Unit 5B - Everyday Leadership

Session 1.5 Influence Without Authority

|[pic] | |

| |Total Session Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes |

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

• Distinguish between personal and positional sources of power.

• Apply an influence model to increase personal potency in an organization.


|Sli|[pic] | |

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|Sli|[pic] | |

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Influence vs. Authority

|Sli|[pic] |One of the ways in which people demonstrate leadership is by |

|de | |exercising influence. |

|3 | |. |

|Sli|[pic] | |

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|Sli|[pic] |This session is based on the work of Allan Cohen and David |

|de | |Bradford. They wrote a book called “Influence without |

|5 | |Authority” and developed a model for how to effectively |

| | |influence others. |

| | |Here are some key points from their work. |

| | |Sometimes, we think “if only I had the authority, if only I |

| | |were the boss, if only I were in charge, then I would have |

| | |influence.” |

| | |The truth is, even when you are the boss, it still does not |

| | |mean you can actually influence what will happen next. |

| | |Improving your ability to influence others, regardless of |

| | |your formal authority, is a useful skill to develop. |

| | |Being in a position of authority (such as a manager or |

| | |director) confers positional power; however, you do not need |

| | |positional power or formal authority to influence others. |

| | |You can develop your own capacity and skill at influencing |

| | |others, and you can use it whether or not you are in a |

| | |position of authority. You can influence others without |

| | |authority. |

| | | |

| | |Source: |

| | |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: |

| | |Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in |

| | |Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.|

|Sli|[pic] |Influence can happen directly or indirectly. |

|de | |It can happen in many different settings, both formal and |

|6 | |informal. |

| | |When you want to influence someone, choosing the setting |

| | |(phone call, meeting, etc.) is one of the last steps in the |

| | |process. |

| | |Remember, it is more important to prepare well for |

| | |influencing others, than to choose the “perfect” setting for |

| | |influence to take place. |

| | | |

| | |Source: |

| | |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: |

| | |Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in |

| | |Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.|

| | | |

|Sli|[pic] | |

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|7 | | |

Art of Give and Take

|Sli|[pic] |Cohen and Bradford talk about The Law of Reciprocity |

|de | |This is the belief that people should be paid back for what |

|8 | |they do. |

| | |Essentially, it means that one good turn deserves another. |

| | |(Or, one bad turn deserves another – it can be positive or |

| | |negative.) |

| | |In general, people tend to expect that when they do things |

| | |for others, those people “owe” them something in return. One |

| | |act (positive or negative) is repaid with an equally valuable|

| | |act in return. |

| | |Ideas of reciprocity are closely linked to the concept of |

| | |influence. |

| | | |

| | |Source: |

| | |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: |

| | |Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in |

| | |Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.|

|Sli| |To be able to influence someone, the receiver must see a |

|de |[pic] |benefit of some kind. |

|9 | |Basically, you are offering something valued in return for |

| | |what you want or need. |

| | |Give and take can be positive or negative. |

| | |In a positive exchange, the “trade” you offer can be an offer|

| | |to share information, assist with a project, etc. |

| | |For example, a negative exchange could result be the loss of |

| | |a benefit, or a lack of cooperation, or a cost that results |

| | |from an undesirable response. This negative exchange might |

| | |start by withholding something valued or needed, or giving |

| | |someone something that they do not want. |

| | |Normally we are using this approach of positive exchange |

| | |without even thinking about it. |

| | |For example, we try to make good relationships with our |

| | |colleagues, managers, and stakeholders. |

| | |Learning more about this process can help us when we are |

| | |dealing with people who are more difficult to influence. |

| | | |

| | |Source: |

| | |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: |

| | |Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in |

| | |Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.|

Currency and Using the Influence Model

|Sli|[pic] |The term currency describes what is traded under the Law of |

|de | |Reciprocity. |

|10 | | |

|Sli|[pic] |Refer to Handout 1.5.1: Currencies Frequently Valued in |

|de | |Organizations on page 137. |

|11 | | |

| | | |

| | |Influence becomes possible when you have something that |

| | |others want. |

| | |The concept of “currencies” can help you figure out what you |

| | |might have to offer that you could offer in exchange for |

| |Source: |cooperation, or something that you want or need. |

| |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: Using |If you are not in a position of great power, then you have to|

| |Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in Journal of |think creatively to figure out what you can give that may be |

| |Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80. |useful or valuable to your colleagues. |

| | |You need to be aware of the many different things that people|

| | |care about in your workplace. |

| | |Many of the most valuable currencies are things that do not |

| | |cost you anything to give, like gratitude, recognition, |

| | |information sharing, etc. |

| | |You may not be in a position where you control some of the |

| | |currencies that are valued by the person you are trying to |

| | |influence; however, you can think creatively to find some |

| | |common ground. |

| | |We have already mentioned that exchanges can be positive or |

| | |negative. |

| | |Negative currencies are things that people do not value, or |

| | |wish to avoid. |

| | |Use caution when employing a negative currency. Although |

| | |sometimes negative currencies are necessary, they may spark |

| | |undesirable chain reactions and do damage to relationships. |

|Sli| |The answers to these questions are usually complicated – it |

|de |[pic] |is much easier to complain about what is wrong than to think |

|12 | |of a realistic goal that would make something better. |

| | |To influence, you must have a goal in mind. |

| | | |

| | |Source: |

| | |Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: |

| | |Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in |

| | |Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.|

| | | |

|Sli|[pic] |It is important to sort out our personal desires and |

|de | |ambitions from goals that benefit the organization. |

|13 | |Personal career advancement is not a goal that will help you |

| | |influence others. |

| | |Strategic thinking about goals and priorities is useful for |

| | |gaining clarity. |

| | |Try to determine what the primary objective is, and what is |

| | |secondary. |

| | |For example, promotion or recognition may be your secondary |

| | |goal, but your primary goal should be something that will |

| | |benefit your organization, stakeholders, or the people you |

| | |serve. |

| | |Try to determine: What are short-term objectives and |

| | |long-term goals? |

| | |Try to separate critical needs from preferences – what is |

| | |critical to achieving the goal? |

|Sli|[pic] |Refer to Handout 1.5.2: Model of Influence Without Authority |

|de | |on page 139. |

|14 | | |

| | |Review each step in the model below using the explanations |

| | |for each point found in Handout 1.5.2: |

| | | |

| | |Assume everyone is a potential ally |

| | |Clarify goals and priorities |

| | |Diagnose the world of the other |

| | |Identify relevant currencies |

| | |Deal well with relationships |

| | |Influence via give and take |

| | | |

| | |Source: Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. |

|Sli| |Often, we use the influence model instinctively; |

|de |[pic] |However, it can be extremely beneficial to take a systematic |

|15 | |approach to influencing others in particular situations. |

| | |For example, you might consider using this under these |

| | |situations listed on the slide. |

| | | |

|Sli| |Refer to Worksheet 1.5.1: Influence Worksheet on page 141. |

|de |[pic] | |

|16 | |This worksheet can be used to strategically think through |

| | |your goals and prepare you to influence others. |

| | | |

| | |If you do not finish this worksheet during the training |

| | |session, complete the worksheet as homework. |

|Sli| |Influence is a skill that can be learned and practiced |

|de |[pic] |strategically |

|17 | |All influence operates based on principles of exchange. It is|

| | |the art of give and take. |

| | |Strategic influence requires advance preparation |

| | |It is important to consider potential costs to you, as well |

| | |as to the other party, for cooperating with your idea or |

| | |project |

| | |You have a wide range of currencies at your disposal |

| | |Influence requires thoughtful communication at every stage |

| | |Influence happens over time – do not think you have failed if|

| | |you have not convinced someone to cooperate with you in one |

| | |meeting or interaction! |

| | |Influence will work best if you are working toward a goal |

| | |that will benefit the organization |

| | |Trust, reputation, and good relationships are the foundation |

| | |for successful influence; good relationships are the means |

| | |for accomplishing your goals. |

| | | |

Key Points

|Sli|[pic] | |

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|[pic] |Handout 1.5.1: Currencies Frequently Valued in Organizations |

In a variety of workplaces and professional settings, at least five types of currencies come into play. Although this list is not comprehensive, it provides a view of possible currencies that may be useful when thinking about the things people care about, and what you have to offer.

|Inspiration-Related Currencies |

|Reflect inspirational goals that provide meaning to the work that a person does. |

|Vision |Being involved in a task that has larger significance for unit, organization, customers/clients, |

| |or society |

|Excellence |Having a chance to do important things really well |

|Moral/ethical Correctness |Doing what is “right” by a higher standard than efficiency |

|Task-Related Currencies |

|Relate to a person’s ability to perform assigned tasks, or to the satisfaction that arises from accomplishment. |

|New Resources |Obtaining money, budget increases, personnel, space, equipment, etc. |

|Challenge/learning |Getting to do tasks that increase skills and abilities; opportunities to participate in “stretch |

| |assignments” |

|Assistance |Receiving help with existing projects or unwanted tasks |

|Organizational Support |Receiving overt or subtle backing or direct assistance with implementation |

|Rapid Response |Getting something more quickly |

|Information |Obtaining access to organizational or technical knowledge |

|Position-Related Currencies |

|Enhance a person’s position in the organization, and indirectly aid the person’s ability to accomplish tasks and advance their career. |

|Recognition |Acknowledgment of effort, accomplishment, or abilities |

|Visibility |The chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization |

|Reputation |Being seen as competent, committed |

|Insiderness/Importance |A sense of centrality, of belonging |

|Contacts |Opportunities for linking with others |

|Relationship-Related Currencies |

|Connected to strengthening the relationship with someone. |

|Acceptance/inclusion |Feeling closeness and friendship |

|Understanding |Having concerns and issues listened to |

|Personal support |Receiving personal and emotional backing |

|Personal-Related Currencies |

|Valued because they enhance the individual’s sense of self. |

|Gratitude |Appreciation or expression of indebtedness |

|Ownership/involvement |Ownership of and influence over important tasks |

|Self-concept |Affirmation of values, self-esteems, and identity |

|Comfort |Avoidance of hassles |

Continued on next page.

Common Negative Currencies

Negative currencies are things that people do not value, and often wish to avoid. Use these with caution in your practice of influence. Although they are sometimes necessary, they may result in additional negative chain reactions (such as retaliation) and/or damage to relationships.

When using negative currencies, try to use positive framing. For example, a statement such as “I know you wouldn’t want to be left out” is likely to be better received than a direct threat (i.e., “If you do not cooperate, I will see to it that you are left out.”)

|Withholding “Payments” of a valued currency |

|Not giving recognition |

|Not offering support |

|Not providing challenge |

|Threatening to quit the situation |

|Creating undesirable situations |

|Raising voice, yelling |

|Refusing to cooperate when asked |

|Escalating issue upwards to common boss |

|Going public with issue, making lack of cooperation visible |

|Attacking a person’s reputation, integrity |

Source: Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80.

|[pic] |Handout 1.5.2: Model of Influence Without Authority |


Assume everyone is a potential ally

• Do not write someone off as your adversary or enemy prematurely.

• Start with a positive approach, assuming that everyone (including managers and directors and other people in authority positions) has the potential to be your ally if you work at it.

• Where do your interests overlap? How can this relationship be mutually beneficial?

• If you think that it is worthless or hopeless to try to influence someone, then you are giving up!

Clarify goals and priorities

• Think strategically about what you want to influence.

• What will benefit your organization? Is this a critical need? What are the short- and long-term steps?

Diagnose the world of the other

• What will it cost someone to cooperate with you? Do they risk losing anything (reputation, etc.)?

• How can you minimize these costs?

• What is important to them? What forces might shape their goals, concerns, and needs?

• Understanding the pressures that someone is under can help you avoid blaming, and start seeing them as an ally.

Continued on next page.

Identify relevant currencies

• Give thought to what resources you have that your ally desires.

• Remember that your ally will value more than one currency – be creative and think broadly!

• Also consider what resources your ally commands.

Deal well with relationships

• Good relationships are the foundation of all influence. They are the means by which we get things done.

• What is the nature of your relationship with the person you are trying to influence? Is it positive, negative, or neutral? Do you have a history of working with this person? Is there any damage that you have to try to repair before moving ahead?

• How does this person want to be related to? Try to relate to them in the way that they prefer.

Influence via give and take

• Using all of the information you have gathered, you can determine your approach and begin trying to make exchanges.

• Try to plan an approach that has the best chance of being judged on its merits, and remember that both the task and the relationships are important.


• Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D. L. 2005. “The Influence Model: Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25,No 1. pp 57-80. Available at .

|[pic] |Worksheet 1.5.1: Influence Worksheet |

Describe the basic issue in one phrase or sentence:

What is your vision/what do you want to have happen?

|Why is this a good idea? (top 3 |(1) |

|reasons) | |

| |(2) |

| |(3) |

|What are likely arguments against your | |

|position? | |

| | |

| | |

|What are the potential costs to the | |

|other party? (real costs AND perceived | |

|costs) | |

| | |

| | |

|What are the potential benefits to the | |

|other party if this is successful? | |

| | |

| | |

|What are important interests, needs, | |

|priorities, and fears to consider? | |

| | |

| | |

|What would success look like? | |

|(Examples, indicators) | |

| | |

| | |


Refer to these materials for additional background reading, as needed.

• Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. Influence without Authority. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005.

• Cohen, A.R. and Bradford, D.L. 2005. “The Influence Model: Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What You Need.” in Journal of Organizational Excellence. Vol 25, No 1. pp 57-80. Available at .



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