Patient participation enhanced service - reporting template

Annex D: Standard Reporting TemplateLeeds Student Medical Practice 2014/15 Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting TemplatePractice Name: Leeds Student Medical PracticePractice Code: B86110Signed on behalf of practice: Vanessa Hampshire Date: 30.03.15Signed on behalf of PPG:Electronic Sign Off from 11 PPG members via FacebookDate: 30.03.15Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)Does the Practice have a PPG? YESMethod of engagement with PPG: Face to face, Email, Other (please specify)Facebook groupPrivate messages on Facebook to group membersAim for one face-to-face meeting per term with the group – the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 21st April 2015Patient Surveys Number of members of PPG: 39 Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:%Male Female Practice44%56%PRG10%90%Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG: %<1617-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-74> 75Practice1%72.3%24.3%2.2%0.2%0%0%0%PRG0%90%10%0%0%0%0%0%Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG: WhiteMixed/ multiple ethnic groups BritishIrishGypsy or Irish travellerOther whiteWhite &black CaribbeanWhite &black AfricanWhite &AsianOther mixedPractice 51%0.5%Not recorded.10%0.4%1%1%1.2%PRG82%0%Not recorded.0%0%0%0%0%Asian/Asian BritishBlack/African/Caribbean/Black BritishOtherIndianPakistaniBangladeshiChineseOther AsianAfricanCaribbeanOther BlackArabAny otherPractice3.6%0.6%0.1%9.7%7.9%3.4%0.4%0.3%0.03%2%PRG0%0%0%0%5%3%0%0%0%5% 5% of the PRG did not state their ethnic background Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population:Patients were approached in the waiting room and asked to join our ‘LSMP Patient Reference Group’. The aim of the group was explained and patients were given a leaflet which provided further information. To encourage patients to join our PRG we offered an incentive, a voucher for a free ‘meal deal’ voucher at a local café. Posters were displayed around LSMP to publicise the PRG. We are aware of the demographics of our patients and have tried to ensure our PRG is representative. However it is challenging to engage with our student population. Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG? E.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community? NoIf you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful:N/AReview of patient feedbackOutline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:Feedback via the Facebook groupFeedback via Facebook messagesFeedback via the patient surveysFeedback via the term time meetings How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?Facebook group – feedback checked twice a weekFacebook private messages - feedback checked twice a weekPatient Surveys – data reviewed after the survey Meetings – aim for one meeting a term Action plan priority areas and implementationPriority area 1Description of priority area: Review of opening hoursA review of the Practice opening hours was conducted in order to understand when the most convenient times are for students to have appointments. Quote from Patient Participation Group feedback regarding opening hours: “There is obviously huge demand for the services at LSMP and while I know that no-one really likes working unsociable hours, it would be really good if there were late night services a couple of nights a week”.What actions were taken to address the priority?Members of the Patient Participation Group were asked for feedback regarding the opening hours of the practice via private Facebook messageIn October 2014, a patient survey was undertaken.? Patients were asked;?1)??? If current working hours were convenient2)??? If we were to increase the number of appointments, to rate which times would be most appropriate.? 1 being first choice and most convenient, 6 being least choice and least convenient108 surveys were completed. The clear and overwhelming response from patients is for the Practice opening hours to be extended to 7pm.Figure 1 shows the results of the survey: Figure 1: 2362205270500Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):The Practice is now open 7am to 7pm Monday to FridayThis provides a longer services for patientsThis was publicised on our website and Facebook pageThe feedback regarding the extended opening hours has been positivePriority area 2Description of priority area: Review of services provided A review of the services provided at the Practice was conducted in order to understand what services students would like to see available at the Practice. What actions were taken to address the priority?Members of the Patient Participation Group were asked for feedback regarding the services provided at the practice via private Facebook messageIn February 2015, a patient survey was undertaken.? Patients were asked;?How they travel to the Practice What services patients would like to see at the Practice93 surveys were completed. Figures 2 and 3 shows the results from the surveyFigure 2: Mode of transport to LSMPMode of TransportNumber of ResponsesWalk78Car5Cycle2Bus5Other - Taxi3Figure 3: What Services would you like to see provided at LSMPServiceNumber of ResponsesMental Health40Increased GP and Nurse appointments44Healthy living16Sexual Health27Travel6Diabetes3Pharmacy40Asthma6Drug and alcohol awareness10Physiotherapy19No extra services needed8Other - Dietician1Other - Stopping smoking1?Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):As a result of the responses to the survey a bid has been put into the NHS England to extend the premises in order to expand the services that LSMP can provide for students. This has not yet been publicised as we are pending a response from NHS England.Priority area 3Description of priority area: Customer Service of staff To ensure that an excellent level of customer service is given to patients. A key focus is the Reception staff as they provide the first point of contact for patients. What actions were taken to address the priority?All members of the reception team completed a 2 hour workshop on ‘Exceptional Customer Service in Primary Care’ run by Thornfields, Primary Care Training Specialists. Half the reception staff completed the workshop on 17th March 2015 and the other half on 18th March 2015.The aim of the workshop was to enable primary care staff to consistently work towards delivering exceptional customer service while working under pressure. Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):The workshop covered what customer service is, providing a patient focused service, maintaining a positive approach, communication skills and dealing with challenging patients. We would hope that this training is reflected in the service provided by our reception staff. This will be discussed in the next face-to-face Patient Reference Group meeting on Tuesday 21st April. Progress on previous yearsIf you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):285751079501)????? Raising the profile of the nursing team Our PRG asked for the names of the nursing team to be displayed in Reception, in the same way as GP names are.? This has been undertaken. ?2)????? Appointment cards We now print appointment cards rather than use cards on which Receptionists write the date and time.? Out clinical system has been upgraded from LV to Emis Web, which has the facility to print out the appointment once the booking has been made.? This has proved to be more efficient.?3)????? LSMP website has been relaunchedWe now have a brand new website which is more modern and user friendly.? It contains a great deal of information.? So far feedback has been extremely positive. ?‘Pull up’ banners are now displayed in the waiting rooms to raise awareness of our new website and the information it contains.? ?4)????? Appointment system Our appointment system, ‘same day’, continues to be well received.? We have made some changes based on patient feedback.? For example patients who are on placement are able to book a same day appointment by telephone.? ?5)????? International Office We have continued to develop relations with the International Office, we met on a number of occasions throughout the year and will continue to do so. 001)????? Raising the profile of the nursing team Our PRG asked for the names of the nursing team to be displayed in Reception, in the same way as GP names are.? This has been undertaken. ?2)????? Appointment cards We now print appointment cards rather than use cards on which Receptionists write the date and time.? Out clinical system has been upgraded from LV to Emis Web, which has the facility to print out the appointment once the booking has been made.? This has proved to be more efficient.?3)????? LSMP website has been relaunchedWe now have a brand new website which is more modern and user friendly.? It contains a great deal of information.? So far feedback has been extremely positive. ?‘Pull up’ banners are now displayed in the waiting rooms to raise awareness of our new website and the information it contains.? ?4)????? Appointment system Our appointment system, ‘same day’, continues to be well received.? We have made some changes based on patient feedback.? For example patients who are on placement are able to book a same day appointment by telephone.? ?5)????? International Office We have continued to develop relations with the International Office, we met on a number of occasions throughout the year and will continue to do so. PPG Sign OffReport signed off by PPG: YESDate of sign off: 30.03.15Due to the nature of our patient population, our PPG is a virtual group using online methods of engagement. Therefore electronic sign off was obtained from 11 PPG members via Facebook. How has the practice engaged with the PPG:How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?Patients were approached in the waiting area and asked to join the Patient Participation Group. Therefore the members of the Patient Participation Group are those who are registered at Leeds Student Medical Practice and engage with the services here. Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?Yes - the practice has received feedback from patients through a variety of sources including: Facebook groupPrivate messages on Facebook to group membersAim for one face-to-face meeting per term with the group – the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 21st April 2015Patient Surveys Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?The priority areas were developed using feedback from the PPG.How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?The service has been improved by; extending the opening hours of the practice, putting in a bid to increase the services provided to patients and undertaking training to improve the customer service of the reception staff. Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?The Patient Participation Group is working well at LSMP and it is useful to get feedback from the patients on the service that we provide. ................

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