(2005) Heroism can mean different things to different people. Literature is full of characters that can be considered heroic.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that, in your opinion, is heroic. In a well-developed composition, identify that character and explain why he or she is heroic. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2005) The protagonist is the main character in a work of literature who often changes in some important way by the end of the work.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a protagonist who changes in some important way by the end of the work. In a well-developed composition, identify the protagonist, and explain why the protagonist changes in some important way by the end of the work. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2006) Works of literature often feature characters with the ability to inspire or lead others.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character with the ability to inspire or lead others. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character inspires or leads others, and explain why this character's ability is significant to the meaning of the work of literature. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2006) Often, works of literature include characters that change as a result of a particular event.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that has been changed by a particular event. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe the event, and explain why the character’s change is important to the work of literature. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2007) Works of literature often feature characters who overcome hardship or misfortune.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who overcomes hardship and misfortune. In a well-developed composition, explain how the character overcomes adversity and why this success is important to the work of literature. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2007) Often in works of literature, characters have a mixture of positive and negative traits.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who blends positive and negative traits . In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character demonstrates both positive and negative traits, and explain how the character’s traits are important to the work of literature Do not merely summarize the plot


(2008) In many works of literature, a character goes on a journey that changes his or her life.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who goes on a journey that changes his or her life. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the journey changes the character’s life, and explain how the journey relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2008) In many works of literature a character must adjust to life in a new environment.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who must adjust to life in a new environment. In a well-developed composition, identify the characters, describes how the character adjusts to life in a new environment, and explain how the character’s adjustment relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2009) Works of literature often feature characters whose pride or selfishness creates problems.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character whose pride or selfishness creates problems. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character’s pride or selfishness creates problems, and explain how the character’s relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2009) Often in works of literature, a character is defeated by forces that are beyond his or her control.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who is defeated by forces that are beyond his or her control. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character is defeated, and explain how the character’s defeat relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2010) Often in works of literature, characters gain wisdom through experience.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who gains wisdom through experience. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character gains wisdom through experience, and explain how this wisdom relates to the work as a whole


(2010) Often in works of literature a character’s life is affected by a single act or mistake.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character whose life is affected by a single act or mistake. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how he or she is affected by a single act or mistake, and explain how the character’s experience relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2011) Often in works of literature, a character develops a friendship with a feelings of love for someone who is disapproved of by others.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who develops a friendship with or feelings of love for someone who is disapproved of by others. In a well-developed essay, identify the character, describe the character’s relationship, and explain how the relationship relates to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2011) Often in works of literature, a character stands up for something he or she believes in

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who stands up for something he or she believes in. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character stands up for something he or she believes in, and explain how the character’s action relate to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.


(2012) Often in works of literature, the villain has the greatest impact on the story.

Select a work of literature you have read in or out of school in which the villain has the greatest impact on the story. In a well-developed composition, identify the villain, and explain why the villain has the greatest impact on the story. Do not merely summarize the plot


(2012) Often in words of literature, a character feels pressure to succeed.

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who feels pressure to succeed. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character feels pressure to succeed, and explain how the character’s experience is important to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot


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