Positive Role Model - Bathnes



October 2009

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|Principles of Behaviour |

|‘You are an Ambassador for the Council |

|and strive to continually increase customer satisfaction |

|by always delivering what you promise in an efficient, effective and courteous way’ |

The behaviours contained in this competency are expected core level 1 behaviours and must be demonstrated by all staff as a minimum, i.e., the ‘Bath & North East Somerset Employee’.

Team work

• You seek, listen to and consider the views and opinions of others

• You actively contribute to team meetings, willingly share useful information with others

• You co-operate in cross-functional teams activities to remove barriers and time constraints

Organisation and time management

• You are reliable and organised in the way that you work

• You show your commitment to the job by always being on time for work and meetings

• You make promises to people using realistic timescales and stand by what you have promised

• You keep others informed of progress and respond in good time

• Your behave in an energy efficient manner at all times and avoid wasting resources such as electricity, vehicle fuel, water and paper

Customer service

• You are friendly and willingly offer support and assistance to colleagues and customers

• You are flexible to customer needs, trying to see things from the customer’s point of view and responding accordingly

• You demonstrate pride in working for the Council and always try to present the Council in a positive light

Using initiative and implementing change

• You are open to new ideas and new ways of working,

• You show personal commitment to self development and continually look to improve your performance

• You take ownership of a problem and see it through until it is successfully resolved

Communication skills

• You explain information clearly, accurately and using appropriate language

• You are polite, show respect for others and treat everyone equally

Managing risk

• You know how to report breaches of regulations to the relevant officers when required

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|Leadership |

|‘You provide direction to people in the Council and enable, inspire, motivate and support them to achieve the Council’s |

|objectives’ |

Achievement Level 1 – Principles of Behaviour

Achievement Level 2

• You set a good example by doing the right thing, acting in an assured and unhesitating manner

• You continually look for ways to improve things and ask constructive questions about established methods and procedures

• You identify and make sense of conflicting and complex data

• You take responsibility for straightforward decisions and seek advice for difficult ones

• You are aware of corporate initiatives and government directives and how they shape and impact the Council

• You understand the complexities of diversity and consider these in service delivery

• You are aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions through energy and resource efficiency and take account of this in service delivery.

Achievement Level 3

• You monitor the effects of change on resources and their contribution to performance ensuring you have the right people in the right place at the right time

• You take into account the political agenda and framework, its direction of travel and impacts on the Council

• You understand the broad implications of the climate change issues, including reducing carbon emissions, planning for unavoidable climate change; you take these into account in service planning.

• You undertake operational planning within the context of the Council’s priorities and objectives

• You are an effective presenter who conveys oral and written information clearly and simply

• You manage customer expectations and balance conflicting and competing customer requirements


‘You provide direction to people in the Council and enable, inspire, motivate and support them to achieve the Council’s objectives’

Achievement Level 4

• You are a champion for innovation and change and build a change orientated culture

• You develop staff confidence to meet the challenges of change, managing people issues as part of the change process

• You show a creative and constructive approach to problem solving and consistently develop innovative solutions

• You plan and organise services, facilities and projects to help reduce the causes of climate change

• You value the importance of consulting with and receiving feedback from customers as an important vehicle to improve service delivery and continuous improvement

• You are sensitive to Members’ needs and build and maintain effective relationships with all Council members

Achievement Level 5 (Leadership Community)

• You communicate strategic imperatives with complete conviction and passion

• You generate radical and innovative solutions which shape the Council’s overall direction of travel

• You stand up for what you believe in the face of opposition from colleagues and are prepared to take courageous decisions even when they may result in criticism or be unpopular

• You understand the strategic significance of the climate change issue and act boldly to ensure that all decisions and policies are aligned with the need to tackle the causes and effects of climate change, thus reducing carbon emissions and creating climate change resilience

• You recognise the unique role that the organisation has, working in partnership with others, to provide the strong community leadership needed to tackle climate change

• You take on new challenges outside your mainstream responsibilities with energy and enthusiasm

|Examples of Unhelpful Behaviours |

|You are unresponsive to initiatives that drive the Council’s objectives and change agenda |

|You allow an environment that discourages change and ignore concerns about the impacts of change |

|You are unaware of the local political climate, corporate initiatives and government directives that shape the Council |

|You avoid responsibility and try to pass the buck when things go wrong |

|You do not pitch information at an appropriate level and fail to engage the audience’s attention |

|You rely solely on your position to influence others |

|You fail to find out how customers perceive services and are unaware of true service demands |


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|Management Practices |

|‘You apply a full range of sound and effective management practices’ |

Achievement Level 1 – Principles of Behaviour

Achievement Level 2

• You are aware of the health and safety policies and follow guidelines on how to ensure the well being of employees

• You plan your resources to meet day-to-day and current needs including the fair and effective recruitment and selection of staff

Achievement Level 3

• You identify and capture risks to your service and take action to contain them

• You understand the need to follow procurement guidelines to ensure best value for the Council

• You seek ways to continuously improve systems and processes effectively and consider where Best Practice could be applied

• You understand and apply the Councils equalities objectives, including undertaking appropriate Equalities Impact Assessments

• You identify opportunities to improve service delivery through partnering and encourage staff to develop new partnerships

Management Practices

‘You apply a full range of sound and effective management practices’

Achievement Level 4

• You plan and organise resources to meet targets and manage unexpected demands on time while anticipating future planning needs

• You understand the importance of value for money and always look to incorporate efficiency measures to deliver cost savings and efficiency gains

• You actively seek ways to build the necessary capacity to tackle the climate change issue.

• You actively seek ways to contribute to cross service and organisational working and build links and networks outside of the Council

Achievement Level 5 (Leadership Community)

• You drive forcefully through any barriers to change to speed up the process of implementation

• You direct your efforts around the issues where you can make the most strategic impact

• You take informed risks and / or tough decisions to deliver the vision and priorities for the area

• You ensure that action on climate change is required and delivered through performance management

• You develop plans to prevent adding to the causes of climate change and adapting services, facilities, projects to the unavoidable effects of climate change

• You value partnership working and foster strategic and productive partnerships in the service, cross-functionally and externally

|Examples of Unhelpful Behaviours |

|You manage systems and processes ineffectively and fail to follow Best Practice |

|You are not aware of procurement guidelines failing to ensure best value for the Council |

|You ignore the need to manage risk or safeguard the health and well being of your staff |

|You do not encourage or support partnership working |

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|People and Performance Management |

|‘You engage, develop and motivate staff to ensure effective delivery |

|of the Council’s services and objectives’ |

Achievement Level 1 – Principles of Behaviour

Achievement Level 2

• You try to improve performance by promoting a can do attitude

• You ensure staff have access to learning and development opportunities

• You encourage attitudes and behaviours that respect and value diversity and promote equal opportunities

• You monitor and review progress against Council targets

• You encourage resource efficiency and behaviour that reduces energy consumption and waste.

• You carry out performance reviews in line with Council guidelines and provide staff with constructive feedback on a regular basis

• You carry out regular 1:1/supervision/update meetings and performance reviews in line with Council guidelines and provide staff with constructive feedback on a regular basis

• You plan and hold regular Team meetings and take the opportunity to share team brief

Achievement Level 3

• You delegate work with clear objectives and empower staff to take responsibility for actions appropriate to their capabilities

• You champion the interests of your staff and praise their achievements across the Council

• You use management information to pinpoint issues and address areas of poor performance promptly and appropriately

• You sense potential conflicts and negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement

People and Performance Management

‘You engage, develop and motivate staff to ensure effective delivery

of the Council’s services and objectives’

Achievement Level 4

• You monitor performance against business plans and Council objectives and change, amend or cancel them if necessary

• You develop staff to build organisational capacity in response to operational planning, business developments and succession planning to meet future demand

• You create a culture and environment in which personal development is seen as the norm

• You motivate staff to perform well, identifying complimentary strengths to improve effectiveness and make use of everyone’s talents

Achievement Level 5 (Leadership Community)

• You build effective teams and create opportunities to transform both individuals and the organisation

• You challenge talented colleagues to develop their careers and build and strengthen the skill base within the area

• You challenge colleagues at all levels to foster a better understanding of climate change throughout the workforce and to increase capacity to respond to this challenge

• You act decisively to bring in talented people to ensure succession is planned

• You build consensus, support and commitment around key organisational objectives within the leadership team

|Examples of Unhelpful Behaviours |

|You fail to monitor and review performance |

|You fail to acknowledge staff achievements and take credit for achieving results and successes |

|You do not spend time on staff development and view training as an unnecessary luxury |

|You do not plan future staff capacity |

|You fail to meet the requirements of the Equalities standards |



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