-177165-350520Amnesty International Salisbury GroupMinutes of Monthly Meeting on Thursday 9th January 2014 7.30 pm at 4, Victoria Road.1Chairman’s WelcomePresent: Andrew, Andrew, Tony, Eddie, Peter, Lesley, Fiona, Michael S.?and Karen2Apologies: Jonathan and Michael P3Minutes of previous meeting1. ?St. Mary College, Shaftesbury contacted Peter several months ago about sending a speaker. Andrew will contact them.2. A question was raised about the ?700 donation from Bishops. Michael P was contacting AIUK has there been any response or resolution?AHMP4Minutes secretary(Karen) will carry on with shortened version of minutes until someone is willing to take over. 5Treasurer’s Report?496 was raised through the carol singing. Particular thanks were voted to Debbie Rigg and the Farrant Singers, Jonathan for the organisation and Michael S for hosting.Total balances stand at: ?553.57 current account and ?13.03 petty cash. There is ?50 outstanding from the printing costs from last NK event.6Update on campaigns DEATH PENALTY SUMMARY – JANUARY 2015GeneralUSAReport from Death Penalty Information Centre – amid growing concerns about how executions are carried out, the number of prison inmates being put to death fell to a 20 year low in 2014 at 35. The number of people sentenced to death was 72 – the lowest in 40 years. Only 7 of the 32 states with the DP carried out executions – the highest nos. from Texas, Missouri and Florida.. Georgia – On 9.12.14 Robert Wayne Holsey was executed – a black man convicted of the murder of a white policeman amid racial protests of racist brutality. This was despite his mental incapacity and troubled childhood. This was the second execution in Georgia in 2014Missouri - Paul Goodwin was executed on 10.12.14 following Governor Jay Nixon’s refusal to commute his sentence to life imprisonment. This was the 10th execution in the State in 2014.Pakistan – Report from Al Jazeera – 17.12.14: following the attack on the school in Peshawar, the Government lifted the moratorium on the death penalty, with the stated intention of imposing death sentences for terrorism related offences. Concerns have been expressed that non-terrorism offences will be tried under the ATA (Anti-Terrorism Act) – this is already happening. Pakistan has one of the largest death row populations in the world, with more than 8,526 people awaiting execution.Two convicted ‘terrorists’ were hanged on 19.12.14. A further 500 are under imminent threat of execution.Niaz Mohammad, convicted of attempting to assassinate former military ruler, Pervez Musharraf, was hanged on 31.12.14.On 3.1.15 orders were issued to hang seven more militants. On 6.1.15, following an outcry from human rights groups, the execution of one of the seven (a teenager at the time of sentencing) was stopped. On 7.1.15, a further two were hanged.China – On 15.12.14 an executed teenager was posthumously pardoned in a rare move by a Court in China after he was wrongly convicted and killed over the rape of a woman. He had in fact tried to help the woman. A serial rapist admitted to the crime, and the detectives admitted feeling pressured to secure a conviction.Jordan – 21.12.14 – the Country ended an eight year moratorium on the death penalty with the hanging of 11 men convicted of murder. 122 people have been sentenced to death since the last executions in 2006.Mauritania – 25.12.14 - Mauritania issued its first death sentence for apostasy since independence in 1960. Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mohamed, a Muslim, has been sentenced for writing an article deemed offensive towards IslamSaudi Arabia – An unnamed Pakistani man, accused of smuggling heroin, was beheaded on 31.12.14. He was the 13th person from Pakistan to be executed in Saudi Arabia since mid-October. 83 beheadings have been carried out in the Country in 2014.Urgent ActionsIndonesia – UA 305/14 – 5 prisoners at imminent risk of execution (see last month’s DP Minutes for details). Circulated to DPLWG 19.12.14. This month’s Group Urgent Action. Please note – the action text has been amended to reflect the fact that the execution of the five is reported to have been delayed following the recent airplane crash, which has focused media attention on the area.CampaigningReggie Clemons – there is still no further newsGroup Campaigning – we will continue to highlight the Death Penalty in our campaigning on Torture, and to write letters on behalf of individual prisoners condemned to death.NORTH KOREA CAMPAIGNMain news over the last month.‘The Interview’ Fictional comedy film on attempted assignation of KJU.This has been an on-going saga, these are the main dates;29/11/14 Did NK order hacking of Sony computers, publishing their private data, blackmailing and threatening cinemas due to release the film? FBI thinks so.8/12/14 NK demand film should not be released.22/12/15 NK accuse US of cyber attack on NK freezing their internet. Was it US?24/11/15 ‘The Interview ‘released on line with mixed critical reviews, however due to notoriety has made $15m from online viewing.2/1/15 US impose further financial sanctions.February 2015 The interview due to be released in UK.As result of all the publicity AI are releasing ‘The Other Interview’ in January featuring the story of NK woman enduring starvation, human trafficking to China, slavery, repatriation, detention, torture and finally escape.See attachment for details and trailer of film.Plans for Balloon activists to fly 100,00 copies into NK are presently postponed, as NK have threatened to pull out of high-level talks if released.48MHave contacted Kenny about possibility of borrowing this film either for group viewing or public showing. Will report reply to group.Open Doors World Watch ListNK has again been listed as no.1 on the World Watch List. The link below takes you to their NK page with information, video footage and radio clips of refugees’ testimonies. Also an email action to send to your MP raising awareness of the Open Doors parliamentary annual report for UK politicians. Please write if you feel you can. (See circulated copy of my letter) December 2014, parliamentary report on Religion and belief in DPRK following enquiry.This produced recommendations on how UK government can engage with the issues of human rights in NK.Sub group meeting for year planning on Monday 19th Jan 2pm at Karen’s.STOP TORTURE CAMPAIGNNothing to report as yet but will be in the foreground in the cathedral stall.7Report on website and newsletterStatistics for the web site for DecemberDecember hits217Total hits – all time (end December)1352Av per day7Country hits - DecemberBrazil48USA45UK25Russian Federation; Portugal; Australia; Italy 5 each23 other countriesCountry hits – all timeUK591USA311Brazil207France28Italy 26Albania 16Russian Federation; Germany; Portugal; 14 eachFollowers 60Popular posts are the death penalty and the longer items. Magna Carta entries are generating interest. Interest from the USA is intriguing since many of our urgent actions are USA related. Brazil is a mystery.Peter requested that everyone think about articles for the newsletter or the website.The question was raised as to whether it was worth continuing or transferring everything to the website. 8Magna Carta preparationsNot a lot to report on. Liaising with Dominic Grieve’s team to discuss dress code and parking etc which all require liaison with the Cathedral.We have not heard from the London Amnesty man who came and was going to help with the display in the cloister so he has been chased. [subsequent to the meeting he has responded and plans are well advanced].We are seeking a meeting with Seif to review the detail arrangements for March. These will include:How our speakers will feature in the programmeAgreeing titles and getting our logo onto the programmeIf fees are to be charged how will we get our share and on what basisPublicity and PR generally which the Cathedral have shown in the past not to be that strong on!Dates and times etc.Stewarding arrangementsI will be starting work on the leaflet soon and finalising the group leaflet.There will be more to say in February.[subsequent to the meeting there was a meeting on 15th January and notes will be produced soon]9Essay CompetitionThe group decided to leave the idea as there was no response from 6 schools. It could be related to pressure from curriculum and exams. It was agreed our best input seems to be via presence at citizenship days. 10Monthly actionNone sent from headquarters11Forthcoming eventsGreeting Card stallSaturday 17th January9-12 library walkNK sub group meetingMonday 19th January2pm Karen’s houseAGM Regional conferenceSaturday 21st FebruaryBristolCathedral service? Thursday 12th March? 5pm Cathedral? Film showing ‘Bastards’Wednesday 25th MarchArts CentreGreetings cards stall, Jonathan will provide the table. The stall will be in the library walkway. There are 300 cards available to be signed.A rota was set up to cover stall times. However volunteers are needed for 10-11 and 11-12 slots. Please contact Andrew if you are able to help.Greeting cards represent our solidarity with prisoners plus morale boosting, letting them know they are not alone. They are not Christmas cards as such but have been recycled from all types of greetings cards, birthday Christmas etc. If you have any please bring to stall so they can be reused for next year.12Cathedral serviceThe 12th March is a possibility awaiting confirmation from Jonathon.JP13Refugees/Asylum seekers in UKAt inception so no info from AIUK at present, will pick up once MC has finished.14AOBFiona presented directions from AIUK concerning the Lobbying Act;From now on any campaigning with other organisations on issues of human rights will need to be documented, any money spent has to be recorded for transparent accounting. Fiona has all the details and forms. The only issue this is likely to effect us on is HRA.Peter reminded the group about the large room at the Southampton Rd. Tesco. It will seat about 30 people, has kitchen and IT facilities and can be used for medium sized meetings. Free use during store opening hours.AGM for UK is in April at Coventry Warwick University.AGM on regional conference in Bristol, Saturday 21st February.The Nomination for regional rep. is coming up. The group were happy to have Caroline continue, and it was noted that the group was very happy with all the support she has given. Next Meeting; 7.30, Thursday 12th February @ 4, Victoria Rd.Group website: HYPERLINK "" AIUK website: .ukCampaign box and banner: Karens ................

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