PCB 4233C Immunology

Weekly Schedule of Activities

|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 1 |Course Overview |Chapter 1 |

|Aug 23 -25 |Elements of the Immune System |Lab Safety and Review of Techniques |

| |Historical Perspective |Quiz: Immunology Terminology  |

| |Innate vs Adoptive Immunity |Blood Smear and identification of lymphoid |

| |Lymphoid System |cells |

| |Overview of Antibody and Cell Mediated Immunity | |

|Define immunity and resistance to disease. |

|Describe the branches of the immune system. |

|Distinguish between a primary and secondary immune response. |

|Compare and contrast innate and acquired immunity. |

|Identify the molecular properties of antigens and their contribution to immune recognition. |

|Define hapten, antigen and epitope.  |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 2 |Antibody Structure and Generation of B-cell Diversity |Chapter 2 |

|Aug 30 – |Basic Structure of Immunoglobulins | |

|Sept 1 |Immunoglobulin Sequencing Studies |Immunodiffusion Techniques, Precipitation |

| |Immunoglobulin Fine Structure |Reactions, Ouchterlony Tests and Forensic |

| |B-Cell Receptor |Serology |

| |Antigenic determinants on Immunoglobulins | |

| |Immunoglobulin Classes | |

| |Monoclonal Antibodies | |

| |Immunoglobulin Genetics | |

|Discuss how the structure of immunoglobulins contribute to both their specificity and their effector functions. |

|Explain the basic structure of an antibody molecule. |

|List the five immunoglobulin classes and their biological function |

|Describe organization of Ig genes |

|Describe class switching |

|Define how antibody structure contributes to antibody specificity and effector function |

|Describe how the binding strength of an antibody-antigen is determined. |

|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 3 |Antigen Recognition by T lymphocytes |Ch 3 |

|Sept 6 -8 |T Cell diversity |Isolation and enumeration of Lymphocytes |

| |Ag processing and MHC antigens | |

| |MHC gene organization and distribution |Quiz: Evaluate immunodiffusion results |

| |Regulation of MHC genes | |

| |MHC genes and Immunoresponsiveness | |

|List the different types of T cells and their function |

|Describe the TCR complex |

|Describe how T cells recognize antigen |

|Distinguish between MHC class I and class II |

|Describe the function of MHC receptors |

| |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 4 |EXAM 1 |Ch 1-3 |

|Sept. 13-15 |Lymphocyte markers |Presentation topic and resources due |

| | |Flow cytometer |

|List the receptors used to identify B & Tcells |

|Describe the use of a flow cytometer in the identification of lymphoid cells |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 5 |B cell Development |Ch 4 |

|Sept. 20-22 |Maturation and abnormalities |Lymphocyte stimulation |

|Describe the Development of B cells |

|Discuss the progression of Ig gene rearrangement with B cells |

|Discuss abnormalities in malignant B cells in relation to B cell development |

|Date | Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 6 |Development of T cells |Ch 5 & 6 |

|Sept. 27-29 |Thymus education |Agglutination reactions |

| |Positive and negative selection |(Blood typing) |

| |T cell maturation | |

| |T cell malignancies | |

|List the cell surface receptors used to identify T and B cells |

|List type of T cells |

|Describe difference between T cell type and function |

|Describe lymphocyte matuation in tissues |

|List types of T cell malignancies and correlate with normal T cell development |

| Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 7 |T cell mediated immunity |Presentations draft due |

|Oct. 4-6  |T cell trafficking |ELISA |

| |T cell signaling | |

|List the properties of the significant cytokines |

|Describe potential therapeutic uses of cytokines |

|Discuss mechanism involved in T cell cytotoxicity |

|Describe assays to measure T cell function |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 8 |EXAM 2 (trade day for Nov 22) |Ch 1-6 |

|Oct 11-13 |Immunity mediated by B cells and Complement system |CH 50 Assay |

|Understand procedures for measuring complement activity |

|Correlate complement levels and activity with clinical syndromes |

|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 9 |B cell mediated Immunity |Ch 7 |

|Oct. 18-20 | |Bactericidal Assay |

| |Ab. Production | |

| |T ind. and dept antigens | |

| |Complement | |

| |Components, Activation, Regulation, Deficiencies | |

|Compare T and T independent antigens |

|Compare and contrast the classical and alternate complement systems |

|Discuss consequences of Complement activation and deficiences |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 10 |Body/s Defense against infections |Ch 8 |

|Oct. 25 -27 |Innate Immunity |Phagocytosis  |

| |Epithelium | |

| |Phagocytosis and NK activity | |

| |Adaptive Immunity | |

| |TH1 and TH 2 | |

| |Immunological memory | |

|List various components of innate and adaptive immune response |

|Describe pathways involved in inflammation |

|Define immunological memory |

|Describe differences between primary and secondary response |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 11 |EXAM 3 |Ch 9 |

|Nov 1 –3 |Failure of Body’s Defenses |Alpha 2 mac |

| |Evasion of the immune system by pathogens | |

| |Inherited and Acquired Immunodeficiencies | |

|List possible mechanisms organisms use to evade host defense mechanisms |

|Discuss role of inheritance associated with specific immunodeficiencies |

|List external factors that contribute to immunodeficiencies |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 12 |Overreaction of Immune system |Ch 11 |

|Nov 8- 10 |Hypersensitivity Reactions |ANA Assay |

| |Disruption of Healthy tissue by Immune response | |

| |Autoimmune disease | |

|Discuss the mechanisms and consequences of the four primary types of hypersensitive reactions. |

|Describe the principal mediators involved in the four primary types of hypersensitivities. |

|Discuss the timing of the reaction in the types of hypersensitivity reactions. |

|Describe the different mechanism involved in T and B tolerance and the role of antigen in each |

|Discuss possible mechanism involved in the development of autoimmune disease |

|Describe differences between systemic and organ specific autoimmunity |

|List specific autoimmune diseases and their immunological origin |

|List detection mechanisms for identifying and treating autoimmune diseases |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 13 |Autoimmune Disease continued |Ch 12 |

|Nov. 15 - 17 |Manipulation of the Immune system |Alpha 2 mac |

| |Vaccination | |

| |Transplantation | |

| |Immunosuppression | |

| |Tumor immunogenicity | |

| |Immunological techniques | |

|This session will address the following learning objectives: |

|Compare various methods of vaccination listing strengths and weaknesses of each |

|Discuss immunological basis of organ transplantation |

|List mechanisms/ treatments to prevent graft rejection |

|Discuss the concept of immunological surveillance and tumor development |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 14 |Free day (traded for Oct 11) | |

|Nov 22 -24 | | |

| |Thanksgiving | |

|Experience the impact of over satiation and relaxation on comprehension skills |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 15 |Oral Presentations and Reveiw | |

|Nov 29- Dec 1 | | |

|Application of immunology principles to specific topics selected by students |


|Date |Session Topics |Readings & Assignments |

|Week 16 | EXAM 4 Cumulative Final |Ch 1-12 and presentations |


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