**Social and economic changes have a great impact on child ...


UNIT: Working with Children as Parents and Care givers LESSON B

CONCEPT: Influences on child care (1 day)


2.2.4 Assess the effects of environment and community on human growth and development

1.3.1 Investigate various career paths to determine the skills, roles, and responsibilities associated

with each


1. Explain how societal and economic changes impact the need for child care services


Show clip of “Leave it to Beaver” TV show

Discuss differences between society in the 50’s and society today

--Have these changes impacted child care?

**Social and economic changes have a great impact on child care!


1. Lecture/Discuss with notetaking guide: “Societal and Economic Influences on Child Care”

A. Changes in Families

Traditional family structure is changing

-Women becoming more educated

-Married couples having fewer children

-Women with preschoolers are returning to the labor force

-Women working for economics reasons because they are widowed,

divorced, single, separated or married to men earning a salary

too low to support the family

*Because the number of single parents is continuing to rise.

Under-five population is increasing==Need for early childhood care providers

B. Changes in Employers' Attitudes

Corporate or employer-sponsored child care is expected to grow

--positive effects on recruitment, morale and productivity

--turnover and absenteeism is reduced

--public relations, tax benefits, scheduling and improved quality

C. Changes in Education Attitudes

Through education, working parents are becoming more aware of

children's developmental needs

--want licensed centers

--want trained child care providers

“Because of these influences, child care has become more important that ever before, and now we’re going to look at the professions child care involves.”

2. Individual/group work

Activity D, Chapt. 1, Working with Children, Student Activity Guide

“Tomorrow, we’re going to look at the many professions touched by child care.”


Graded: Parent Interviews/Sharing with Class (5 pts.)

Activity D, Chapt. 1


Interview 3 parents---How are their children’s lives different from when they were children? Bring results to class tomorrow.


Working with Children, Chpt. 1

SD CDA Training Project, Implementation Manual 5


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