Chapter 17 Guiding Questions Key - PC\|MAC

Chapter 17 Guiding Questions Key

Use your text and/or additional resources to answer the following on a separate sheet of paper in paragraph form. Be sure to cite specific examples where possible.

1. The Chinese and the Muslims were not the only peoples to explore the maritime world before the Europeans. Trace the maritime progress of Malayo-Polynesians, Africans, and Amerindians before 1450.

Malayo-Polynesians traveled the Pacific basin for thousands of years, covering several thousand miles in relatively small craft. Linguistic and biological evidence supports the intentional nature of Malayo-Polynesian expansion. West Africans explored the Atlantic in large ocean-going canoes. South American Arawaks and Caribs colonized the islands and territories of the Caribbean basin and also undertook voyages to the North American mainland.

2. Describe the maritime history of the Vikings.

The Vikings were the greatest sailors of the Atlantic in the early Middle Ages. They sailed small open boats to raid European villages for centuries. They discovered and settled many north Atlantic islands. Vikings discovered Iceland in 1770 and Greenland in 982. It is believed one group came in sight of North America in 986. Fifteen years later, Leif Erikson created a settlement on Newfoundland.

3. What was the impact of the Spanish in the Americas, as compared with the Portuguese in Africa and the East? What enabled the Spanish to conquer such enormous territory with so few men?

The Spanish were more likely to seek territory and conquest, whereas the Portuguese preferred trading partners. Besides, Amerindians had been completely isolated from the rest of the world—in contrast to the peoples that the Portuguese encountered, who were not strangers to world commerce. Epidemic disease reduced the Amerindian population dramatically, allowing the Spanish to gain a foothold. Spanish steel swords, armor, horses, firearms, and deceit, along with allies among the Amerindians, finished the conquest that disease had begun. Spanish imposition of forced labor and religious conversion helped control Spain’s new empire.

4. Using Map 17.3 identify the Tordesillas line. What is the importance of the Tordesillas line? (pp. 426, 430-31)

Answer this one entirely on your own.


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