Portfolio Outline - CEHD

My Portfolio

Nurgul Abdukerimova


Pokrovka secondary


Portfolio Outline

1. Introduction /Personal Reflection

2. Fieldwork Reflection

3. Strategy Sheets

4. Lesson Plans

5. Action Research

6. Materials from mentor teachers

Section- 1 Introduction of my portfolio

This portfolio includes six sections. These sections are include very effective student centered activities, creative tasks, more interactive methods, team, pair and group work activities. In student centered teaching, we focus all of our efforts around the needs, experiences and abilities of our students. Our planning for class, our delivery of instruction, and our assessment practices are all focused on those students with whom we are working. Also I include about my field work trip reflection , personal reflection who I am as a teacher and my research work, five lesson plans, five strategies. Section six includes some materials from my mentor teacher. Here I can find some tests ,text and her teaching curriculum.

Section-2 Fieldwork Reflection

What are the greatest differences?

Which of the differences are potentially useful for my school?

Differences: Classroom equipments, teachers attitude to students, students are more independent, few number of class, students assessment, ninety minute for each  class, lesson plan, more handouts and portfolio

As for me a am very interested to work on projectors. I have projector in my classroom but  i did not know how to use and for what activities. Here I have seen it is a very important thing for all activities. I would like to take it with me and to use in my class. It saves teachers time and everyone can see.

I liked that teachers write their lesson plan on the board. Teacher writes  lesson plan on the board before the lesson starts. Students see and think about the topic and the goals of the lesson, what are they going to learn. it makes them to think  about the topic.

Students get handouts for each activities. I really liked this very much. The first more individual work. Teachers save a lot of their time. The second  teachers have more chance to do the next task and to work with all students.

Students have portfolios  . When I go back i am also  thinking about  portfolio. Students keep all their materials which they learned. It is good for students to review previous materials. 


Section#3 Personal Reflection.

Topic: Who I am as a teacher.

To: Dr. Steely

From: Nurgul Abdukerimova.

A School is a place where I can truly express myself in developing new ideas and new approaches.

I think the best job is one that enables me to help people who are in need. We have a proverb “A teacher is a fruitful tree”. It means that all your work will be seen by your students.

I try to create my students and teach them to read, to speak, to write. I enjoy teaching by doing different activities and encourage them to go higher to Institutes and Universities.

• Also I use my own educational experience for different activities connected with different games. Games are usually useful and helpful to review chapters and to remember some vocabulary Example: Jeopardy game, Bingo, Auction games are more effective.

To teach ESL students needs hard work and extra time. For phonetic drill exercise we usually take some rhymes, tongue twisters, songs, poems. For the developing speaking skills during the class we usually use open ended questions, interviews, describe pictures, debates and discussions.

I try to combine all teaching skills in one lesson. I have more advanced students and they need more interesting and creative tasks. That’s why I participate many workshops to fresh my knowledge and to use them in my teaching.

Section-4 Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan # 1

Topic: We love nature

  Level: Advanced

  Time: 45 minutes


  Participants: 15 students


  Materials used: Posters, charts, markers, flipchart


  Objectives:   Students will

• design their own rules how to protect the nature

• to improve language skills


  Warm up:     Brainstorming (what is nature?)


   Presentation: 1) How will you contribute to protect the nature?)

                          2) Students divide into groups.

                          3) 15 minutes for preparation (they can present through drawing, role    plays,

essays, poems, it depends their creativity)

                          4) Each group makes presentations



  Practice:    Station Rotation



  Application:   Group discussion (create GOLDEN rules)



  Homework:   To make a collage on the topic “My contribution to protect the nature.”


  Lesson Plan#2

Topic:   Trees.

Level:   Various.

Objective:     By the end of the lesson students will be able to give at least 5 causes for deforestation, good and bad reasons for cutting down trees by using if clauses.

Warm up:    Ask students to choose or to be any plant or object and their role in the people's life. Students will imagine an 

                       object or something then will tell to the partner about the chosen object's role in the life.

Procedure:   On the board draw a simple tree with leaves. Ask students what it is. Before the class show or collect parts of tree. 

                  Show these as visual aids to the class to get them thinking about the roles that trees play in the life. Ask students think about the stories, proverbs, songs about the trees.        

Brain storm:     Provide some examples from English. Eg: " strong as an oak, The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree "The tree of life."

During:            Show picture a man is cutting tree. Explain what is deforestation. Then divide the class into four or three groups and ask them to write names of animals or plants which grows or lives in the forest.

  Ask the students why do the people cut down trees? Then students can share ideas and write or draw in group   product can be made from wood.

 Again students divided into two groups and write advantages and disadvantages of cutting down trees.  Students write their work in two list and present their work.

Post activity.      Ask students to sit in a circle and take one example to practice if clause. One student will start If we cut down trees -the second student finishes - our house will be warm. Students can practice their work by asking  each other corresponding if - question.

 Homework:        Make up  examples using if clause and  Hiku poem about trees.   

                       Lesson Plan#3

Topic: Values.

Level: intermediate.

Grade: 10-11.

Goals: To teach school students to appreciate different values.

Objective: Students will be able to identify values that everyone has in


Materials: posters, papers, markers.

Brain storm: Ask students to give the definition for the word “value”.

Ask what do you value?

Mind map. Teacher writes on the board students give ideas.

Pre activity: student work in pair tell each other about their values.

Ask the class to rank the values in accordance with their priority(1-most important value,4- the least important value)

Activity: Divide the class into 4 group and put 4 posters with one headline.

Ask the students to come up to the poster with one value they gave priority to.

Students make a project design on the including explanations and the roles of the value in their life.

Post activity: Students do presentation with the group.

Home work. Ask students to ask their parents, siblings about their values. Write essay about “our values”.

Lesson Plan#4

Topic: Family relationships.

Level: intermediate.

Grade: 10-11.

Objectives: Promote students conversational skills and thinking skills.

Introductory discussion question.

Warm up: Students in pair discuss about the problems in our life.

Relationship between parents and children.

Teacher asks the question that are important to the problem.

Mind map.( teacher gets ideas from the students)

Brain storm: Divide the students into small groups and show a picture a son

and a father are talking. With the small group students create

their own stories by the picture and read in the class.

Activity: Students have a dialogue then read and act it as the main

characters with their partners.(Pair work)

Post activity: Role play. Students get an interview from a father and from a son.

Homework: Students write about their family relationships.


Lesson Plan  # 5

Topic: Song presentation.

Level:  intermediate, advanced.

Grade: 10-11.

Objective:  Students will be able to listen to music and  develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.

Bell work:  review  the previous lesson.

Brain storm: Put some pictures on the board which shows the meaning of the song. Then ask what about the song is going to be.

                   Pair work. Students work in pair discuss about the pictures and create their story. Then each pair do presentation.

Vocabulary:  new words.

Pre- listening:  Students again work in pair and get a song with different gaps. They tell to each other the words and fill the gaps.

Listening:  Students listen the song and check the gaps.

Post activity: Students give the meaning of the song through pictures or make a project.

                    True or False sentences

                   Put cutting song in order by listening the song.

Homework: Students can make crosswords or puzzles with the new words

                    Match the words with definitions.        

Portfolio Strategy Sheet#1

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Team and pair work. (Auction game)

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

Mostly I use this activity for the revision one chapter or one unit. It is useful for the

Students to review the previous materials and. Besides includes all students. Each team gets certain amount of money and should buy only true answers. A teacher prepares questions from the previous lessons. It is good to remind them and I will be sure to go to the next step.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

When I use this method all students are involved and engaged. More student centered work , and students are active, have more responsible, learn from each other, students have more cooperative work and it gives more effect.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Create a good environment, Warm up, brain storm, clear instruction, supplying

Handouts, practical learning, group and team work.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

If I use this method for my every lesson I would achieve positive sides of my teaching. With this method I can improve my students oral language skills, have them more chance to communicate, and motivate. This activity has good and bad sides. In the team no one should stand in the back and everyone should get turn.

It is one of the good ways of equal learning.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I am member of an English teachers association .I am planning to organize workshops when I go back. I am open when I share new ideas. I will tell them about new methods which I have learnt here and about portfolios, lesson plans and about US study.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet#2

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Learning Stations.

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

This method can be used during the lesson or for the revision. Students are divided into three or four groups and each group will get different task or I can use it for paragraphs of the text. After the task students again divided into groups by the numbers or color. Students move and a new group numbers share ideas what they have learned from the first time.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

When I use this method I can involve all my students, more student centered work. Also students are active, improve their listening, develop oral language skills, learn to respect others ideas, and feel independent.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Create free environment.

Clear instruction.

Team work.

Respond to oral questions.

Give oral presentation and practice fluency.

5 When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

This method is useful to use if I use it for the revision to remind the previous lesson.

When I use during the lesson it helps to me to motivate my students.

6.What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

Yes I like to share with my school teachers who teaches different subjects. They also can change and use in their subjects. When we share we can do something better and the result will be effective.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet#3

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Role Play (interview an interesting personality)

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

This method is useful to develop students oral speaking skills. Students get a role asks questions and interviewed. It helps to increase students motivation.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

To conduct the interview with pairs of students I can share the list of prepared questions with students and have them interview each other. This gives me the opportunity to assess both students during a single lesson. Students are allowed time to prepare their simulation and present it to the class.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Thinking, imagination, explaining, giving and asking information, give directions.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

Students work in pair. The answers often generate further questions, and interesting semi –serious interview develops. It is helpful to allow the students a minute or two jot down ideas for questions before starting the interview.

6.I try to spread all the new strategies methods . in my country teachers workshops, seminars are helpful to develop and share our methods. I like if all teachers use something new and share experiences we will have some promotions.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet#4

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1.Name of method or strategy:

Chain Story.

2.When is this method or strategy useful?

This strategy is useful to develop listening, thinking and speaking skills.

3.Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This activity involves all students and includes more student centered work. Words from the previous lesson will be written on the board. Students sit in a circle and by using the words turn by turn create their story. First student starts and the next student continues so they should keep the main meaning of the story until all the students finish.

4.What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Create free environment, practical learning, improve listening, thinking and speaking, practice retell.

5.When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

I use this method for revision one chapter or unit vocabulary. This strategy is useful and helpful to remind the vocabulary from the previous lesson and to use in the oral speech.

6.What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

At the seminars I want to present my lesson and spread all the new methods which I have learned here. I like to share this activity with other teachers who are so eager to share with me.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet#5

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

3. Name of method or strategy:


2When is this method or strategy useful?

This method is useful to develop oral language skills, create their motivation, creates and maintains a positive classroom climate and fulfills educational leadership roles.

3.Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

A debate is a type of role play where students are asked to take sides on an issue and defend their position. Debate require extensive preparation by learners, call for interaction in groups and students succeed more competitive. To present an oral reports students must prepare in advance. Oral reports offer a real life listening comprehension opportunity which can provide new and interesting information to


4.What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Describing, explaining, giving and asking information, persuading, agreeing and disagreeing.

5When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

Debates are most appropriate for intermediate and advanced learners. Debate techniques can be particularly effective in developing oral language skills of English Language learners. Creates learning environment for all students that encourages social interaction, active engagement in learning.

6.What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

In my school we have a debate club which organized by Kyrgyz language teachers. I think it is one of the good method to motivate students and to teach them to be a leader.

Action Research

Research Question: How can I use mixed ability grouping to develop the oral language skill of learners at all levels in EFL classes at Pokrovka secondary school?

I chose this topic because we teachers usually have mixed level students in one class. I usually face to some challenges when I teach my mixed ability students. In my lesson I usually try to combine all skills. For the learning languages students have different abilities, so strong students dominate and weak students have lack of chance to contribute themselves.

Research question.

The purpose of this study how to approach multilevel students and how to do best to improve their oral languages?

What I plan to do.

I plan to work on their vocabulary, to include more activities, to use open ended questions, peer presentations, team and group work activities and to have more practice. By using student centered activities more often, also on using my own experiences all my multilevel students get chance to participate and develop their oral language skills little by little. Student centered practices may foster creativity in the development of learning activities. Students construct new knowledge and skills by building on their current knowledge and skills. In student centered teaching, we focus all of our efforts around the needs, experiences and abilities of our students. I will observe conversations, actions, interaction, behavioral patterns and the overall climate of environment in learning centers. Also I will observe how this student is doing well from other subjects. I can take MI test to know how to approach to each student. I will arrange everything If they need extra time to explain or some easy additional task. Sometimes some quiet students stay in the back without notice I will try to support them in moral and pay more attention. Also to give them chance to contribute, participation and constant practice.

There are 80 teachers and 1500 students in my school. Teachers are eager to learn some new ideas and methods. At the workshops we share with new methods and our experiences. Workshops are helpful to spread some information and to use in the lesson. I am planning to organize workshops to share with strategies, methods which I have learned here. Time is changing teaching also must be new. We teachers need renew our knowledge which we got from the institutes or universities before.


Tiger Eyes: Schedule for 2006

|Chapter Sections |Entry Point(s) |Vocabulary Activity |Reading Skills Activity |Summary/Review |Assessment/ |

| | | | | |Culminating Activity |

|I. Chapters 1-6 |1)Foundational: |1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|QAR: (partners) |Chart of Grief and Recovery:|QAR Questions and Answers: |

| |Reading on Grief and Recovery; Concept Attainment chart on Grief |meanings or synonyms; usage |Comprehension questions on 4|Find examples of denial and |Create and Answer (partners) |

|March 27-April 6 |2)Intrapersonal: |examples |levels (Right There, Think |depression in the main |1) Right There (4 examples) |

| |Journal about an experience of loss |2)Crossword Puzzle |and Search, Author and You, |character and record the |2) Think and Search (2 examples) |

| | | |On Your Own) |quotations in your chart |3) Author and You (1 example) |

| | | | | |4) On Your Own (1 example) |

|II. Chapters 7-11|Aesthetic: Find a photo from National Geographic magazines that |1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|1)Reading “Hunt”: (partners)|Chart of Grief and Recovery:|Traditional Quiz: Answer 10 |

| |represents a connection with one of the two settings in the novel; write a|meanings or synonyms; usage |Answer “As you Go” questions|Find examples of |questions taken from the Reading |

|April 17-21 |5-sentence paragraph about how this photo connects with the place in the |examples |as you read the chapters |depression, denial and anger|Hunt |

| |book; make a small poster with the photograph and your paragraph |2) Vocabulary Search: Copy a |(page number clues |in the main character and | |

| | |sentence from the chapters which |provided)—2 different hunts |record the quotations in | |

| | |use key vocabulary and find a |2)Jigsaw activity: (new |your chart | |

| | |second sentence in the Longman or |partners) Share hunts with | | |

| | |Oxford Dictionaries |other groups; everyone then | | |

| | | |completes two hunts | | |

|III. Chapters |1)Foundational: Introduction to Culture Shock |1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|Metaphor of the Canyon: |Whole group Q & A: Compose |Think-Tac-Toe (partners): Choose|

|12-16 |2)Intrapersonal: Use Culture Shock Diagram to map personal experience in |meanings or synonyms; usage |(Think-Pair-Share) In what |two questions for fellow |three activities from the grid to|

| |a new environment(fromiss.canterbury.az.nz/pages/culture.shtml |examples |ways (name 2 of them) is the|students; Chain questions |achieve 60 or 80 points (80 with |

|April 24-28 | |2)Complete vocabulary puzzlers: |canyon a metaphor for |(the correct responder asks |the challenge questions in the |

| | |“Cross Outs” words that don’t |Davey’s experience of grief |the next question) |center) |

| | |belong; “Name the Category”; |and culture shock? Answer | | |

| | |Complete“ Sentence Starters” |written questions about the | | |

| | | |canyon and Wolf. | | |

|IV. |Interpersonal: Complete “Survey of Interest Groups at our School”; |1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|Plot Sequence: Using large |Presentation of plot |Traditional Quiz: Answer 10 |

|Chapters 17-21 |collate results as a whole class; write journal reflection about how our |meanings or synonyms; usage |folded paper, create an |sequences to the class. |multiple choice questions about |

| |school is the same or different from Davey’s |examples |8-frame illustrated sequence| |the vocabulary and events of |

| | |(See next section for activity) |of the significant events in| |Chapters 17-21 |

|May 1-5 | | |these chapters. Each frame | | |

| | | |will contain a drawing and | | |

| | | |sentence to identify or | | |

| | | |describe the event. | | |

|V. |Foundational: Stereotyping; (whole group and think-pair-share discussion)|1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|Motive and Character |Journal: Write about two of|Make a quiz for these chapters. |

|Chapters 22-27 |Why are stereotypes unfair? What are some unfortunate consequences of |meanings or synonyms; usage |Analysis: (small groups) |Walter and Bitsy’s |Write 5 questions about |

| |people believing stereotypes? Describe a time when you have discovered |examples |Answer 8 “Why” questions |stereotypes. How do these |vocabulary and 5 about the events|

|May 8-12 |that a pre-conceived stereotype about a person, group, or culture is |2) Crossword puzzle for vocabulary |about Davey and the other |mistaken ideas affect their |in the chapters. Produce a |

| |incorrect. |in Sections IV. And V. |characters in these chapters|treatment of Davey? |separate answer key. The quiz |

| |Intrapersonal: Journal: Write about a stereotype that you think others | | | |will be given to another student |

| |may have about your group of peers or your culture. (For example, “All | | | |to answer. Then you will correct |

| |Americans are rich,” or all “All teenagers drive recklessly.”) What would | | | |and grade the quiz. |

| |be the best way to disprove such stereotypes? | | | | |

|VI. |Aesthetic: Examine a landscape by Georgia O’Keefe of the American |1)Pre-reading vocabulary chart with|Characterization: |Share your characterization |Character Development: Write a |

|Chapters 28-33 |Southwest. |meanings or synonyms; usage |(partners) |chart with another group. |long (8-11 sentences) paragraph |

| |Journal #1: Answer questions from the Muse Game about the painting. |examples |Select adjectives to |What are two similarities in|about how Davey changes in the |

|May 15-19 |(currently on order from the PZ Bookstore) |3) (Individual) Create your own |describe the main |your charts? Two |novel; the details should discuss|

| |Journal #2: Write about why the nature of the Los Alamos setting is |crossword puzzle with 15-20 words |characters; Davey, Gwen |differences? |three of the stages of grief that|

| |important for Davey’s recovery. |chosen from Ch. 1-33. |(Mom), Walter, Bitsy, Wolf, | |she experiences |

| | | |and Jason; Fill out the | | |

| | | |Characterization Chart with | | |

| | | |the name, the adjective, and| | |

| | | |a quotation or sentence from| | |

| | | |any chapter that illustrates| | |

| | | |the adjective you chose. | | |

|VII. |Aesthetic: Watch scenes from the video of Oklahoma, the musical show in |Pre-reading vocabulary chart with |Reading performances: |Chart of Grief and Recovery:|Journal: Write one more chapter |

|Chapters 34-40 |which Davey performs. |meanings or synonyms; usage |Everyone will practice a |(partners) |for the book: What would you |

| | |examples |segment of the last group of|How do we see now that Davey|like to happen in Davey’s life |

|May 22-30 | |(no follow-up vocabulary activity) |chapters and read that part |has recovered? Record 3 |after her return to Atlantic |

| | | |aloud for the class. |actions in your chart from |City? |

| | | | |these chapters that give | |

| | | | |evidence of Davey’s | |

| | | | |recovery. | |


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