Date 5/31/16? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY partially embraces Arab peace plan, says it could 'revive' talks with PalestiniansIsrael braces itself for Paris peace confab... by doing nothing'French Jews experiencing worst situation since 1945'Terror attack in Tel Aviv - A soldier was stabbed in his upper body4 Killed in Bomb Attack Targeting Police in Southeast TurkeyEgyptian girl dies during banned female genital mutilation operationTurkey President Tayyip Erdogan says Muslims should not use birth controlHeavy air strikes on Syria's Idlib kill and injure dozens: monitorISIS is fighting for its lifeLibyan oil guard says captures coastal town from ISIS after clashesNigerian military launch offensive in oil-producing south Attempted North Korea missile launch fails: South KoreaChina lashes out at US defense secretary criticisms Venezuelan Socialism Has Pretty Much Shut Down All Aspects Of Socioeconomic Life Former State Dept. watchdog debunks central Clinton email claimHolder: Snowden did 'public service,' but should still be punishedRise of Ad-Blocking Software Threatens Online RevenueSatan's credit card: What the mark of the beast taught me about the future of moneyFDA Moves To Protect Vulnerable Food Supply From BioterrorismMars At Closest Point To Earth in 11 Years Today5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Raoul Island, New Zealand5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Hirara, Japan5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Amahai, IndonesiaReventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 23,000ftSangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ftTropical Depression Bonnie dissipates after heavy rainsTexas residents brace for more flooding after torrential rains kill sixTwisters Spotted, 9 Dead as Nation's Midsection Prepares for Severe StormsU.S. Cellphone Study Fans Cancer Worries Rising Obamacare Costs Could Hurt HillaryTo Combat Disease, States Make it Harder to Skip VaccinesMore measles cases confirmed, exposure areas expandedCutaneous leishmaniasis: Disfiguring tropical disease sweeps across Middle East Migrants Fleeing Islamic State Risk Bringing Deadly Flesh Eating Disease To EuropeDoes 'Finding Dory' depict Pixar's first lesbian couple?More Than 60 Shot in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend ViolenceKilling of gorilla to save boy at Ohio zoo sparks outragePROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: Those Who Reflect the Heart of Antichrist?Our World: The old generals' old plan?In surprise move, Netanyahu says he's ready to negotiate based on Saudi peace initiative??Why Putin sent a lost Israeli tank home?Nearing Midnight: Where's the Comfort??6-6-16: Satanists in Los Angeles Will Construct a Giant Pentagram to 'Raise Awareness' for Satanism??Daily Jot: Justifying a police state?Daily Devotion: Forgiven? Then Forgive?Those Who Reflect the Heart of Antichrist - By Joe Southerland - ??"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time" (1 John 2:18).??"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 16:25).???????????????????? ?There appears to be no black and white lines in modern society. The children of darkness would love us to drown with them in their many shaded seas of gray. They are in outright revolt against God's righteous Scripture-ever increasing-they push their evil agendas of anti-Christian behavior-which they then demand Believers accept.?? ?They, as well as their lying father-the devil himself, are laughing in our faces as they seemingly triumph in the ongoing spiritual warfare (as they thrust upon us their evil perversions.) Oh, how they relish crossing the clearly taught guide lines of truth of God's Holy Word.?? ??Their Latest Abomination Against God?Have you heard of their latest abomination called "gender fluidity?"? If not, you soon will, because it is the core lie of the transgender bathroom lunacy being pushed down our throats.?? ?It is part of Satan's end-time agenda has seemingly appeared out of nowhere and is fully embraced by our godless federal government. It is being forced into public schools which are now held hostage by the tendrils of "education" funding.?? ?"Gender fluidity" states that each person is neither 100 percent boy/man, nor 100 percent girl/woman. Instead this twisted concept espouses that this is perfectly "normal" on a daily basis for each person to adjust their "gender" along a sliding "gender scale."?? ?Your gender can now be based solely upon your feelings. One day you may feel 75/25 percent male vs. female; the next day you may feel 10/90 percent male vs. female.? The government wants impressionable children brain-washed to believe that each person's gender is in a constantly "fluid" state, and is not simply a genetic biological constant. In other words. God's man woman creation is null and void.? ?In their arrogance the leaders of our government feel empowered to promote this evil agenda amongst even our youngest children, and force upon them the satanic lie that the physical reality of their genetic makeup is optional. In the modern, open minded,?? pseudo-loving, accepting, tolerant, liberal utopian society they wish to create, it is all important that each person's gender be variable with their inner "feelings."?? ?We are told that the acceptance of gender diversity represents our government's highest moral and social achievement, as our nation progresses beyond that antiquated, puritanical, bigoted moral code of our Judeo-Christian past.?? ??An Antichrist's Heart?Only a totally darkened heart, an antichrist's heart, could conceive of such evil or be approving of such a heinous evil lie-which totally distorts actual and measurable reality which is the very basis of God's divine creation (Genesis 5:2).? If there was any doubt in your mind before, this idiocy should convince you that God is allowing this nation to be led by evil people in order to bring about the redemption of the humble-and judgment upon a Christ-denying world.?Our morally bankrupt government already demands that we exclude Christ from every corner of public life, while at the same time demanding Christians accept school house condom distribution to minors; fund abortion on demand; affirm and support sodomite lifestyles and "marriage." And now they want us to accept transgender behavior as a virtuous, societal norm down to the grade school level???? ??They Want Your Children?Their ultimate evil goal is to take the hearts and minds of your children; wanting to mold their? morals to be the same as their perverted antichrist morals. The dark powers have kicked God out of our schools, and now they want their demented beliefs taught in our schools.? ?They are emboldened because they have already won a war as the younger generations increasingly accept homosexuality as a "normal" choice.? Gender fluidity is their next deviant step toward twisting the minds of our youth.?? ?What used to be an abhorrent, shameful behavior, the government now wants us to respect, honor and admire as brave and virtuous. It is an upside down evil world that these degenerates are promoting-as they try to align as many hearts as possible to the coming Antichrist.?This is blatant "in your face" evil.??"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness..." (Isaiah 5:20a).?? ?The apostle Paul tells us to "...have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11).?? ??Their New Shameless Low Standard Is Already in Place?This is not entirely new. In case you missed how low our nation has already sunk, the government is using tax dollars to encourage, promote and pay for gender reassignment surgery for government workers.?? Here is a link to the U.S. government's official position.?? ?And if you work for the government you must accept this as gospel or you are automatically considered in the wrong and will be subjected to reprimand or removal. Cross-dressing men using a woman's bathroom has become acceptable behavior for well over a year, and a person can demand this new "right" by simply telling their supervisor they feel like the opposite gender.?? ?In their corrupted ivory towers, emboldened by their darkened group think, these bureaucratic promoters of darkness are demanding that the entire United States accept their sick, twisted, perversions as "enlightened truths."?? ?? Dark Forces of Mankind?? ?The Bible tells us the world is transitioning toward a one world government. In order for that to happen, most will need to fall under Satan's dark appeals; our government evidently already has.? They are the deceptive purveyors of darkness who want us to think they are the "enlightened" ones of mankind (due to their self-perceived superiority of tolerance). But to the contrary; they are the dark forces of humanity because of their open, defiant rebellion against all that the Lord God considers holy.?? ?These reprobates are spiritually blind, because they love the darkness and refuse to seek the light.?? ?[Jesus said,] "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.?? For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved" (John 3:19-20).??Watchers Arm Yourselves in God?? ?Next, watch and see the secularized, soft apostasy churches hand wave the transgender issue just as they have embraced every darkened form of the new satanic world order's societal norms.? They will continue to follow Satan's pied-piper deceptive tune, merrily singing along with him straight into the heart of the Antichrist's dark kingdom.?I believe in these final days before the Rapture, the Lord God is providing the world with many crystal clear contrasts between the children of the light and the children of darkness.? ?As Christians, we are to spiritually discern this evil; separate ourselves from it totally and warn as many as possible that what we are seeing now is but a foreshadowing of the evils that reside?? in the hearts and minds of those who will soon welcome the Antichrist.?? ??I am a "grace through faith plus nothing equals salvation believer" but I do not see how anyone can hold all these anti-biblical, anti-Christian societal positions our government is promoting and still consider themselves to be saved, born-again believers in Jesus Christ.? ??"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).? ??"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matthew 7:23)?It is getting awfully ugly down here Lord.? Come Lord Jesus, come!?jojoekwaj@ J&J Ranch Ministries: "But as for me and my [ranch], we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15).Our World: The old generals' old plan - Caroline B. Glick - is no Palestinian constituency for peace with Israel. The more Israel offers the Palestinians, the less interested they are in settling.?The Israeli Left is a one trick pony. As it sees things, all of Israel's problems - with the Palestinians, with the Arab world, with Europe and with the American Left - can be solved by giving up Judea and Samaria and half of Jerusalem (along with Gaza which we gave up already).?Once Israel does this, the Left insists, then the Palestinians, the Arab world, Europe and Bernie Sanders voters will love us as they've never loved us before.?The events of the past quarter century have shown the Left's position to be entirely wrong. Every time Israel has given the Palestinians land, it has become less secure. The Arabs have become more hostile. ?The West has become more hostile. The Palestinians have expanded their demands.?Because of their negative experience with the Left's policy, most Israelis reject it. This is why the Right keeps winning elections.?Given the failure of its plan, the Left could have been expected to abandon it and strike out on a different course. But it didn't. Instead it has tried to hide its continued allegiance to its failed withdrawal strategy by pretending it is something else. ?A central component of the Left's concealment strategy is its use of former generals.?Over the past quarter century, and particularly since the Palestinians began demonstrating in 2000 that they have no interest in a state living side by side with Israel, the Left has carted out retired generals at regular intervals to proclaim that continued allegiance to the Left's failed policy of withdrawal is not irrational.?Every couple of years, a new initiative of former generals - often funded by the EU - is published.?Each in turn uses whatever the popular memes of the day may be to repackage their call for withdrawal from Judea and Samaria and the partition of Jerusalem.?The media, itself dominated by the Left, backs these initiatives. The retired war heroes are paraded before the cameras and presented to the public as responsible adults who have grudgingly entered the political fray, despite their aversion to it, because of their patriotism. Just as they heeded the call of duty and led forces in wars of earlier generations, so today, we are told, they heed the call again, in yet another last-ditch effort to save the country.?Just in time for Avigdor Liberman's swearing in as defense minister, a new group of old generals released a new version of their old, discredited plan.?A group calling itself "Commanders for Israeli Security" has mobilized an impressive roster of 214 generals that have signed on to a new position paper called "Security First: Changing the rules of the game, a plan to improve Israel's security-diplomatic position."?The group has a great website replete with a highend web commercial that has been flooding social media feeds for the past several days. The ad shows a person ripping up a "Peace Now" bumper sticker and replacing it with a call for "Security now, peace later."?Their plan, the ad proclaims, will improve Israel's security, strengthen its international position, repair the cleavages in Israeli society and set the conditions for future negotiations with the Palestinians.?Unfortunately, like every leftist plan to date, if the generals get their way and the government takes their advice, the results will be precisely the opposite of what they promise. As has been the case with every other well-packaged withdrawal plan, Israel's security will be harmed. Our international position will be wrecked. Bernie Sanders voters along with the Europeans will expand their devotion to bashing Israel. And the Sunni Arab states that now flock to us will again abandon us.?The generals' new package involves opening their plan with a hawkish call for continued Israeli security control over Judea and Samaria, until the Palestinians decide to make peace with us.?But as we soon see, that was just throat clearing.?Having established their sober-mindedness, the generals turn to the Left's unchanging fantasy.?They call for the government to formally relinquish Israel's sovereign rights over the vast majority of Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.?They call for the government to permanently stop respecting the property rights of Jews in the areas of Judea and Samaria outside of the security perimeter.?The more than one hundred thousand Jews who live in those areas, they insist, must be denied all right to property, save the right to sell whatever they now own.?They must not be allowed to build anything - no new houses; no new communities; no new infrastructure.?As for the communities inside the perimeter, the generals insist that those should be permitted to continue respecting Jewish property rights, within limits, albeit. For instance, those communities must not be permitted to expand beyond their current construction boundaries. In other words, Jews can build up, but not out.?Jerusalem, which they believe should never have been unified in 1967, should be effectively partitioned.?The generals call for the municipal government to stop administering the city as a unified mixed Jewish and Arab city. Instead, they say, the city should set up a separate governing authority for Arab neighborhoods in eastern, northern and southern Jerusalem. That separate authority should be responsible for all planning and zoning activities in Arab neighborhoods as well as the education system and every other aspect of the daily lives of the Arabs of the city.?Gaza, which has been operating as a Hamas state since 2007, is also brought in from the cold. The generals call for the government to continue to supply Gaza with everything that Hamas demands - water, electricity, employment in Israel, a Hamas-controlled port. They even call for Israel to allow Europe to pay the salaries of Hamas terrorists.?Moreover, the generals recommend that the government announce that Gaza, Judea and Samaria and partitioned Jerusalem are one political entity, despite the fact that they aren't.?The generals insist that by taking these steps, Israel will prove its devotion to peace and keep the dream of a Palestinian state alive. As a consequence, they say, the Palestinians will be happy and stop trying to murder Israelis. The Arab world will line up to sign peace treaties with Israel. Europe along with Bernie Sanders' voters will bury the hatchet and embrace Israel.?The problem with the generals' newest plan and the ones its replaces is that they all ignore basic facts.?There is no Palestinian constituency for peace with Israel. The more Israel offers the Palestinians, the less interested they are in settling.?By announcing that Israel renounces its claims to Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, and treating the Jews east of the 1949 cease-fire lines as second class citizens, the generals will not only widen Israel's social cleavages. They will tell the Palestinians that they are right to feel contempt for us. The worse they behave, the more we will offer them. The more Jews they murder, the more the Jews will turn against one another.?As for improving Israel's international position, it is hard to understand why the generals refuse to learn the lessons of the Gaza withdrawal. Despite the fact that Israel uprooted 24 Jewish communities in Gaza and northern Samaria, and removed its military forces from the area, without exception, the international community insists that Israel still "occupies" Gaza. How can the generals expect the world to act more fairly towards a more limited withdrawal plan from Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem? As for Gaza, Operation Protective Edge brought out into the open the fact that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other Arab states support Israel in its war against Hamas. They do so because they fear Islamic State and Iran more than they hate Israel, whose power they trust.?If Israel announces its intention of leaving Judea and Samaria, which the Arabs know will become a Hamas enclave faster than Gaza did, the Arab faith in Israel's power will diminish. As a consequence, if Israel follows the generals' advice our relations with the Sunnis will worsen, not improve.?It is a tragedy for Israel that the generals have allowed the Left to use them in this way. Their role in perpetuating Israel's destructive adherence to the devastating two-state policy model diminishes their past contributions and endangers Israel's future.?In surprise move, Netanyahu says he's ready to negotiate based on Saudi peace initiative - Gil Hoffmann - ?'Post' learns that Hanegbi will help Netanyahu lead new push; Bennett said to be opposed to change in stance.?Israel is prepared to hold peace talks based on the Arab Peace Initiative, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surprisingly declared Monday just moments after new Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman took the oath of office, ending a month-long saga over which party would join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.?"I remain committed to making peace with the Palestinians and with all our neighbors," Netanyahu said in a press conference following the swearing- in ceremony. "The Arab peace initiative includes positive elements that can help revive constructive negotiations with the Palestinians.?"We are willing to negotiate with the Arab states revisions to that initiative so that it reflects the dramatic changes in the region since 2002, but maintains the agreed goal of two states for two peoples." ?The controversial Arab Peace Initiative - long rejected by Jerusalem and also known as the Saudi Initiative - calls for normalizing relations between Arab countries and Israel, in exchange for a complete withdrawal by Israel to pre-1967 lines and a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem.?The Jerusalem Post has learned that Likud MK Tzachi Hanegbi, who was sworn in as minister-without-portfolio in the Prime Minister's Office and will deal with foreign affairs and defense issues, will be involved in new regional diplomatic initiatives Netanyahu intends to advance in coming weeks. He is the Likud's most dovish minister.?Netanyahu also praised Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's offer to advance peace and security in the region. Liberman, who has been critical of Egypt in the past, said he agreed with Netanyahu's statements, including about the Arab peace plan and reiterated Yisrael Beytenu's long-standing support for a two-state solution. ?Sources close to Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, however, said he would have a hard time supporting such diplomatic initiatives.?They said the people of Israel elected a right-wing government and deserved to receive one. The diplomatic issue is expected to be one of many disputes within the coalition in the weeks ahead.?A dispute between Netanyahu and Bennett over the appointment of a military secretary to the security cabinet was resolved past midnight Sunday night. The National Security Council will brief security cabinet ministers until a committee appointed by Netanyahu to determine how to proceed further issues its recommendations in three weeks. If the recommendations are not to Bennett's liking, Bennett's associates said the dispute could start all over again.?There also expected to be disputes over the state budget; deliberations on the budget in the cabinet will start Tuesday morning.?When he agreed to join the coalition, Liberman withdrew from his party's demands on matters of religion and state, but he opposes a controversial bill that will come to a vote in the Knesset Wednesday that requires harsh punishments for people who are not Chief Rabbinate recognized rabbis who conduct wedding ceremonies in Israel.?Yisrael Beytenu formally joined the coalition Monday night following approval by a 55-43 Knesset vote in which Likud MK Bennie Begin abstained and rebel Yisrael Beytenu MK Orly Levy-Abecassis did not participate. In addition to Liberman, Yisrael Beytenu MK Sofa Landver was sworn in as immigrant absorption minister. Along the guidelines of the so-called Norwegian Bill, which allows a minister or deputy minister from each coalition party to be replaced by the next name on the party's Knesset list, Liberman quit the Knesset Monday night. He will be replaced by Holon city councilwoman Yulia Malinovsky, who will be the Knesset's 33rd woman.?Ahead of the vote approving the coalition agreement, the Knesset conducted a stormy debate on the issue in which opposition MKs harshly criticized Liberman.?Zionist Union MK Erel Margalit read a speech full of insults to Netanyahu that were all uttered by Liberman over the past year.?Zionist Union MK Yoel Hasson poked fun at a statement by Liberman last month that if he became defense minister, he would assassinate Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh within 48 hours. Hasson started a countdown until Haniyeh's death.?Why Putin sent a lost Israeli tank home - American M48 Patton tank upgraded by the IDF was captured by Syrian forces with its three-man crew in the Sultan Yaakov battle in the Lebanon war of 1982. The three-man crew was lost. To this day the fate of Zacharia Baumel, Yehuda Katz and Zvi Feldman has never been determined.??After the battle President Hafez Assad, father of the incumbent Bashar Assad, who established in the the1960s the first Russian-Syrian alliance the, agreed to let? the Russian have the tank. They were keen to study the reactive armor the IDF had installed. Special teams of the Engineering Corps flew the tank from Sultan Yaakov battle field to Moscow.??Thirty four years later, the "Magach" (battering ram) tank arrived home after spending years in the Kubinka Tank Museum near Moscow, as a result of a gesture by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Israel PM Binyamin Netanyahu.??It is safe to assume that Putin consulted Assad before making this gesture and both had their own reasons for making it. It is also possible that the Syrian ruler may also decide to disclose what happened to the three missing Israeli soldiers and perhaps even return their remains.?debkafile sources in Moscow and Jerusalem probed to find out the motives of Putin and Assad, allies of Iran and Hezbollah, in making this gesture. They find an answer in Putin's broader designs for the Middle East alongside his military actions in Syria. In every recent conference between high ranking Russian and Israeli officials, the key issue of South Syria has come up in order to bridge their different objectives.??Moscow holds that all of South Syria must come under the Assad regime rule, as the key to its stability. Israel, along with the US, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, anxious to keep South Syria under the control of their respective Syrian rebel militias. Israel regards their presence as vital for preventing Iranian and Hezbollah forces moving into the Syrian Golan up to the Israeli border. Putin offers Jerusalem an alternative. If Israel agrees to withdraw its support from the Syrian rebels to help Assad reclaim the region Moscow is willing to vouch that the Russian army stationed in Syria will prevent Iranian and Hezbollah fighters from infiltrating or getting near the Israeli border.??The Russian president aims to restore the status quo prevailing in the Israeli-Syrian border region for 42 years since the 1974 Yom Kippur War. He envisages this situation producing three developments:?*The beginning of political exchanges between Israel and Syria, as a first step towards peace negotiations.*This process would distance Damascus from Tehran and Beirut.*It would also further distance Israel from the United States.?Putin appreciates that sending the tank back to Israel will not spark this entire process, but he thinks it might be a good token beginning.We are not endorsing extreme prepping, but we do believe that we should always be prepared! We believe that the Bible teaches that the Church will be removed before the Tribulation begins! We also believe that until that day, we are not exempt from difficult times, and will experience times of trials and tribulations. We never know when our lives might be disrupted by an earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane, power outage, or any other number of natural disasters, or even in these times, an act of terror!??As an Eagle Scout and a former scoutmaster, the Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared," has never been more important than in these times in which we live. We believe that every family should be prepared, and have at least a good first-aid kit, food and water for three or four weeks, and other basic supplies necessary for any emergency or disruption that we might incur. We have affiliated ourselves with some of the biggest vendors in the industry to provide you the best preparedness supplies. Please use the link below, thank you!!!15% Off at ! Use code SAVE15 (Valid 5/19-5/31)?BE PREPARED - CLICK HERE? The Rapture is in the Air - PreviewNew DVD - Coming Soon! -?The Rapture is in the Air?This exciting new DVD covers why, we believe that the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation and that the Church will not go through the Tribulation. Never before has the pre-trib Rapture view been under such attack as it has been in the last few years. Attackers and naysayers of the pre-trib Rapture have become downright hateful in their attempt to mock and disavow the pre-trib Rapture. Surprisingly much of this hatred, is coming from within the Church itself! ?In this DVD, we will show why we believe that the Bible teaches that the Tribulation cannot even start until the Church has been removed. We will also explain what God's wrath is and to whom it is directed at, who's who in the Tribulation, the identity of the Restrainer, and the doctrine of Imminence. All this, and much, much, more! ?"The Rapture is in the Air," is based on the recent article written by Pete Garcia of the Omega Letter - ??Pete was kind and generous enough to give us permission to do a DVD based on his article. This DVD will be released on 6/7/16* (*subject to change). You can pre-order this exciting new DVD right now, when you pre-order one of our DVD's not only are you making sure that you get your copy when it is first released, you are also helping us to finance the production and off-set some of the expenses that are involved in bringing the DVD to completion.?To pre-order your copy or copies, please visit our store, thank you!?CLICK HERENearing Midnight: Where's the Comfort? - Terry James - belief antagonists are on the rise. Rapture critics, even among those who claim to believe in the eventuality of a Rapture, just not the pre-Tribulation view of that event, purport to present evidence on every side that our times trumpet the obvious: The world is about to enter the Tribulation. Christ's call to believers, they say, just isn't going to happen before Christians suffer at least part of the terrors of that beastly era. ?They offer that anyone with knowledge of issues and events going on should recognize that the New World Order bunch is transforming America and the world into the kingdom of Antichrist. All is about to come together for the Gog-led invasion into the Middle East. As a matter of fact, many hold that World War III has already begun. ?Advanced computer and other control technologies and instrumentalities are in place for locking everyone on the planet into fiscal bondage and physical slavery to the final empire as prophesied by Daniel. ?Those of us who believe there is coming a supernatural Rapture-escape from these judgments on sinful mankind are just living in fantasyland is the collective message I infer from emails and articles that increasingly assault my senses. That I, and all of you, should begin prepping with food, water, gold, silver, and finding a good bunker in which to hunker down during these upcoming days seem to me to be the things these Rapture naysayers are presenting. Seldom do I hear coming from our opponents on the question of the Rapture the admonition to be trying to witness with all our might the gospel of Jesus Christ. I guess there will be plenty of time for that once the Antichrist regime is firmly in place. ?While the Pre-Trib proponent holds at the heart of his effort winning as many souls to Christ as possible so those saved won't go through that time of horrors, many of the anti-Rapture antagonists want to do things to make sure they are more comfortable while trying to survive that hellish time. ?Coincidentally--or perhaps not--these just happen to, in some cases of TV and other ministries who openly disdain the thought of Rapture, offer for sale all of these things for survival. The packaged food items invariably are proclaimed to have shelf lives of three decades or longer. So, we can, if we survive, have these supplies to partake of well into the Millennium, I suppose. This, based upon the general theme that they believe the seven-year Tribulation, not the Rapture, is imminent. There have been over the past few years a number of debates taking place on whether there will be the Pre-Trib Rapture or not. The best I've heard was the one at the Pre-Trib study group meetings when Dr. Mark Hitchcock completely destroyed the anti-Rapture arguments of the Bible Answer Man. ?There are some such debates scheduled for prophecy conferences in the near future. These will perhaps offer new food for thought, but I doubt whether they will change minds on either side of the controversy. ?Personally, I believe the time for debate on this matter is past. It is time now to just offer the assurance of that soon to come exhilarating moment when Christ will say "Come up here!" (Revelation 4:1). ?There are so many scriptural assurances of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture that we could fill many articles with them. As a matter of fact, we have done just that on the Rapture Ready website. ?I wish to mention only one Rapture factor here, because I believe it is the most reassuring of all truth in God's telling His children that they are not appointed to His wrath. Here we interject the question proposed in our title: Where's the Comfort? By that we ask: What comfort is there in the argument that Christians will go through the Tribulation? ?Paul the apostle first assures us of this fact: "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:9). But, it is the next thought from the mind of God that should cause warm reassurance in the spiritual heart of every believer: "Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do." (1 Thessalonians 5:11). ?Get it? We are to "comfort" ourselves, not wring our hands looking for these things to destroy us or to look for Antichrist. We are to be looking for our "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13). ?There is no comfort --nor is there directive in God's Word--to be had in anticipating going through the time of God's wrath and almost certain martyrdom (probably by beheading). There is no comfort in looking for the worst dictator in the planet's history to hunt us down and lop off our heads. ?Here is what God's Word promises instead of the dreaded scenario proposed by the Rapture antagonists: For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) --?6-6-16: Satanists in Los Angeles Will Construct a Giant Pentagram to 'Raise Awareness' for Satanism - By Michael Snyder - June 6th, a group from the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles will use GPS technology to construct a giant pentagram around the city of Lancaster, which is located in northern Los Angeles County.? The goal is to "raise awareness" for Satanism, and it looks like this event has already accomplished that goal.? Of course this particular date was chosen because it corresponds closely to "666" and the Mark of the Beast that we read about in the Book of Revelation, and therefore this little group of Satanists will receive some unusual media attention this week.? But as you will see below, there are other things that we should be far more concerned about than this.?But first let's address this giant pentagram that is going to be constructed in southern California.? The following details come from the website of the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles via L.A. Weekly...?The Pentagram is a star with five points. Using GPS technology we will place the five points of the star so that the Pentagram will encompass your entire city. When all of the points are in place, the Pentagram is completed. Drawing this symbol around your city represents a solemn promise from us, the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles. We will stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community.?A lot of people are going to get upset about this, and that is quite understandable.?But in the end, we have got to realize that we are not a Christian nation any longer and we have not been one for a very long time.? Today, there are a multitude of religious organizations vying for our attention, and Bible-believing Christians are just one of them.? I like what Paul McGuire had to say on this matter...??Currently in America there is intense competition among various belief systems, religions, philosophies, and ideologies. This competition is expressed openly as different groups and faiths seek to promote their belief systems and win converts to their religion or cause. We live in a free market place of ideas, and various religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Satanism, Wicca, and others are free to "evangelize," even though many of these religions would say that they do not believe in evangelism. Wicca, along with witchcraft and paganism, is currently the fastest growing religion in America. Islam is also a fast growing religion. Christianity, and specifically Evangelical Christianity, is declining faster than most people realize. ?The reason why so many of these other religions are winning in America is because Christianity is losing ground.?As millions of Americans turn away from the Christian faith, they are seeking to fill the spiritual voids in their hearts in other ways.? If we want to change that, we need to start representing Jesus Christ much better, and we need to let our light shine much brighter than we ever have before.?I wrote a major article about the decline of Christianity in America just the other day, and it has been a major theme in my writing for years.? The lukewarm, "me-centered" gospel that most churches are preaching today is not going to cut it any longer.? We are moving into a time when our world will be shaken like never before, and global events are going to seem like they are spinning out of control.? Millions of people are going to be searching for answers, and the number one topic that they are going to be interested in is Bible prophecy.? They are going to want to know if the Bible has anything to say about why our planet has gone completely nuts.? This is one of the reasons why I wrote my new book and why I recorded a four part teaching series on the last days down at Morningside recently.? If you have not gotten a chance to see it yet, you can view the first part right here.?I don't know if you have noticed, but our weather is starting to get totally crazy.? Since the end of last September, there have been 10 major flooding events in the United States.? Never before in U.S. history have we ever been hit by so many major flooding events in such a compressed period of time.?The 9th and 10th floods in this series just happened within the last few days.? First of all, on Sunday extremely heavy rains caused horrible flooding in parts of Texas and Kansas...?Six people died and at least two others were missing Sunday after heavy rains in Texas and Kansas caused severe flooding. In one case near Austin, which received nine inches of rain this week, a vehicle with two people was swept off a flooded roadway.?Threats of floods prompted authorities to evacuate thousands of prisoners near Houston, and inmates in another prison on Saturday fought with correctional officers after flooding caused a power outage.?Also on Sunday, tropical depression Bonnie caused absolutely nightmarish flooding in some parts of South Carolina.? The following comes from USA Today...?Tropical Depression Bonnie caused a holiday traffic nightmare on Interstate 95 Sunday after the storm system dumped heavy rain causing road closures and miles-long backups, officials said.?The South Carolina Department of Transportation said I-95 Southbound at the U.S. 17 exit, about 22 miles north of the Georgia border, was blocked because of water on the road. Traffic was also partially blocked in the northbound lanes.?It would be hard to accurately describe just how bad things were in some parts of the state.? At one point, it was being reported that traffic on Interstate 95 was backed up for more than 35 miles and large stretches of the highway were completely underwater...?So now we can add these two to the eight other major flooding events that have taken place over the past eight months.? In case you haven't been following my work on a regular basis, here in the list...?October: Hurricane Joaquin never makes landfall, but it tracks up the east coast of the United States causing nightmarish rainfall and flooding all over the eastern seaboard.? Things were particularly bad in South Carolina, where the governor declared that it was the worst rainfall that many areas of her state had seen in 1,000 years.?October: Violent storms in southern California caused flash flooding that buried some highways in "rivers of mud" that were up to six feet deep.? Hundreds of vehicles got buried in the fast moving mud, and the lifeless body of one man that had his vehicle completely encased by several feet of mud was recovered only after a few days had passed because that is how long it took emergency workers to dig him out.?October: Hurricane Patricia was the second most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in the entire world, and remnants from that storm caused absolutely horrible flooding in some parts of Texas.? The flood waters were moving so fast at one point that a freight train was actually knocked entirely off the tracks.?November-December: A "conveyor belt" of violent storms barreled into coastal areas of Oregon and Washington causing nightmarish flooding in many areas.? The resulting landslides and floods made headlines all over the country, and it is going to be a long time before the region fully recovers.? In early December we witnessed the wettest day in the history of Portland, Oregon, and things were also extremely bad at that time up in the Seattle area.?January: The middle part of the country experienced record-breaking flooding as the calendar rolled over from 2015 to 2016.? The only thing that people could really compare it to was the great flood of 1993, and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said that some communities saw floodwaters get to "places they've never been before".? Normally, if the middle of the country is going to see flooding like this it is going to take place when the snow begins to thaw in the spring.? For something like this to happen in the middle of the winter was absolutely unprecedented.?January: On January 22nd, one of the worst east coast blizzards in history slammed into Washington D.C., New York City and other major metropolitan areas.? More than three feet of snow was dumped on some areas, hundreds of thousands of people were left without power, and coastal cities all long the eastern seaboard experienced flooding that was described as "worse than Hurricane Sandy".? It is also interesting to note that this storm was known as "Jonas", which is actually a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name "Jonah".? Jonah, of course, was a Hebrew prophet that was sent to the capital city of Assyria (Ninevah) to warn that the judgment of God was coming.? Well, it turns out that this storm called Jonas also hit our capital city (Washington D.C.) on the exact anniversary of Roe v. Wade and in the exact location where Roe v. Wade was decided.?March: Almost two feet of rain triggered historic flooding in parts of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.? Flooding along one area of the Sabine River broke the previous record by more than five feet, and some sections of Interstate 10 were closed for four days.?April: City officials in Houston declared that the flooding that struck that city was "a life-threatening emergency", and substantial sections of Interstate 10 and Interstate 45 near downtown were fully underwater.? Authorities admitted that water was getting to areas that it had never been before, and Fire Department spokesman Jay Evans said that the water was 10 to 15 feet deep in some areas.?In addition, let us also remember that 2015 was the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history, and right at this moment we are more than a million acres ahead of the pace set last year.?So no, we don't need a bunch of Satanists to curse us, because we are already cursed.? We have killed more than 58 million babies since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, there are 20 million new STD cases in the United States each year, the suicide rate in this country has spiked to the highest level in almost 30 years, and most of our churches have already gone completely apostate.?If you want to get upset about what a small group of Satanists is doing out in southern California, I completely understand.?But in the end, we have problems that are far, far greater than that, don't you think?Daily Jot: Justifying a police state - Bill Wilson - ?To most Americans it seems to take a suspension of disbelief to see that the United States government is leading to, or even has become, a police state where individual freedom is subservient to the whims of legal interpretations and overreaching regulations. From red light cameras to automated speed cameras to police drones to the ability to assassinate American citizens if they are suspected terrorists, we live in an age of Constitutional deconstruction where the meanings of words are twisted to fit a population control agenda and laws are written that disregard the very freedoms that our government was established to protect. Where does it end??Many Christians have difficulty conceiving of how a beast government could rise to power and require everyone to take it's mark to be able to buy and sell. Yet, right here in America, we are giving up rights on a daily basis to a government that has sold us a bill of goods that this is necessary to protect us from Islamic terrorists--Oh, I'm sorry--check that--I should say "radical extremists" because we are not supposed to be in need of protection from the peaceful religion of Islam. While Islam is a dire threat to the freedom of everyone on earth, it also serves as a wonderful Trojan Horse to justify and establish government control over every aspect of our "free" lives. ?The government can view our naked bodies before we can fly on a plane. The government has technology to drive by our houses and detect where we are holding weapons. The government, or any other entity that has Google, can view our activities on our very property. The government can freeze our assets if we do not agree with which brand of Islamist terrorists it is supporting in Syria, Iran or Yemen--its a national emergency you know. Islam has given the government justification to intrude into almost every aspect of our lives. And once that foundation is laid, it's an easy step to crack down on your religion, your personal protection, your speech, even the products you buy (i.e. New York and soda).?Our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms have made it possible for us to share the gospel and expand the kingdom of the one true God both at home and throughout the world. But when the government uses an entity such as Islam to dictate our very freedoms, it won't be long until the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:9 take hold: "Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith the Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." I believe this is both spiritual and physical. Question is: are we standing fast or losing our standing fast?Daily Devotion: Forgiven? Then Forgive - Greg Laurie - ?"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." -Matthew 6:12?The feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys was one of the longest-running in American history. One family lived in West Virginia, the other in Kentucky, on opposite sides of the Big Sandy River's Tug Fork. Conflicts developed, one person was killed, and then another. And by the time it was over, more than two dozen people were dead.?Our society doesn't value forgiveness. In fact, forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness, not strength. Our culture esteems vengeance and payback. We believe in the old adage "Don't get mad, get even."?But in what we know as The Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" (Matthew 6:12).?The word debt in this verse could be better translated "sins." In other words, forgive us our sins-or our trespasses or our shortcomings or our resentments or the wrong we have done or what we owe to Him.?Contrary to what we may think, we don't go through a day without sinning. Even if we might not break a commandment of God, we certainly fall short of a standard of God. We have sinful thoughts and attitudes. We commit sins of commission, failing to do good when we could have done it. The Bible says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:8).?We need to ask God every day to forgive us for our sins. And as we receive that forgiveness, we should also extend it to others. According to Jesus, our generous and constant forgiveness of others should be the natural result of our understanding of the forgiveness God has extended to us.?To put it simply, forgiven people ought to be forgiving people.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks!Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! 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