Product Requirements Definition

SRA International, Inc.

ENERGY STAR Partner Resources (PM_MESA) Login.

Product Requirements Document

( 2007 SRA International, Inc.

Revision History

|Date |Revision |Description |Author |

|12/05/2007 |1.0 |Initial Version |Matt Kirchoffner |

| | | | |

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

2. User Description 2

3. Product Overview 3

4. Functional Product Features 4

5. System Product Features 5


1 Purpose of the PRD

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze and define high-level user needs and features of the iSTAR Partner application login from the EnergyStar home page. Details of how the application fulfills these needs will be further defined in supplementary documentation.

2 Product Overview

The purpose of the Partner Resources login from the home page allows partners and EnergyStar users the ability to sign into partner applications such as Portfolio Manager, MESA, OPS, Logo Downloads and HOST based on the access granted to those users.

3 References

• To be added when documentation is complete and added to CVS.

1. User Description

1 Key User Needs

Access to one or more of the roles defined in iSTAR under Portfolio Manager, My EnergyStar Account, Logo Downloads, Online Product Submittal and Homes Online Submittal Tool.

2 Key User – Access Rights

All EnergyStar and iSTAR users that have been granted the access roles that define access to any or all of the partner applications – MESA, HOST, PM, Logo Downloads and OPS.

• PMG – Portfolio Manager General User

• PMA – Portfolio Manager Administrator

• LDA – Logo Download Administrator

• LMU – Logo Download Media User

• LDU – Logo Download User

• PDE – Ops Data Entry

• MESAU – Mesa User

• MESAA – Mesa Administrator

• HOSTM – Host Manufacturer Access

• HOSTP – Host Partner Access

• HOSTE – Host EPA Access

Product Overview

1 Product Perspective

The Partner Resources login can be accessed on the EnergyStar home page at .

2 Product Position Statement for the iSTAR Module

|For |EnergyStar and iSTAR users with access to MESA, PM, Logos, OPS or HOST |

|Who |Manage and use ENERGY STAR partner resource applications. |

|The ENERGY STAR partner resource login | Is a login feature for partner applications. |

|That |Enables identified users with the ability to access EnergyStar partner |

| |applications. |

Functional Product Features

1 Provide the ability to access Partner Resource applications from the EnergyStar Home page.

2 Provide the ability for a user to access Partner Resource applications if the MESA and PM check fail.


System Product Features

1 The system shall display a “Partner Resources” login on the EnergyStar home page.

1 The system shall provide access to users who have been granted access to partner resource applications such as MESA, PM, HOST, OPS and Logo Downloads.

2 The system shall navigate the user to the MESA (My EnergyStar Account) Welcome page when the login credentials are checked and pass. (Access Roles = MESAU and MESAA).

1. The system shall display other partner resource application links in the ‘My EnergyStar Tools’ table on the MESA landing page if the user has that access.

2. The system shall navigate the user to the Portfolio Manager (PM) landing page if the check for MESA access fails but the Portfolio Manger (PM) check passes.

3. The system shall navigate the user to the Partner Resources Application Welcome page if the MESA and PEDRA check fail on initial login. The User will have one or more of the following access roles listed in 2.2 of this document related to HOST, Logo or OPS access.

4. The system shall navigate the user to the Invalid Partner Resources Application page when all checks fail.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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