, so that they understand each other’s faithfulness. These will enter the Garden once again before Messiah comes, as a unifying place for their exploits (Daniel 11:32) to the nations. They will also face the hybrid Nephilim, and the supreme Nephilim – antichrist/anti-messiah. Satan wants that tiny piece of land more than any other place on earth – for it contains the three main portals into the throne room of Yahuwah. He has no access to these portals/doorways/gateways – yet. But his psychopathic mind believes he can, and that he can “kill” Yahuwah and Yahushua. In building his tower, Nimrod thought so too. I do not say these things because I read a book, heard a YouTube DVD, or heard a preacher say any of it. I got it through the years from Yahuwah (from mid-1985) as He patiently and meticulously showed me, in dreams, visions, words, and the whole of The Word. I’ve had this confirmed by others of His servants. This is all in the Word, and aligned to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. I’m not off in some “lala-land.” I’m just letting you know that what we once had as “humans” was quickly done away with because of disobeying the Master. Today’s religions leadership allows their followers to disobey Him in some way, i.e. “it’s OK – we’re under grace.” He is calling this remnant out now from underneath mean’s rule so that only His Spirit teaches them. This is the time when the final sealing of the remnant is taking place. Because man sinned, fallen angels, and later their offspring, began ruling earth. We are “in the days of Noah,” not just because of similar circumstances, but actually. Out there in the universe time is reversing, entropy is reversing. We are going back to where it all started. Refer to: “Time is Reversing Back to the Original Creation”/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. Earth is once again, as before the flood, filled with fallen angels, ancient offspring, new offspring, and once again, “violence is covering the earth” as in Genesis 6. As it was: Cannibalism is also a major thing, the drinking of innocent blood also, the taking of lives as if they were nothing, the attacks on those who know Yahuwah and Yahushua, major technology of weaponry and death, mind-control, and mind-destruction. Judgment is near – not by flood, but by fire. ( II Peter 3:8-14) Before all green things are burned up, taking oxygen from earth for one thing, this remnant must become “the first fruits of the resurrection” (Revelation 7, 8, 9;4; 14:1-5) I’m trying summarize quickly for you. In Numbers 13:30-33, we see the return of the Nephilim. In Genesis 5, we learn that Nimrod “became a gibor,” a giant, a Nephilim, after the Flood. Today the producing of a new breed of Nephilim has been going on for a long time – “alien abductions” etc. Today, at least, we know that the Israeli and U.S. Pentagon are working with giant Nephilim, with IQs around 9,000. These are also being bred under major military installations in the “desert southwest.” Insiders have risked their lives and paid the ultimate price to get us information, others still are there and know the risks. We are watching violence taking over the earth. It’s not just a human effort. Yes, there are demon-empowered humans, fragmented from childhood, mind-programmed--what Russ Dizdar says they call The Black Awakening. That’s also the name of a book he wrote that all should read and understand. We’re watching it unfold. And, yes, as he brings out, many of these fragmented soldiers of the antichrist are in the U.S. military, and other militaries worldwide. Lawlessness is covering the earth. In Portland recently we saw them bringing lots of Bibles and burning them openly. We are seeing the rioting, the destruction, the urinating and defecating on the sidewalks, the hate of police – of any law or order. Their job as mercenaries is to create chaos for the now-happening Communist takeover of America, and the world. Ultimately, it is the rising Beast system of Revelation 13. Here’s a picture of shields and paraphernalia of some of the Portland Antifa rioters.Daily Mail August 8, 2020 Protest leaders instructed those carrying shields on how to behave and position themselves – Portland, Oregon “Yes Kill Cops” “Abolish the Police” “We are the walls of Portland” Note the clinched fist. Note Jude 1. It speaks of the returning Nephilim – “condemned of old” but present to stir up strife and lawlessness “Protesters pelt Portland Police with rocks and concrete and shine lasers to try and blind cops on the 72nd night of violent clashes after Trump called the demonstrators 'lawless rioters.' Portland police on Friday night said they were pelted with rocks and concrete as officers were attempting to control the 72nd night of demonstrations. Police in the Oregon city said rioters were also 'shining lasers trying to blind officers'.” “AOC defends rise in NYC crime saying people are 'stealing bread to feed their children during record unemployment' despite weeks of bloodshed and 130% surge in shootings. Police data shows shootings in the city last month were up 130% year on year. Mayor Bill de Blasio said in June he was slashing $1 billion from the NYPD budget.” By LAUREN FRUEN FOR ?July 12, 2020? Crime in NYC up 130%, almost the same increase in Chicago, but at the same time police are having their benefits taken away, many are resigning, some are committing suicide. The good cops of America, and that’s almost all of them, are being treated like the criminals by governors and city mayors, and are being punished for what the media touts as bad cops. Refer to: “The Plan Exposed! George Floyd Truth Revealed! Floyd and Chauvin Know Each Other; Floyd and Epstein Have the Same Coroner”/Mikvah of Present Reality. “List of 269 companies supporting Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the lines have“The Lines Have been drawn” Dave Hodges, June 26, 2020 Common Sense Show Jude 1, KJV: “I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.?6And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.?7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 8Likewise also these?filthy?dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities…10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.?11Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain,…17But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;?18How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.?19These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.?20But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,?21Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.?22And of some have compassion, making a difference:?23And others save with fear, pulling?them?out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. 24Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present?you?faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,?25To the only wise God our Saviour,?be?glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” The antichrist is known as the “lawless one,” “son of perdition,” the “apolea” or Apollyon i.e. Revelation 9:11. (II Timothy 3:1-5) These are the ones who believe they are a part of Satan’s army, the end-time army of the antichrist. These are the fragmented children grown up, who are demonized and demon possessed. They are in the millions now. Few can even wrap their minds around the depths of evil that is working among us. Most who hide in lollypop religion do not want to know – yet their time of being forced to know is near. It is best to know, and to submit the mind and emotions to the Spirit for “safe keeping.” Only the Spirit of Yahuwah, John 16, Acts 2, can hold us together when we want to fall apart! “Portland Rioters Burn Bibles Outside Federal Building” by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor| Sunday, August 02, 2020Bibles are shown being burned in Portland.?|?Screenshot: Twitter “Rioters carrying “Black Lives Matter” signs threw Bibles into a fire in front of the federal courthouse in Portland and burned an American flag, leaving bystanders wondering what that act of arson had to do with protesting against police brutality. People began starting a fire in the street in front of the federal courthouse which started with burning a Bible, then an American flag, until more and more items were added, according to?KOIN reporter Danny Peterson. `Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in front of the federal courthouse in Portland,’ Ian Cheong, managing editor of Human Events,?wrote in a post with a video?that shows Bibles being tossed into a fire.?`Do not be under the illusion that these protests and riots are anything but an attempt to dismantle all of Western Civilization and upend centuries of tradition and freedom of religion.’” They actually set fire to a police station with police inside. The governor considers it an act of attempted murder, which it is. II Thessalonians 2:3-10 “…man of lawlessness – son of destruction…the lawless one shall be revealed…according to the working of Satan.” Lawlessness is prevailing. Matthew 24:12: “And because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many shall become cold.” Is this not what we’re seeing right now. “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes!” Mankind is becoming like a natural brute beast, the spiritually dead--no conscious of wrong. Isaiah 13:9-16, speaks of America at a time when the earth is shaking, the sun is darkening, it appears the stars are falling, the moon turns a dark blood red, and human “entities” become so unmerciful that violence takes on the Genesis 6 narrative. Just a quick update on the “shaking.” As the huge binary system comes closer to earth with its two suns, our sun is already being greatly affected. Our sun entered an 11-year solar minimum three years ago. Now it’s showing signs of being in a solar maximum, erupting with giant flares. Earth is already affected by the radiation and the gravitational pull, and the atmospheric pressure that is exerted on it by this binary system. It won’t hit earth, but its suns will affect our sun and shake earth as in Isaiah 24 – leading to a total pole shift. Yes, this is, as it was, in the days of Noah when the deep broke up. The core of the earth is heating greatly, and the magma is moving, volcanoes are blowing, and earthquakes increasing in magnitude. The earth is already trembling and cracking and pulling apart. “As in the days of Jared” then the continents separated. East Africa is showing signs of separation along the Great Rift Valley Fault Line, which is already splitting the African and Asian continents apart down the Red Sea.There is a big chance that America will split in two down the New Madrid Fault Line. FEMA has been preparing for a long time. Refer to: “The Heavens Will Soon Demonstrate the Superiority of the Creators,” complete with maps. Iron oxide space dust is falling. Switzerland had red snow recently. It’s also in Revelation 8 about the seas and waterways turning to “blood,” the blood color of the iron. We are learning about huge asteroids coming past earth, some quite close, already. With the asteroids comes a debris field of meteorites that will burn up all the “green things.” They are already falling and increasing in number. The earth is tearing up and groaning for sure. This has affected birds world-over, which are falling dead from the sky. In fact, there are actually whole regions of earth where there are no birds at all. We read Revelation 6:12-17 about the stars falling. It will appear that they are falling, but it is because the earth will be shaken so badly that the stars will look like they are moving up and down in the sky. (Isaiah 24, Haggai 2, Hebrews 12:25-29, Revelation 6:12-17) War is fast approaching in the Middle East, and America is falling – end-time Babylon is coming down as planned – Revelation 18 (NYC), Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 19, 13, 47. Look at the timing – a post 1948 nation, super power of the earth. Look at who attacks – and already that is being planned (China, Russia, North Korea, Iran). What about the destabilizing of Lebanon with that monstrous explosion 2-3 days ago, destroying a great deal of Beirut? Rioting is increasing against the government. So, if you have not begun to prepare for an EMP or nuclear attack, famine, attacks from roving gangs, cannibalism, and every evil imaginable at your doorstep, why not??? Get with it NOW! But, more than anything else, put into practice what I’ve been teaching, and lots of others have been teaching back to the Apostle Luke, and Kepha/Peter, that we must be filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah so that He can tell us what to do, and how to do it, and what’s coming, and where to go. If He is not inside, and you’re not used to hearing Him, you’ll be in big trouble and hear nothing in times of panic. Those who do not live out of their spirit will be overwhelmed when the mind shuts down. It is not too late to press into knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua, but the door is soon to close for forming an intimate relationship with Them. People are planning their own way, and none of that will work unless He is directing. As the Beast system rises, so must we as the body of Messiah! The last-days exploits are ahead of us. In His love, shalom, Shabbat Shalom, Yedidah,August 8, 2020 ................

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