Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

|1.RL.4 |Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. |

TumbleBooks Books (suggested titles):

1. First Day Jitters

2. A Pocketful of Kisses

3. Boomer’s Big Surprise

4. I Am Dead at Recess


▪ Students will identify different types of feelings

▪ Students will explore how feelings are described, both explicitly and implicitly

▪ Students will learn about the relationship between feelings and actions

▪ Students will investigate how feelings are manifested physically

▪ Students will make self to text connections

▪ Students will make text to text comparisons

Estimated Time:

Approximately 3 days.

Note: lesson plan may be modified to include a selection of the above texts. As such, time will vary.


Initial Preparation: Group Discussion

1. Begin the lesson by having students name different types of feelings (i.e.: sad, happy, worried, etc). Write each of these on a post-it note and post them on the blackboard.

2. Using the FEELINGS SPECTRUM below, have students then look at their list of feelings again and this time place each post-it along the spectrum from positive to negative. Explain that everyone has both positive and negative feelings.

3. Give students scenarios and ask how they would feel in each:

o First day of school

o Birthday party

o Vacation

o Getting a new pet


Positive + Negative –


Explore Feelings Using TumbleBooks:

Describing Feelings:

1. Play the following TumbleBooks:

i. First Day Jitters

ii. A Pocketful of Kisses

iii. Boomer’s Big Surprise

iv. I am Dead at Recess

1. Present different words and phrases from the TumbleBooks and match them up to the feelings they provided on the spectrum

a. First Day Jitters phrases:

i. “I hate my new school”

ii. “Everyone is nervous the first day.”

iii. “She stumbled into the bathroom. She fumbled into her clothes.”

iv. “ My head hurts,’ she moaned as she trudged into the kitchen.”

v. “Sarah’s hands were cold and clammy”

vi. “She couldn’t breathe”/“I feel sick”

b. A Pocketful of Kisses phrases:

i. “He hid under the bedclothes”? (How do you think Digby felt?)

ii. Digby “wrinkled his nose unhappily”

iii. “Digby dipped a finger into his pocket and pressed it to his cheek”. (Why did he do this? How do you think he felt afterwards?)

iv. “At playtime, Digby sat on the bench. All the other children ran around happily. But no one asked him to join in.”

v. “After play, Mrs. Hoot read a story to the class and talked about it. Digby even put up his hand to answer a question”

vi. “Digby found his jacket in the playground. But when he put it on he saw the pocket was ripped! The pocket felt cold and empty.”

vii. “'I don't think I'll need a jacket tomorrow,' he decided with a yawn.”

c. Boomer’s Big Surprise phrases:

i. “Baby’s back was scratched. Baby’s belly was rubbed. Baby was patted again and again.” “Boomer wanted someone to pat him, too.”

ii. “The only toy Baby wanted to play with was Boomer’s favorite – his old green tennis ball.”

iii. “At last, Boomer had someone to play with!”

d. I Am Dead at Recess phrases:

i. “Inching closer to my doom I fear with every shaky stride”

ii. “Breathe my last”

1. Discuss how the different texts had some of the same descriptions (ie: In First Day Jitters, in reference to Sarah “She couldn’t’ breathe” and in I Am Dead at Recess “Breathe my last” both refer to what feelings? Could the characters really not breathe? What does this phrase mean?)

2. Take the associated TumbleQuiz to reinforce concepts learned and assess comprehension.

Physical Manifestation of Feelings

1. Ask students to consider how are feelings displayed in the stories? Examples:

▪ Stu Melman’s face turning red

▪ Boomer lying down low by himself, frowning

2. Have students draw themselves when feeling different feelings (ie: Draw yourself when angry, surprised, etc).

3. Have students share their pictures with a partner. Have the partner write down next to each picture what the feelings is that is being displayed.

4. Discuss some common physical traits associated with feelings (ie: frowning when sad). Does everyone have the same feelings? Are they expressed the same way?

Exploring the Constancy of Feelings:

1. Explore how feelings can change (ie: did students feel differently at beginning and end of each book, did the characters?

Example: How did you feel at the end of the book?

a. First Day Jitters

i. Student may feel surprised, shocked

b. Boomer

i. At first Boomer was sad and lonely but then he was happy to have Baby next to him

2. Have students list the main feelings of each main character in the stories in the following chart:


|i.e.: Boomer |sad |happy | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

3. Why do feelings change? Have students fill in the “WHY DIFFERENT?” section of the chart and indicate anything that may have lead to the change in the characters’ feelings from the beginning to the end of the story. This discussion will help prepare for following section explaining cause and effect and how actions or perceptions can alter feelings.

Linking Feelings to Actions:

1. Use examples from the TumbleBooks to show how feelings may be linked to actions. Discuss that while all feelings are valid some actions may not be appropriate (i.e.: bullying)

Example1: In I Am Dead at Recess, Timmy Snooks knocked Stu Melman in response to him thinking he threw the spitball

Example 2: In Boomer’s Big Surprise, Boomer was sad because he thought Baby could do things he couldn’t (i.e.: sit on couch)

2. Have students write down which actions make them feel happy/sad, etc. (ie: Coming to school makes me feel_____; Sharing my toys makes me feel________)


Consider the symbolic representations of feelings. What feelings do you think of when you see red, blue, etc. What feelings do you associate with a bell, drum, horn, etc).

Have students look through the TumbleBooks site and pick a book to read independently. Have them write down what feelings they have when reading the book. What words in the book make them feel that way?


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