Analysis of TAKS

Analysis of TAKS

Spring 2006 TAKS Release

Reading Grade 6

Objective 1: Demonstrate basic understanding of culturally diverse texts

▪ vocabulary from structural analysis (Greek and Latin roots, prefixes/suffixes)

▪ vocabulary from context clues, including multiple-meaning words and analogies

▪ determine meanings from derivatives

▪ distinguish denotative and connotative meanings

▪ determine main ideas and supporting details

▪ paraphrase and summarize to recall, inform, or organize ideas

Objective 2: Apply knowledge of literary elements

▪ analyze characters (traits, motivations, conflicts, points of view, relationships, changes)

▪ recognize and analyze plot, setting, problem resolution

▪ recognize and interpret literary devices (flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism)

Objective 3: Use strategies to analyze culturally diverse texts

▪ use text’s structure to locate and recall information (cause and effect, chronology)

▪ find similarities and differences across texts (treatment, scope, organization)

▪ represent text information in different ways (outline, timeline, graphic organizer)

▪ identify purposes of texts (inform, influence, express, entertain)

▪ compare communication in different forms (comparing story variants)

▪ describe how author’s perspective or point of view affects text

Objective 4: Apply critical-thinking skills to culturally diverse texts

▪ draw inferences or generalizations and support them

▪ distinguish fact and opinion

▪ support responses with text

▪ connect, compare, and contrast ideas, themes, and issues across text

▪ analyze ways authors organize and present ideas (cause/effect, compare/contrast, inductively, deductively, or chronologically)

▪ recognize how style, tone, and mood contribute to the effect of the text

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page two

Reading Passages

|Passage |Title |# |# |Graphics |Type |# |

| | |Paragraphs |Pages | | |Questions |

|2 |“The Typical Life of a Dog Model” |7 |2 |1 photograph with caption; |Interview – paired passage |4 |

| | | | |paw prints | |3 paired |

|3 |“Striking Out the Guys” |13 |3 |1 photograph – autographed |Narrative |12 |

|4 |“My Trip to Big Bend” |8 |2 |4 photographs all with |Mixed passage (expository and |10 |

| | | | |captions |narrative) | |

|5 |“The Case of the Littered Courtyard” |29 |3 ½ |1 illustration |Narrative |10 |

|Totals | |64 |12 ½ | | |42 |

| | | | | | | |

Question Analysis

Reading Passage 1: “William Wegman”

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page three

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|3 |3 |Look at the outline of information from the |Outline |Text representation – outline form |The student must identify the third|

|D |6.10 (L) |selection. [Insert outline.] What information | |(supporting detail) |supporting detail from one |

|88% | |belongs on the blank line? | | |paragraph. The supporting detail |

| | | | | |is represented by a blank line in |

| | | | | |an outline. |

| | | | | | |

Reading Passage 2: “The Typical Life of a Dog Model”

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|5 |4 |[Insert effect] because --- |--- |Inferences |Three of the answer choices are not|

|C |6.10 (H) | | | |supported by the text. |

|96% | | | | | |

|6 |2 |[Insert character] can best be described as --- |Pushy |Characters – traits (inference) |Answer choices are all adjectives. |

|G |6.12 (F) | |Confident | | |

|93% | | |Quiet | | |

| | | |Foolish | | |

|7 |1 |Paragraph ___ is mainly about--- |Mainly about |Main idea |The student must identify the main |

|A |6.10 (F) | | | |idea of 1 paragraph. Distractor: 1|

|73% | | | | |wrong answer repeats words from the|

| | | | | |paragraph. |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page four

Reading Passages 1 and 2: Cross-Over Questions

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|9 |4 |From information in both selections, the reader can|Conclude |Inferences – conclusion |Use yes/yes – no/no process. |

|B |6.10 (H) |conclude that--- |Both | | |

|91% | | | | | |

|10 |3 |One similarity between the selections is that both |Similarity |Similarities across text |Use yes/yes – no/no strategy. All |

|F |6.10 (I) |--- |Both | |answer choices begin with purpose |

|87% | | |Show | |verbs. |

| | | |Mention | | |

| | | |Provide | | |

| | | |Explain | | |

Reading Passage 3: “Striking Out the Guys”

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|12 |1 |In paragraph ___, what does the word ___ mean? |Jubilant |Vocabulary – context clues |Answer choices are adjectives. |

|G |6.9 (B) | |Nervous | |Strategy: negative/positive |

|93% | | |Excited | | |

| | | |Jealous | | |

| | | |Surprised | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page five

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|14 |4 |Which of these is an idea that is present |Throughout |Connect an idea across text (theme) |Answers are phrases dealing with |

|F |6.11 (D) |throughout the selection? |Consequences | |theme topics. |

|86% | | |Overcoming | | |

| | | |Adjust | | |

|15 |2 |In the selection, [insert character] mostly |Mostly wanted |Characters – motivation |Three answer choices have no |

|C |6.12 (F) |wanted to | | |textual support. |

|83% | | | | | |

|16 |2 |Why is paragraph ___ important to the |Important |Plot (rising action/suspense) |Answer choices contain key verbs. |

|F |6.12 (G) |selection? |Suspense | |Three answer choices are false |

|69% | | |Creates | |statement. |

| | | |Describes | | |

| | | |Introduces | | |

|17 |4 |In paragraph ___, the author creates a mood |Mood |Mood |Use positive/negative strategy. |

|C |6.12 (K) |of--- |Amusement | | |

|77% | | |Fear | | |

| | | |Enthusiasm | | |

| | | |Anger | | |

|18 |4 |Based on the information at the end of the |Conclude |Inferences – conclusion |A prediction should be the next |

|J |6.10 (H) |selection, the reader can conclude that--- | | |logical thing that is likely to |

|69% | | | | |happen (not distant future). |

|19 |3 |[Insert character] first thought [insert |--- |Text structure – chronology |The answer is explicitly stated in|

|B |6.10 (E) |thought] when--- | | |the same paragraph. |

|83% | | | | | |

|20 |4 |Which sentence in the paragraph shows that___? |Obstacles |Support responses |Answer choices are italicized |

|G |6.11 (C) | | | |quotes from the selection. |

|85% | | | | | |

|21 |1 |In paragraph ___, the phrase [insert phrase] |Dreamy |Vocabulary – analogy |The student must interpret a |

|C |6.9 (B) |indicates that [insert character] felt--- |Satisfied | |simile then relate the literal |

|91% | | |Powerful | |meaning to the answer choices |

| | | |Out of place | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page six

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

Reading Passage 4: “My Trip to Big Bend”

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|24 |4 |What is the narrator’s tone in paragraph ___ of|Tone |Tone |Answer choices are all adjectives. |

|F |6.12 (K) |this selection? |Lighthearted | | |

|79% | | |Enthusiastic | | |

| | | |Curious | | |

| | | |Emotional | | |

|25 |1 |Why does the narrator [insert effect] when ___?|Poisonous |Supporting detail – inference |The effect is given. The student |

|C |6.10 (F) | | | |must identify the cause, which is |

|95% | | | | |implied in the same paragraph. |

|26 |1 |Paragraphs ___ and ___ are mainly about--- |Mainly about |Main idea |Students must identify the main idea |

|G |6.10 (F) | | | |of two paragraphs. Answer choices |

|78% | | | | |consist of three supporting details |

| | | | | |and one main idea. |

| | | | | | |

|27 |3 |What makes the narrator feel [insert feeling]? |Uncomfortable |Text structure – cause and effect |The effect is given. The student |

|D |6.10 (E) | |Tarantulas | |must identify the cause. |

|88% | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page seven

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|29 |4 |An idea present throughout this selection is |Idea |Connect idea across text |Three answer choices are false |

|C |6.11 (D) |the --- |Throughout | |statements. |

|86% | | |Variety | | |

| | | |Challenges | | |

|30 |4 |The reader can predict that the narrator will |Predict |Inference – prediction |Three answer choices are not |

|H |6.10 (H) |probably --- | | |supported by text. |

|88% | | | | | |

|31 |3 |How doe/does [insert event] influence ___? |Influence |Point of view |The answer is supported in the same|

|A |6.12 (H) | |Appreciates | |paragraph. |

|87% | | |Uniqueness | | |

|32 |1 |In paragraph ___, the word ___means --- |Transform |Vocabulary – context clues |Context clues “from… to…” indicate |

|H |6.9 (B) | | | |change. |

|93% | | | | | |

Reading Passage 4: “The Case of the Littered Courtyard”

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|34 |21 |Why is paragraph ___ important to the story? |Describes |Plot development – conflict |All answer choices appear in the |

|J |6.12 (G) | |Explains | |paragraph. The student must |

|75% | | | | |identify why the paragraph is |

| | | | | |important (critical to conflict). |

| | | | | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page eight

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |

|36 |1 |The question is a supporting detail from the |Jealous |Supporting detail |The answer is explicitly stated in |

|J |6.10 (F) |passage. | | |the passage. |

|97% | | | | | |

|37 |1 |Which is the best summary of this story? |Best summary |Summary |Answer choices are in the form of 3-4|

|A |6.10 (G) | | | |sentence paragraphs. Use the |

|79% | | | | |Beginning-Middle-End strategy. |

| | | | | | |

|38 |3 |Look at the action map and then answer the |Turning point |Represent text – graphic organizer (action|This whole page question is an action|

|J |6.10 (L) |question that follows. [Insert map.] Which of |Action map |map) |map with problem, event 1, event 2, |

|83% | |these would go in the triangle labeled “Turning| |Climax (turning point) |and a box for turning point. The |

| | |Point”? | | |student must identify the turning |

| | | | | |point (climax). |

| | | | | | |

|39 |1 |In paragraph ___, the word ___ helps give the |--- |Vocabulary – denotative and connotative |The student must interpret the |

|C |6.9 (F) |reader a sense of --- | |meanings |literal meaning of a metaphor and |

|57% | | | | |then match to a noun. |

| | | | | | |

|40 |4 |The author organizes paragraphs ___ through ___|Organizes |Organization of text – chronological |This question concerns the |

|F |6.12 (I) |by --- |Describing | |organizational structure of 3 |

|75% | | |Comparing | |paragraphs. Answer choices begin |

| | | |Listing | |with structure verbs. |

| | | |Explaining | | |

|41 |4 |Which idea from the story best shows that ___? |--- |Support responses |Text support is given as answer |

|D |6.11 (C) | | | |choices. The student must identify |

|76% | | | | |which answer choice support the given|

| | | | | |idea. |

| | | | | | |

TAKS Deconstruction - Reading Grade 6

Page nine

|Question/ Answer/ |TAKS/ TEKS |Question Stem |Vocabulary/ Key Term |Skill/ Concept |Context |

|% Correct | | | | | |


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