Silhouette Project- Art Fundamentals

Silhouette Project- Art Fundamentals

[pic] [pic] [pic]


In this lesson you will learn and be able to identify positive and negative shapes in two-dimensional artwork, how to use two new media: pastel and India ink, and how to identify foreground and background in artwork. You will also learn to arrange your subject matter to create a dynamic composition.


Key concepts:


positive space-________________________________________________________________

negative space-________________________________________________________________





complementary colors-___________________________________________________________


• Find images that can be combined into a scene. There must be at least 2 depths of space. Find reference pictures that have people, buildings, landscape, etc. Depth can be achieved by your use of perspective (varying the size of objects), and the use of a foreground and a background. I would like you to have at least three reference pictures. You can combine components from three different pictures to create a dynamic composition of your own. Instead of coping someone else’s image.

• You may not use cartoon characters or advertising logos.

• This project will also be graded on the degree of difficulty. (Do not pick out a picture that is too easy! If there is only one person or one object it is probably too easy!) Keep your reference pictures in your art folder. You will turn this in with your completed project.

Procedure for sketching the design:

•        You will create a silhouette design. Lightly sketch your design on a 12 x 18 sheet of white drawing paper. You will not draw many details of your image, it will just be a simple outline.

• Once the initial design is sketched out - put your name on the back and check with at least three students and ask them to critique your drawing. When YOU are critiquing a project, look for a strong composition. Here’s what you should be considering:

➢ Is there one way to change the composition to make it better?

➢ Does the composition have a foreground and a background?

➢ Interesting positive and negative shapes?

➢ Do you have any other suggestions for the design?

➢ Give constructive criticism, but DO NOT be rude.

Classmate Critiques




(After you have completed your critiques, you may begin with pastel.)

Procedure for creating a background with Pastel:

•        You will use pastels to create a background. Use at least three colors of pastel that will blend into each other. Try color combinations on scrap paper before you begin. Make sure your colors don’t get muddy when blended into one another. Stay away from complementary colors (colors that are across the color wheel from each other) as they will create a brown.

•        Make sure there is no white paper showing through the areas of pastel on your picture. You must blend the pastel to all edges of the paper.

•        Store your pictures on the drying rack as soon as they have been shaded with pastel or painted with ink.

Procedure for using India ink:

*Note- India ink is a permanent ink. Be very careful when you use this ink. You may want to bring in an old shirt as a precaution or use my aprons.

•        You will carefully paint in India to create your silhouette design. Make sure to apply the ink in a consistent amount and in a consistent direction, otherwise you will get a streaky look.

• Be precise when outlining your shapes.

• Always cap your ink bottles after use.

Post Assessment

• You will complete a written reflection . The reflection must be legible, must be a minimum of one paragraph in length, and must answer the following questions:

1) Identify the objects or parts of the picture that are the foreground.

2) Identify the objects or parts of the picture that are the background.

3) Describe the part of your picture that is the negative space?

4) Describe the part of the picture that is positive space?

|Witten Reflection: Did the student attach a written reflection answering the questions outlined in the handout? 10 | |

|points | |

|Common Assessment -Art Rubric |

|There are _52___possible points on this project. Silhouette Project |

|Name__________________________________________________ Period_______________ |

|All of the time |A majority of the time |Some of the time |Very little evidence |No evidence |

|4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|Daily Criteria- Process |Points Earned |

|Consistent work effort: Did the student work on a consistent daily basis? | |

|Ability to listen/follow directions: Was the student quiet and respectful when the teacher was | |

|talking/presenting information? Did the student follow spoken and written directions on a consistent daily basis? | |

|Ability to work independently: Did the student work independently on a consistent daily basis? | |

|Positive attitude/respect for peers: Did the student keep a positive attitude on a consistent | |

|daily basis? Was the student polite and respectful to his or her classmates? | |

|Clean-Up: Did the student clean up his or her supplies/work area on a consistent daily basis? | |

/20 points

|Exemplary |Accomplished |Developing |Very little evidence |No evidence |

|8 |6 |4 |2 |0 |

|Project Benchmarks- Product |Points Earned |

|Student Growth/Comprehension: Did the student demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts outlined in this | |

|project? Did the student apply this understanding to promote personal growth in his or her skills, ability, and | |

|understanding? Did his or her finished project fulfill the assignment concept goals? Did the student create an artwork| |

|with India ink and pastels? | |

|Artistic Integrity: Did the student create a finished product that contains original/creative/innovative ideas or | |

|concepts? (The artwork should not be a copy of another work.) When working from reference pictures you need to take | |

|components from multiple references to create your own composition. | |

|Visual Attraction/Complexity: Did the student create a finished product that initially attracts the viewer to want to | |

|see more? Did the artist create a finished product that has conceptual depth/complexity that allows for a sustaining | |

|interest on the part of the viewer? Does the piece display detail? | |

|Composition/Mechanics: Did the student create a finished product that contains a dynamic composition based on the proper| |

|application of the elements of art and principles of design? Is the piece balanced, does it have an emphasis, are the | |

|lines clean and crisp, etc.? | |

|Craftsmanship: Did the student use craftsmanship? (no white paper showing, wrinkled paper, pastels blended, silhouette| |

|lines crisp, etc…) | |

|Space: Does the piece show space in a foreground, middle ground, and background? Also, does it have positive space and| |

|negative space? | |

|Did the student turn in his or her original rubric with the project? Yes +4 No-4 | |

|Did the student turn in his or her project on time? Each day the assignment is late 10% will be deducted from the | |

|grade. +4 | |

|Final Project Grade | |

/56 total points


Visual Arts

Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts

C. Explain ways in which selected, contemporary works of art relate to the themes, issues and events of their contexts.

5. Connect a variety of contemporary art forms, media and styles to their cultural, historical and social origins.

Creative Expression and Communication

A. Demonstrate mastery of materials, concepts and personal concentration when creating original artworks.

1. Demonstrate perceptual skill when drawing from direct observation.

B. Create expressive artworks that demonstrate a sense of purpose and understanding of the relationship among form, materials, techniques and subject matter.

3. Make informed choices in the selection of materials, subject matter and techniques to achieve certain visual effects.

C. Engage in ongoing assessment to revise and improve artworks and to produce a portfolio of works.

5. Develop criteria for assessing the quality of their artworks

Analyzing and Responding

C. Critique their own works, the works of peers and other artists on the basis of the formal, technical and expressive aspects in the works.

4. Use appropriate vocabulary to define and describe techniques, materials and methods that artists use to create works of art.

5. Analyze and describe the visual aspects of their own artworks and the work of others.

Valuing the Arts/Aesthetic Reflection

B. Identify and analyze a variety of viewpoints on aesthetic issues and themes in visual art and develop a personal point of view.

2. Demonstrate logical reasoning when arguing the merit of a selected work of art and discuss the arguments put forward by others.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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