Preserving Negative Peace, Seeking Positive Peace ...

Preserving Negative Peace, Seeking Positive Peace: Stability in the Republic of Cameroon amid Socio-Political Challenges

Maryam Rokhideh

Mentor: Caesar Sereseres

Lengthy and gruesome civil wars have become a distinctive feature of former colonized nation-states. Several African states have plummeted into civil war due to lack of good governance and adequate levels of ethnic harmony, principal indicators of intrastate conflict according to the Global Peace Index. An unparalleled African country, Cameroon, nicknamed “Africa in miniature” possesses many of the precursors of civil unrest, yet remains devoid of all-out warfare. This study examines how Cameroon has been able to maintain peace in spite of challenges that test the nation’s stability. Through extensive data from primary and secondary sources, including a series of questionnaires, interviews, participant observations, and relevant academic literature, I contend that three main factors have helped Cameroon stray away from civil war. These include Cameroonian cultural mentality and education, the administration’s restraining authority over the population, and its pluralistic societal makeup. The work further examines the future of Cameroon’s stability with the goal of exploring how it can sustain peace, while creating change and improving the current quality of life. This research can be humbly used as a possible exemplar to other pluralistic countries willing to adopt Cameroon’s strategies of tolerant coexistence and conflict prevention.


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