Exam 3 Review – Spring 2006 - Department of Psychology ...

Exam 3 Review –Spring 2014(note: Ch 10 material may change slightly depending on how much material we cover in class. Check back periodically for changes to the review material for Ch 10 & check your class notes.)Ch 8 – Groups Group definitionHow does the presence of others affect us?Triplett experiment with fishing line – results?Different results for easy versus difficult tasks –Zajonc’s research – concept of dominant response What is social facilitation? Group performance – comparing group vs. individuals’ performanceWhat is process loss and how does it impact performance?What is production blocking?Brainstorming example – individuals vs. groups Creative vs. Recall tasks Deindividuation –what is it? Why does it occur? (Arousal + Reduced responsibility)Diener’s Halloween study – how did the kids behave depending on anonymity?Group polarization – what is it?Pooling ideasSocial comparisonSocial loafing – what is it? Why does it occur/ what affects it?Gender & cultural differences in social loafing – who loafs the most?Effect of individual accountability – how can it reduce social loafing?Group Decision-Making:Possible constraints: (what are these?)Cognitive constraintsAffiliative constraintsEgocentric constraintsGroupthink – what is it? Why does it occur? Recent examples?What is the ‘mindguarding’ symptom? How to reduce groupthink?Focus on leadership, decision making, or group members Conflict Management StrategiesBargaining vs. Mediation vs. Arbitration (Conventional & Final-Offer)How do these differ?Chapter 9: Prejudice Distinctions between definitions of stereotype, prejudice, discriminationHow does each relate to affective, behavioral, or cognitive component?RacismDifferences between overt racism and ‘modern’ racismImplicit vs. Explicit processing – which is captured by self-report?What is implicit racism? Measurement issues – Implicit Association Test (IAT) as exampleResults from IATs – differences between IAT & self-reports?Effects of implicit racism - Perceptual differences based on raceOutgroup homogeneity – what is it?(From Dr. Sprecher’s guest lecture): research based on the Amadou Diallo shooting in NYC – racial differences in shoot/not shoot decisionsSexismPrescriptive vs. descriptive stereotypes – what is the difference and which are used for gender stereotypes?Ambivalent sexism –hostile and benevolent sexism (what are each of these?)What is hostile sexism related to? Are there gender differences?What is benevolent sexism related to? Are there gender differences?Links to discrimination – gender gap in wagesStereotype Threat – research by Claude SteeleWhat is it and how does it affect performance?How is it similar to/different from a self-fulfilling prophecy?Steele & Aronson’s experiments – how did they prompt stereotype threat in participants?What are effects of positive stereotypes on performance?How can we reduce stereotype threat?Sources of PrejudiceMotivational FactorsRealistic Conflict theory – focus on limited resourcesIntergroup conflict:Sherif’s Robber’s Cave experiment –What was the effect of competition? How did Sherif resolve the conflict? What are superordinate goals?Cognitive FactorsOutgroup homogeneity effect – why does it happen?Blue-Eyed/Brown Eyed Experiment as exampleBe familiar with the details of Jane Elliott’s work – the original study of 3rd graders and their experiences ‘on the bottom’ and ‘on the top’. What are her main points?Socialization/CultureGender stereotypes example – different expectations for kids’ play Media effects – how does the media portray men and women differently?Archer’s research on ‘face-ism’ Consequences of prejudice –Reducing PrejudiceVia intergroup contact – simple contact may not be enough (Allport)Via Jigsaw classroom – how does it work? What are effects?Via motivation – high vs. low prejudiced people may differ in motivationResearch on automatic vs. controlled stereotype processing (2-steps)Ch 10: Aggression (Note: some of this material may change based on how much we cover in class):Distinction between aggression & assertivenessDifferences in Hostile v. Instrumental aggression (examples of each)Bio explanations:Freud’s beliefs about innate drives for aggressionCatharsis – is there support for this in reducing aggression?Testosterone’s effect (stronger for non-humans)Gender differences in feelings & expressions of angerFrustration-aggression theory:Original theory links frustration to aggressionRevision considers the role of anger in the processSocial Learning – Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment – what happened?How does social learning take place (modeling, ‘scripts’)TV & violence – Gerbner’s research on TV shows – What is the ‘mean world syndrome’? What is ‘happy violence’?Bushman & Eron’s longitudinal study of TV & aggressivenessAggression triggers (Pain, Heat, Crowding, Arousal)Schacter’s experiment on arousal & cues for aggression – results related to attribution of arousal – how did it make a difference in aggression?Guns as cues for aggressionCulture of Honor – aggression in the Southern U.S., what beliefs are linked to ‘culture of honor’ and why is it linked w/aggression?Violent video games – How does media violence influence aggression?Social cognitive perspective – interpretations, beliefs in ‘scripts’American Psychological Association (APA) Resolution on Violence in Video GamesConcerns about perpetrator consequences shown in games?Concerns about sexualized violence shown in games?APA recommendations to entertainment industryResearch on positive effects of gaming? McGonigal’s book ‘Reality is Broken’Aggression & porn/rape mythWhat is the rape myth? How might it affect aggressive behavior?Donnerstein’s research on violent porn and male-male v. male-female aggression – results?Research on newer forms of aggressionRoad rage – importance of ‘personal space’ and your car?Research on reducing road rage?Bullying research – Can we fight bullying building empathy? Example of ‘Roots of Empathy’ programHow punishment can be effective – Criticisms by social learning theorists?Incompatible Responses to Aggression – Baron’s study of drivers at red lightHow did drivers react to the confederate under different situations? What was most effective in reducing aggression? ................

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