1. Why does the author criticize popular female movie and fashion stars?

The author criticizes popular female movie and fashion stars will go to great lengths to enhance their physical beauty. People magazine wrote about hundreds of teens who try to emulate these celebrities. These teens become obsessed with the vanity of being beautiful and society’s ideal notion of thinness as beauty. Teens see the celebrities demonstrate the belief in thinness that they begin to starve themselves and diet like their favourite celebrities.

2. Why do movie stars and supermodels surgically alter their bodies?

For the sake of physical beauty, Hollywood stars will go under the knife and get plastic surgery and liposuction.

3. How do these role models influence the acceptable standards for beauty in the minds of their fans?

Teens watch their role models and try to become like them. They put their health at risk so they can achieve what society and the media deems as physical attractiveness and the so-called perfect body. Teen stars have suffered from the quest for physical beauty that Growing Pains star Tracey Gold once weighed 90 pounds and was 5 feet 3inches. Averae teens see this body type and try to copy it such as the 21 cheerleader who died weigh 87 pounds.

4. Miss USA states “Real beauty is within. Inner beauty comes from what the soul says and how you treat other people.” How common is this attitude among the people you know?

If we believe in the Golden Rule and the notion that we are ALL beautiful, then we move towards believing in that we are all designed by God in his image. Therefore, we are all PERFECT the way we are because we come from God. Our true beauty comes from helping others.

Health Reflection Letter:

After reading the article, write a letter in your notebook to a person suffering from an eating disorder.

i. Provide the person with positive advice to help them to develop a positive body image and provide them with ways to deal with the constant images they see in the media.

ii. In your letter, provide this person with ways for their friends and family to help them to work towards helping this individual to truly see the beautiful person in the mirror.

iii. At the bottom of your letter, write the quote “real beauty is within. Inner beauty comes from what the soul says and how you treat other people,” in big letters and decorate it.


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