Positive Character Traits - Scholastic

[Pages:1]Positive Character Traits

1. adventurous willing to go outside your comfort zone to try new things

2. amiable

being friendly and good-natured

3. athletic

being physically strong and active

4. committed following through on things you say you will do

5. courageous facing your fears to accomplish a goal

6. dedicated staying committed, even when you feel like giving up

7. dependable people can count on you to do what is right

8. determined staying focused on meeting your goals despite obstacles

9. fair

treating others equally or fairly, without prejudice

10. flexible

willingness to change your ideas or goal without getting upset

11. forgiving

stop feeling resentment or anger toward someone

12. generous

giving freely to others ? even if you have to sacrifice

13. hardworking working hard to complete tasks to the best of your ability

14. helpful

willingness to help or support others

15. humble

being meek; avoid being too proud or arrogant

16. humorous having the ability to be funny

17. loyal

being faithful to others

18. motivated moving forward on your own, without reminders from others

19. open-minded having the ability to be open to new ideas

20. optimistic expecting positive outcomes; thinking in positive ways

21. organized having a system to store and locate information or things

22. patient

having the ability to endure, to wait for the right time or place

23. persevering to never give up despite how difficult it becomes

24. reliable

others can depend or count on you

25. selfless

thinking of others before yourself

26. sincere

displaying feelings and actions that are genuine or real

27. social

enjoying the friendship or companionship of others; friendly

28. thoughtful being considerate or mindful of others

29. tolerant

accepting of others despite their differences

30. trustworthy deserving the trust of others


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