How’s Your Self-Esteem

How’s Your Self-Esteem?

Take a look in the mirror. How do you feel about the person you see there? If self-image translates as "Who do I think I am?" then self-esteem is "How do I feel about who I am?" Self-esteem is how favourably we feel about ourselves. It is a personal measure of self-worth. Do I like who I am? Do I have some positive qualities? Some negative ones? Is this the way I want to be?

A sense of self-esteem is related to the degree to which we accept and like ourselves. If we have a high level of self-esteem, we like who we are; we generally accept and approve of ourselves. A low level of self-esteem involves not accepting and approving of the person we see in the mirror.

Your self-esteem was not determined at your birth. As a baby, you began to gain a sense of who you are from the people and situations around you—your family members, caregivers and friends. When you entered school, you got more "messages" about yourself from your teachers, counselors and classmates. These and other sources have played a major role in developing your self-worth. Once you enter the workforce, you'll be getting further messages from your employer and co-workers.

As each of us gets older, it is important to examine the messages we received about ourselves in the past. Positive messages build our confidence and help us to continue to develop our interests and skills. Negative messages can influence the way we view ourselves now. If we don't understand or challenge these negative messages, they can hold us back


Take the following quiz to rate your self-esteem. Answer the questions by choosing the response that best applies to you. (There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest.)

I. In social situations, I have something interesting to say. (Almost never, 0 / Rarely, I / Sometimes, 2 / Quite often, 3 / Most of the time, 4)

2. Most people around me seem to be better off than I am. (Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

3. I like being myself and accept myself the way I am. (Almost never, 0 / Rarely, I / Sometimes, 2 / Quite often, 3 / Most of the time, 4)

4. I mess up everything I touch. (Most of the time, 0 / Quite often, I / Sometimes, 2 / Rarely, 3 / Almost never, 4)

5. When I see a good opportunity, I recognize it and seize it. (Almost never, 0 / Rarely, I / Sometimes, 2 / Quite often, 3 / Most of the time, 4)

6. People respect and like only those who are good looking, smart, witty, talented or rich.

(Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

7. To me, success is not imperative. The important thing is to try and do my best.

(Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

8. I deserve to be loved and respected. (Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

9. Unlike others, I really have to go out of my way to make and keep a friend.

(Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

10. Being myself is a guarantee that people will dislike me. (Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

11. I am not sure I have done a good job unless someone else points it out. (Most of the time true, 0 / Quite often true, I / Sometimes true, 2 / Rarely true, 3 / Almost never true, 4)

12. I am afraid of being rejected by my friends. (Most of the time, 0 / Quite often, I / Sometimes, 2 / Rarely, 3 / Almost never, 4)

13. I could disappear from the face of the earth, and nobody would notice.

(Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

14. In case of need, I know people who care enough about me to offer their help.

(Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat disagree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

15. I feel I can make mistakes without losing the love or respect of others.

(Most of the time, 0 / Quite often, I / Sometimes, 2 / Rarely, 3 / Almost never, 4)

16. I let those who care about me down. (Most of the time, 0 / Quite often, I / Sometimes, 2 / Rarely, 3 / Almost never, 4)

17. If I can't do something well, there is no point in doing it at all. (Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

I8. I will never amount to anything significant

(Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

19. I don't need other people's approval in order to be happy and satisfied with myself.

(Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

20. I have what it takes to socialize with other people. (Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

21. Someone who stands up to me or disagrees with me may still very well like and respect me.

(Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

22. By ignoring a problem, you can make it go away. (Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

23. I see myself as someone special and worthy of other people's attention and affection.

(Almost never, 0 / Rarely, I / Sometimes, 2 / Quite often, 3 / Most of the time, 4)

24. How I feel about myself is more important than others' opinion of me.

(Strongly disagree, 0 / Disagree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Agree, 3 / Strongly agree, 4)

25. I will never be as capable as I should be. (Strongly agree, 0 / Agree, I / Somewhat agree, 2 / Disagree, 3 / Strongly disagree, 4)

Calculate your total. The maximum score is 100 (extremely high self-esteem); the minimum is 0 (extremely low self-esteem).


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