The Shelby County Junior Fair Board is a team of twenty-eight enthusiastic, hard-working, committed, and responsible teens who serve as positive role models for all Junior Fair exhibitors and who work together to produce an outstanding Junior Fair experience that provides opportunities for members to showcase their 4-H, FFA, and Girl Scout project and badge work, to receive expert feedback regarding how to improve that work in the future, and to receive recognition for their achievements from peers, experts, advisors, and the community at large.

Through their service on the Junior Fair Board, members develop valuable life skills including decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution, communications, teamwork, and leadership skills.

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure positive outcomes for Junior Fair Board members, exhibitors, parents, 4-H and FFA advisors, Girl Scout troop leaders, and others involved in the annual Junior Fair experience, as well as to protect the reputation and integrity of the Junior Fair Board.

Members of the Shelby County Junior Fair Board will:

• Remain members in good standing of their respective youth organization and exhibit one or more projects or exhibits in the Shelby County Junior Fair in each year of their term on the Junior Fair Board.

• Respect, adhere to, and enforce the rules, policies, and guidelines established by the Shelby County Agricultural Society Board of Directors (Senior Fair Board), the Shelby County Junior Fair Board, the 4-H Youth Development Program, FFA Chapters, and Girl Scouts.

• Conduct themselves as positive role models, exhibit good sportsmanship, and interact with exhibitors, parents, advisors, judges, department superintendents, and members of the public in a positive, respectful manner.

• Accept supervision and support from members of the Shelby County Agricultural Society, members of the Shelby County Junior Fair Advisory Committee, 4-H and FFA advisors, and others in official or leadership roles.

• Dress appropriately in the Shelby County Junior Fair Board polo shirt when performing official duties on behalf of the Junior Fair Board, such as working in headquarters, working at a show or project judging, or representing Junior Fair Board at a public event or activity, and refrain from wearing a Junior Fair Board shirt when exhibiting their own projects or animals in the show ring.

• Make every reasonable effort to attend regularly scheduled meetings of the Shelby County Junior Fair Board throughout the year, as well as those held each evening of the Fair, participate in work sessions, and fulfill Department and Committee responsibilities as assigned throughout the year.

o Notify the OSU Extension representative prior to missing any meeting or scheduled commitment.

o Understand that missing two consecutive meetings without an acceptable excuse may be cause for removal from the Board; understand that missing two consecutive meetings with an excuse or failure to fulfill Department or Committee responsibilities as assigned may be cause for removal from the Board or other sanctions by the Junior Fair Board Executive Committee.

• Handle machinery, vehicles, or other equipment in a safe and responsible manner. Handle animals in a safe, humane, and ethical manner.

• Refrain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, illegal drugs, firearms or other weapons, or fireworks at anytime while on the Shelby County Fairgrounds or while representing the Junior Fair Board in an official capacity throughout the year (i.e. while attending the Ohio Fair Managers Convention in Columbus, etc.).

• Conduct themselves in accordance with local, state, and federal laws; understand that any violation of said laws may be turned over to appropriate law enforcement authorities and may result in course of action from Junior Fair Board organizational leadership.

• Refrain from the use of profanity, destruction of property, or borrowing or using the property of others without permission.

• Refrain from physical or verbal abuse, hazing, or harassment of any Junior Fair exhibitor, parent, advisor, show official, or member of the public.

If a member is found to be in violation of any part of the Code of Conduct, any of the following actions may be taken by the responsible parties including the Junior Fair Board Executive Committee (within the scope of their authority as described in the Constitution and By-Laws), the Junior Fair Advisory Committee, and/or the Shelby County Agricultural Society:

• Report made to officials of the organization the member represents (4-H, FFA, Girl Scouts)

• Report made to parent(s)/guardian(s)

• Report made to appropriate law enforcement officials

• Suspension from Junior Fair Board

• Dismissal from Junior Fair Board – balance of the current term

• Dismissal from Junior Fair Board – for life

• Banned from exhibiting projects in current or future Shelby County Fairs.

I, ____________________________________, have read the Shelby County Junior Fair Board Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it. I also accept the consequences for my actions, if I choose not to follow the Code. I am aware that any breach of this Code may result in immediate dismissal from my term of service on the Shelby County Junior Fair Board by the Junior Fair Board Executive Committee (within the scope of their authority as described in the Constitution and By-Laws), the Junior Fair Advisory Committee, and/or the Shelby County Agricultural Society. I also realize that dismissal may prevent me from serving as a member of the Shelby County Junior Fair Board in the future.

________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____

Member Signature Date

I ___________________________________, have read and understand the Shelby County Junior Fair Board Code of Conduct and support my son/daughter’s participation on the Board and its activities.

________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date





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