Homework 5, Statistics 112, Fall 2004 - Statistics Department

Homework 6, Statistics 112, Fall 2004

This homework is due Thursday, November 11th at the beginning of class.

1. Life insurance companies are keenly interested in predicting how long their customers will live because their premiums and profitability depend on such numbers. An actuary for one insurance company gathered data from 100 recently deceased male customers. She recorded the age at death of the customer (variable = longevity), the age at death of his mother (variable = mother), the age at death of his father (variable = father), the mean age at death of his grandmother (variable = gmothers) and the mean age at death of his grandfathers (variable = gfathers). The data are stored in lifetimes.JMP.

(a) Report the estimated multiple linear regression coefficients for the regression of age at death of customer on age at death of mother, age at death of father, mean age at death of grandmothers and mean age at death of grandfathers.


Actual by Predicted Plot


Summary of Fit

|RSquare |0.74105 |

|RSquare Adj |0.730147 |

|Root Mean Square Error |2.664075 |

|Mean of Response |72.32 |

|Observations (or Sum Wgts) |100 |

Analysis of Variance

|Source |DF |Sum of Squares |Mean Square |F Ratio |

|Model |4 |1929.5170 |482.379 |67.9666 |

|Error |95 |674.2430 |7.097 |Prob > F |

|C. Total |99 |2603.7600 | ||t| |

|Intercept | |3.2438212 |5.423412 |0.60 |0.5512 |

|Mother | |0.4508583 |0.054502 |8.27 | ................

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