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[Pages:15]The Top Three Introverted

Strengths Worksheet

Thea Orozco

The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help you understand how three of your many strengths are already present in your life, and how these strengths can be further incorporated into your life.

This isn't a time to worry about the downsides to these strengths. There are

downsides to everything. This is a time to focus on what's good about these


There are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions. And even if you can't think of a response to any of these questions right off the bat, that doesn't mean these strengths do not exist in you. You may just want to keep these strengths in mind during the upcoming weeks and notice when you use them.


With contributions by the following thought leaders:

Patricia Weber, internationally recognized introvert authority, provides practical tools for the introvert to navigate the rules at work with ultimate success, through her books, teleclasses, speaking, coaching. Her most recent book is Communication Toolkit for Introverts: Find Your Voice in Everyday Business Situations. She blogs almost everything introvert at

Brenda Knowles is best known for her blog, space2live and is the creator and personal coach of . She loves to coach and empower introverts and highly sensitive people as they go through transitions and navigate relationships. Contact her through or at space2live@.

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet

Accepting your strengths doesn't lead to pride, but instead to humility; you're less likely to resent what others have if you understand your own bounty. -Gina Barreca

Strength 1: Not needing anyone else for your energy


A note from Patricia: In many workplaces with open spaces, you'd think it might be difficult to get away on your own to recharge. We can create privacy both quickly and inexpensively. If we want to block out some noise around us, headphones are one option. When I was a sales manager, one of our salespeople found a novelty traffic-light for the desktop. He reminded all of us of the meaning of red, yellow and green. If you work from home, consider a sign like "Busy at work, do not disturb," on your home-office. Use your creativity to bring more of your energy to any situation.

Which work activities make you feel like you're "in the flow?"

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet What are some of the compliments you have received about your work?

How else does not needing anyone else for your energy benefit you at work?

How can you create more opportunities or projects that allow you to use your personal strengths or where you feel like you're "in the flow?"

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet


A note from Brenda: Our ability to recharge on our own can sometimes challenge relationships. Partners need to be shown that our requests for solitude are not rejections of them but more of an honoring and renewing of ourselves. If we are respectful and tell our partners when we need alone time and when we will be available again, our fulfilled and recharged selves will have a lot more love and energy to offer the relationship. If you can be "alone together" with a partner -- in the same room doing quiet individual endeavors -- your energy levels will be replenished and you'll still feel close to your mate.

Do you have an introverted partner, friend, or family member who also needs alone time?

Do you have a partner, friend, or family member who enjoys doing a quiet activity by themselves? What do they do (reading, surfing the web, playing a quiet computer game, cooking, etc.)?

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet How can you communicate to someone special in your life that you love them, and will be able to be more present and focused on them when your energy is replenished?


How does not needing anyone else for your energy benefit your life outside of relationships and work?

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet


What is one way you can bring more of this strength into your life?

? 2016 Introvertology


The Top Three Introverted Strengths Worksheet

My bad habits aren't my title. My strengths and my talent are my title. -Layne Staley

Strength 2: Better able to learn about yourself


A note from Patricia: Don't fall victim to myths that erode our inner confidence. Being able to enjoy our work and life is about feeling comfortable in our skin. We might often feel a pressure that we have to be more extroverted ? because others seem to be. But more peace, joy and success will be ours if we can contribute something unique our way. To strengthen our contribution to work, first, know what's true about yourself and lead with those strengths.

What are three of your positive attributes?

? 2016 Introvertology



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