Session One

Discussion GuideUsing selections from the book of Psalms, this study will reveal both the value and danger of what is hidden.?Session OnePsalm 19?Warm Up Question: Share a story when something hidden became a negative or positive experience.??After the new birth, what role does the Holy Spirit serve in our life? More than salvation, what else does the Holy Spirit do when active in a person’s life??Power to witness (Acts 1:8)Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9)Resurrection power (Romans 8:11)Washed, sanctified, justified (I Corinthians 6:11)Become a part of the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:13)Teach you all things (John 14:26)Guide you into all things (John 16:13)Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)Rest and refreshing (Isaiah 28:11-12)Intercessor (Romans 8:26-27)?Anyone care to share a practical story as an example when the Holy Spirit empowered you???Hidden faults are defined as unrevealed weaknesses and imperfections. What are examples of these things that eventually show up in our life?(anger, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, greed, materialism, apathy, complacency, lust, gluttony, materialism, addiction, lying, criticism, blame, laziness, entitlement, betrayal)?Does anyone have a story to share of “lessons learned” by hidden fault that showed up in your life because it was not cleansed??Consider the following statements:?God can bypass unknown weaknesses by Spirit intercession.Circumstances, faults and sin can be avoided by intercession.??How does this spiritual intercession work in our life??Praying in the Spirit?(known or unknown tongue where the Spirit is directing your words, not your intellect)The Word of God?(devotional reading, shared by another)Intervention of a brother/sister?(speaking the truth in love)?What have you learned about “hidden faults” compared to “willful sins”??Session TwoPsalm 32?Warm Up Question: What would you rather someone reveal about you? Your most embarrassing moment OR your every private thought about them???Have you ever been emotionally drained from something you were hiding that needed to be revealed? (Psalm 32:3-4) Share as much as you are comfortable to share.?Consider again the following statement that was shared:The point of ingestion of poison (sin) typically starts very small, usually with an event connected to a feeling or an emotion. If not addressed, and especially when entertained, the problem starts to grow.??In light of the above, what steps can be taken to avoid harmful ingestion??(Read Proverbs 4:23 in different translations to help answer this question.)??How easy does admitting you are wrong come to you???What steps can a person take to embrace the value and practice of confession??(This is a good place to discuss what it looks like that accountability is included in confession.)??1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)?“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” What does this Scripture say to you??(This doesn't mean hiding things, ignoring or covering up sin, but it does mean we reach for and try to restore such a one.)?What stands out to you most about David’s inspired writing in Psalm 32??Session ThreePsalm 46?Warm Up Question:??Where was your favorite hiding place when playing “Hide-n-Seek?” (You can share a favorite spot of another person if needed.)?What examples or experiences have you had with finding “refuge?”??(This could be personal images of the word; or, a time when you experienced literal or emotional refuge from someplace or someone.).??Of the *Scriptures shared in this session, were there any in particular that spoke something to you that you can share???(*Psalm 46; Psalm 27:5; Proverbs 18:10; Psalm 104:18; Acts 28:1)?What are you going through presently???What have you been through recently??(Sharing your challenging circumstances or steps to refuge and victory provide opportunities to minister and be ministered to.)??Consider worshipping together to this song if timing and atmosphere feels appropriate. (Remember to turn the volume down until you get to the “Skip Ad” portion.)?Still by Hillsong United? ................

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