Houston Independent School District

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|DIFFERENTIATION (I-3) There are several ways to individualize instruction for your students |

|How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For whom? How will I group my students? |

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|GROUP: (pre-teaching or re-teaching) |

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|Learning Activities: (These can be attached 1 week at a time.) |

Learning Activities:

|Day 1: |Overview: chapter 5 will examine the factors that shape personality development and the social forces that mold people into |

|10/20/14 |functioning members of society. It will also examine how adolescence is a distinct stage of the life cycle examining such things as |

| |dating, peer pressure, the influences on and the consequences of drug and alcohol use, and factors contributing to teen suicide. |

| |Lastly, this unit will examine how male development is different from and is similar to female development during early and middle |

| |adulthood, in the world of work and during the later years of life. |

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| |Objective: |

| |Explain how isolation in childhood affects development. |

| |Explain how a person’s sense of self emerge. |

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| |Warm-Up: Answers questions on handout. |

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| |Activities: |

| |Most of what is known about socialization is learned through careful observation and tragic examples. |

| |Touch your nose, eye, and writing hand, big toe. How did you know how to do this? When did you learn this? The family is the primary |

| |socializer and one of the |

| |Family’s major tasks is to teach language. |

| |What is the contact comfort? 37 percent of institution-reared children died within a year despite being fed and kept clean. |

| |Does the Internet affect your social development? Look into the pros and cons of Internet use. |

| |What are feral children? Anna, Isabelle, Genie, and Betty Topper What are the expectations for them? |

| |What are the difficulties that isolation creates? |

| |Read pages 102-106 |

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|Day 2: |Objective: |

|10/21/14 |I can identify and describe the theories that have been put forth to explain the process of socialization. |

| |I can identify the most important agents of socialization in the United States. |

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| |Warm-Up: How has my family socialized me? |

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| |Activities: |

| |Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Is this true? |

| |What is the looking glass self? When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, are you dressing for yourself or for how other |

| |see you? |

| |If not for the rules and expectations, would you dress differently than you do? How and why? |

| |Who are your significant others? Why are these significant others important to you and how do they help you shape your self-concept? |

| |The 3 sociological perspective view Internet usage |

| |Conflict: Bill Gates has become extremely important as a result of technology and internet usage is related to income level, thus |

| |inequality. |

| |Functionalist: the Internet allows to the transmitted quickly, which is a highly functional process. |

| |Symbolic interactionist: young kids are exposed to more and more information and have the ability to communicate with larger circles |

| |of people. |

| |What is distorted mirror |

| |What is the difference between I and me? I is how you see yourself. I does action. Me is myself as others see me. Me receive action. |

| |I identify a song that you like that deals with the topic of personal relationship. What are the emotions being expressed and imagine|

| |that you have a relationship like the people in the song. |

| |Do animals lack the ability to form a self –concept? |

| |Read pages 107-115 |

|Day 3: |Objective: I can identify the most important agents of socialization in the United States. |

|10/22/14 | |

| |Warm-Up: Watch a segment Sesame Street. Identify how this show acts as an agent of socialization. |

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| |Activities: |

| |Does poverty affect the ability of the family to socialize the children? |

| |Why do you think many parents let their children watch television when they don’t like the affects it has on them? |

| |50% of all preschool aged children are in preschool or daycare. Do they have a positive influence on the socialization of the |

| |children? |

| |What are the various tasks of adolescence? On butcher paper list entitled Adolescence is……. |

| |Peer groups are important because they provide a sense of belonging that is free from authority figures. Is peer pressure negative or|

| |positive? |

| |The basic intent of the socialization process is the passing on of the culture from one generation to the next. |

| |What are some of the positive effects of the mass media? |

| |Adolescent Moratorium is mourning the loss of childhood prepare for rigors of adulthood. What don’t adults understand about |

| |adolescents? |

| |Does TV contribute more to maintaining the status quo or is it a force of change and disruption. |

| |What are the major agents of socialization: family, peers, schools, and the media? |

| |Read 107-115 |

|Day 4: |Same As Wednesday |

|10/23/14 | |

|Day 5: |Objective: I can explain why family and education are important social institutions. |

|10/24/14 | |

| |Warm-Up: do prisons rehabilitate, reinforce, or punish? |

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| |Activities: |

| |Is Westside a total institution? |

| |Resocialization usually happens in a total institution because complete control is necessary |

| |Desocialization is also necessary before resocialization can take place. |

| |What is dating all about? |

| |Pick a photograph and build a story around it using the key terms in this chapter. |

| |Do chapter 5 review |

|Day 6: |Objective: Chapter Test |

|10/28/14 | |

|Day 7: | |

|(Date) | |

|Day 8 | |

|(Date) | |

|Day 9: | |

|(Date) | |

|Day 10: | |

|(Date) | |

|Day 11: | |

|(Date) | |

|Day 12: |Summative Assessment |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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