5 examples of positive and normative economics

5 examples of positive and normative economics


5 examples of positive and normative economics

What are the examples of positive and normative economics. 5 examples of positive and normative economics tagalog. What positive and normative economics.

The vision of the world centered or prevented towards Western Eurocentrism civilization (also Eurocentric or Western-Centrism) [1] is a vision of the world which is centralized on Western civilization or a prevention vision that favors non-western civilization. The exact range of Eurocentrism varies from all over the Western world to the European continent or even more closely, to Western Europe (especially during the cold war). When the term is historically applied, it can be used with reference to a position sorry towards European colonialism and other forms of imperialism. [2] The term "Eurocentrism" dates back to the late 1970s, but it has not become prevalent until the 1990s, when it was applied frequently in the context of decolonization and development and humanitarian aid that the industrialized countries offered to developing countries. Since then the term has been used to criticize Western narrations of progress, western scholars who have inappropriate and ignored non-western contributions and to counter western epistemologies with indigenous ways of knowledge [3] [4] [5]. Eurocentrism Terminology As the term for an ideology has been mentioned by Samir Amin in the 1970s, the Eurocentric adjective, or Centrica, has been in use in various contexts for at least the 1920s. [6] The term was popular (in French as Europ? ? openvreque) in the context of decolonization and internationalism in the mid-20th century half. [7] The English use of Eurocentric as an ideological term in the identity policy was current within the half of the 1980s. [8] The name Abstract Eurocentrism (French Eurocentrisme, previous europencentrisme) as a deadline for an ideology was coined in the 1970s by the economist Marxian Egyptian Samir Amin, then director of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. [9] Amin used the term in the context of a global, core-suburban model or dependence of capitalist development. The English use of Eurocentrism is recorded by 1979. [10] The coin of Western centrement is younger, attested at the end of the 90s and specifies for English. [11] European exceptional history Further information: Great divergence, the European miracle, the ages of discovery, colonialism, progressivity and Western world during the European colonial era, the encyclopedia has often tried to give a logic for the predominance of the European domain during the colonial period referring to a special position taken from Europe with respect to the other continents. So, Johann Heinrich Zedler, in 1741, wrote that "although Europe is the smallest of the four continents of the world, it has for various reasons why a position that places it in front of everyone else .... Its inhabitants have excellent, are courteous and erudite in both sciences and trades". [12] The Brockhaus Enzyklop?die (Conversations-Lessicon) of 1847 still has a seemingly Eurocentric approach and asserts about Europe that "its geographical situation and its cultural and political significance are clearly the important of the five continents, on which it has conquered a very influential government both on the material level and, even more, on a cultural level ". [13] The European exceptionalism was developed as well as the great divergence of the first modern period, due to the combined effects of the scientific revolution, the commercial revolution, the rise of colonial empires, the industrial revolution and a second wave of European colonization. European exceptionalism is widely reflected in popular genres of literature, especially in literature for young adults (for example, Kim by Rudyard Kipling) and in the adventure literature in general. The representation of European colonialism in this literature has been analyzed in terms of retrospective Eurocentrism, such as the presentation of western and often exaggeratedly masculine heroes, which have conquered the peoples ? ?Wild? in the remaining ? ? ?Bui spaces? of the globe [14 ]. The European miracle, a term coined by Eric Jones in 1981, [15] refers to this surprising rise of Europe during the first modern period. During the XV-XVIII century a great divergence occurred, which included the European Renaissance, the eth of the discovery, the formation of colonial empires, the age of the reason, and the consequent leap forward in technology and development of capitalism and the first industrialization. The result was that by the nineteenth century, European powers dominated world trade and world politics. In Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel argued that world history began in Asia, but moved to Greece and Italy, and then north of the Alps towards France, Germany and the England. [17] According to Hegel, India and China are stationary countries without inner momentum. China has replaced the real historical development with a fixed and stable scenario, which makes the outsider of world history. Both India and China were waiting and anticipating a combination of certain factors from external until they could have made real progress in human civilization [18]. Hegel's ideas have had a deep effect on Western history. Some scholars are not agreement with the ideas of him that the eastern countries were outside the world history. [19] Max Weber suggested that capitalism is Europe's specialties, because eastern countries such as India and China do not contain factors that would allow them to develop capitalism sufficiently [20]. Weber wrote and published many treaties in which he emphasized the Peculiarity of Europe. In The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, he wrote that capitalism ?rational? manifested by His companies and its mechanisms appear only in the Protestant countries of the West, while a series of generalized and universal cultural phenomena appear only in The state, with a written constitution and a government organized by administrators trained and bound by a rational law, appears only in the West, although other regimes may include states[22]. rationality is a multilayered multilayerwhose connotations are developed and intensified as with social progress. Weber regarded rationality as a proprietary article for Western capitalist society. Anti-colonialism Even in the 19th century, anti-colonial movements had developed claims on national traditions and values that had been set against those of Europe in Africa and India. In some cases, such as China, where the local ideology was even more exclusive than the Eurocentric one, Westernization has not overwhelmed long-standing Chinese attitudes to its cultural centrality. [23] Orientalism developed at the end of the eighteenth century as a disproportionate Western interest and the idealization of Eastern (i.e. Asian) cultures. At the beginning of the 20th century, some historians, such as Arnold J. Toynbee, were trying to build multifocal models of world civilizations. Toynbee has also drawn attention to non-European historians, such as the medieval Tunisian scholar Ibn Khaldun. He has also established ties with Asian thinkers, such as through his dialogues with Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai International. [24] The explicit concept of Eurocentrism is a product of the decolonisation period in the 1960s and 1970s. Its original context is the core-periphery or dependency model of capitalist development of the Marxian economy. Eurocentrism has been a particularly important concept in development studies. [25] Brohman (1995) has argued that Eurocentrism "has perpetuated intellectual dependence on a select group of prestigious Western academic institutions that determine the subject matter and the methods of research".[25] In treatises on historical or contemporary Eurocentrism that have appeared since the 1990s, Eurocentrism is mostly In the 1990s, there was a tendency to criticize various current geographical terms in the English language such as Eurocentric, such as the traditional division of Eurasia into Europe and Asia[29] or the term Middle East.[30] Eric Sheppard, in 2005, has argued that contemporary Marxism itself has Eurocentric features (despite "Eurocentrism" originating in the vocabulary of Marxian economics), because it assumes that the Third World must go through a social formation [3] Andre Gunder Frank has strongly criticized Eurocentrism. He believed that most scholars were the disciples of society. and history guided by Eurocentrism. [4] He criticized some Western scholars for their ideas that non-Western areas do not have exceptional contributions in history, economics, ideology, politics and culture compared to the West. These scholars believed that the same contribution given by the West offered Westerners an advantage of endo-genetic momentum that is pushed towards the rest of the world, but Frank believed that Eastern countries also contributed to human civilization in their perspective. Arnold Toynbee, in his study of history, gave a critique of Eurocentrism. He believed that, even if Western capitalism enveloped the world and achieved political unity based on its economy, Western countries cannot "westernize" other countries. [32] Toynbee concluded that Eurocentrism is characteristic of three misunderstandings manifested by autocentrism, the fixed development of Eastern countries and linear progress. [33] There has been some debate as to whether historical Eurocentrism qualifies as "another ethnocentrism", as it is found in most cultures of the world, especially in cultures with imperial aspirations, such as Sinocentrism in China; in the Empire of Japan (c. 1868?1945), or during the American century. James M. Blaut (2000) argued that Eurocentrism went far beyond other ethnocentrisms, as the scale of European colonial expansion was historically unprecedented and led to the formation of a "colonial model of the world." [34] Indigenous philosophies have been noted for strikingly contrasting Eurocentric thought. Indigenous scholar James (S¨¢k¨¦j) Youngblood Henderson says that Eurocentricism contrasts sharply with indigenous world views: "The discord between Aboriginal and European views is dramatic. It is a conflict between natural and artificial contexts." [5] Indigenous scholars Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Linco affirm that "in some ways, the epistemological critique initiated by indigenous knowledge is more radical than other sociopolitical critics of the West, for indigenous critique it lays the very foundations of Western ways of knowing and being. "[35] Academic Discourse The Terms Afrocentrism vs. Eurocentrism came to play a role in the years 2000-2010 in the context of academic discourse on race in the United States and critical studies of whiteness, aiming to expose white suprematism and white privilege. [36] Afrocentric scholars, such as Molefi Asante, have argued that there is a prevalence of Eurocentric thinking in much of the academy's work on African affairs. On the contrary, in an article, 'Eurocentrism and Academic Imperialism' by Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran, he states that Eurocentric thought exists in almost all aspects of academia in many parts of the world, especially in the sciences. [37] Edgar Alfred Bowring states that in the West, self-concerning, self-congratulation and vilification of the Other and these trends have influenced more aspects of their thinking, laws and policies than in any other place.[39] Luke Clossey and Nicholas Guyatt have measured the degree of Eurocentrism in the research programs of the most important departments of history.[40] Eurocentrism struck Latin America through colonial domination and expansion[41]. This was done through the application of new criteria aimed at "imposing a new social classification of the global population"[41]. On the basis of this event, a new socio-historic identity has been produced recently, although already produced in America. Some of these names include: ?Bianchi?, ?Negroes?, ?Neri?, ?Gialli?, ?Olives?, ?Indians? and ?Metizo? With the advantage of being located in the Atlantic basin, the ?whites? had the privilege of controlling the production of gold and silver.[41] The work that created the product was of Indians and Negroes.[41] With the control of the commercial capital by workers 'whites'. And so, Europe or Western Europe emerged as the center of new models and capitalist power.[41] Effect on beauty standards in Brazil According to the book of Alexander Edmond Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil, white plays a role in the Latin American beauty standards, especially Brazilians, but it is not necessarily distinct according to the color of the skin.[42] Edmonds has said that surgery Plastic surgeons usually applaud and smooth mixtures when emulating aesthetics to perform surgery, and the most popular mixture is African and European.[43] This model the beauty standards by ravaging the ideals of biological and popular beauty to suggest that the mixture with white is better.[42] Donna Goldstein Laughter Out of Place's book: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in Rio Shantytown also addresses how white affects beauty in Brazil. Goldstein observes that in Brazil there is a hierarchy of beauty that places white on top and black on the bottom, calling them ugly.[44] Challenge these standards of beauty in Brazil would require society to "put into question the romantic and sexual charm of white"[44]. Goldstein therefore said that black bodies had to be decommodated, and especially black women had to trade their bodies to survive. [44] In Sex Tourism in Bahia: Ambiguous Entanglements by Erica Lorraine William explains how European and white standards of beauty have more privileges than darker and blacker women in Brazil.[45] Black women in Brazil must findto receive more respect in popular spaces for sexual tourism. [45] Williams cites Alma Gulliermoprieto when he explains that there is a superiority given to women of clear skin color compared to darker women, as light skin women wereMore beautiful because they were "improved with white blood." [46] Effect of the Islamic world Eurocentrism in the Islamic world is mainly come from a fundamental declaration of prevention to the basis of the low level explanation and account of Islamic cultures and their social evolution, mainly through the idealist construct of Eurocentrism. [47] This construct has earned power from the historians who rotate their conclusions about the idea of a central point that favors the idea that the evolution of societies and their progress are dictated by the general trends, leading to the evolution of the world Islamic increasingly a philosophical topic of history instead of historical. [47] With this, Eurocentrism extends to trivialize and marginalize philosophies, scientific contributions, cultures, and other complementary aspects of the Islamic world. [48] deriving from innate prejudices of Eurocentrism towards Western civilization has arrived the creation of the concept of the "European company", which favored the members (mainly Christianity) of the European civilization and Eurocentrists admitted to the trademark divergent companies and cultures such as " uncivilized". [49] Prevalent during the 19th century, the labeling of uncivilized the eyes of the Eurocentrists enabled Western countries to classify non-European and non-white countries such as lower, and limit their inclusion and contribution to actions such as international law. This exclusion has been viewed as acceptable by individuals such as John Westlake, professor of international law at the University of Cambridge, at the moment, who commented that countries with European civilizations should be those who understand international society, and that Countries such as Turkey and Persia should only be allowed to be a part of international law. [49] The figurative superiority deriving from the birth of "European civilization" and the labels of "civilized" and "uncivilized" are partly responsible for the denial of Eurocentrism of Islamic Social Evolution, giving Westerners the advantage of a premature dismissal of such Ideas regarding eastern civilizations through west comparisons. Along with this, the rooted belief of the inferiority of non-white and non-Europeans gave justification for racial discrimination and discredit to the Islamic world, with much of these feelings yet today. [Necessary quote] Range of orientalism Eurocentrism has not only influenced the perception of cultures and civilizations of the Islamic world, but also the aspects and ideas of orientalism, a cultural idea that distinguishes the "Orient" of the East from the "Western" Western societies of Europe and North America, and which was originally created so that the social and cultural milestones of Islamic and eastern world would have been recognized. This effect began to take place during the course XIX century, when orientalist ideals where distilled and moved from the themes of sensuality and mentalities that deviate from what described by Edward Said Said "Uncontested coherence." [50] Along with this change came the creation of two types of orientalism: latent, which covered the constant duration of the East throughout history, and manifested, a more dynamic orientalism which changes with the new discovery of information. [50] The Eurocentric influence is shown in the latter, since the nature of manifest orientalism must be modified with new discoveries, which leaves it vulnerable to the distortion of its ideals and principles of its refiner. In this state, Eurocentrism has used Orientalism to portray the East as "backward" and strengthen the superiority of the Western world and continue the minimum of their cultures to further the agenda of racial inequality. [50] With those who want to better represent Eurocentric ideals in a better way for Orientalism, came a language barrier, being Arabic, Persian and other similar languages. With other researchers wanting to study Orientalism more, there was a hypothesis made about the languages of the Islamic world: that having the ability to transcribe texts from the past Islamic world give great knowledge and insight about Oriental studies. To do this, many researchers have undergone philology training, believing that an understanding of languages would be the only training needed. This reasoning came as the conviction at the time that other studies such as anthropology and sociology were considered irrelevant because they did not believe us to be misleading in this part of humanity. [51] Through this action, the understanding of Eurocentric researchers of Eastern and Islamic culture has been intentionally undermined, overcoming the reasoning behind actions and reasoning for cultural changes documented by Islamic and Eastern texts and allowing further possible Western influence on Orientalism and increasing the Difficulty of Identification what is truly Eastern and what is considered Eastern from the West. [Quote required] In the beauty industry Eurocentrism has struck the beauty realm globally. The standard of beauty has become westernized and has influenced people all over the world. Many have altered their natural selves to reflect this image. [52] Many beauty and advertising companies have redirected their products to support the idea of Eurocentrism. [53] Kathy Deliovsky argues that "regulatory femininity is never meant outside a process of racial domination and denial" when looking at a society built on "European imperialism and colonialism." [54] White femininity, like whitening in general, is perceived as normative because it is not considered as "white", but simply as "femininity". [54] [Non primary source required] A 1986 study by Pierre Van Den Berghe and Peter found a cultural preference widespread for lighter skin in females. [55 ] However, they argue that the preference for lightness often angetta European contact as in the case of the Aztecs, the Japanese and the ancient Egyptians, a strong preference for lightness is also found in society societiesThey have never been colonized by the West and, even in the areas colonized by Europe, the preference for skin lightness is often accompanied by an explicit refusal of European phenotypes.[55] Instead they suggest evolutionary explanations for preference, noting neoten traits can induce male investments and skin clear signs of fertility.[55] kenneth and mamie clark experiments on dolls in the 1940s, kenneth psychologists and clark mamies conducted experiments called "doll tests" to examine the psychological effects of segregation on African American children. they tested the children by presenting them four dolls, identical but different skin color. they had to choose which doll they prefer and asked the breed of the doll. most children chose the white doll. The clarks stated in their results that the perception of African American children was altered by the discrimination they had to face.[56] tested children also positively described white dolls. one of the criticisms of this experiment is presented by robin bernstein, professor of African and African American studies and women, gender and sexuality. his argument is that "the clark tests were scientifically wrong. but said that the tests reflect a negative representation of black dolls in the theatre and the American media that dates back to the era of the Civil War.. .So, he said bernstein, the choices made by the subjects of the clark doll test were not necessarily index of hatred for themselves by blacks. Instead, it was a cultural choice between two different toys, one to love and one to physically harass, as demonstrated by the popular performances and media. According to bernstein, this argument "relaxes minor subjects of the clark by offering them a new understanding not as psychologically damaged idiots, but rather as experienced infant culture agents".[57] Mexican doll experiment in 2012 recreated the doll test. the national council for the prevention of discrimination of mexico presented a video in which children had to choose the "good doll" and the doll that resembled him. with this experiment, researchers wanted to analyze to what extent Mexican children are influenced by the media accessible to them.[58] most children chose the white doll; They also declared that it looked like them. people who conducted the study noted that Eurocentrism is deeply rooted in different cultures, including Latin ones[59]. Beauty advertising the advertisements displayed worldwide are Eurocentric and emphasize Western features. [citation required] Caucasian models are the main choice of models to rent from famous brandsThe whole world as Estee Lauder and L? ? ?areal. The regional models of Korea, Hong Kong and Japan have barely reached ads from global brands, compared to Caucasian models, which appear in 44% of Korean ads and in 54% of Japanese. Appearing in these these emphasize that the ideal skin is bright, transparent, white, full and fine. On the other hand, dark African skin is observed. [60] Skin acceleration has become a common practice in all the different areas of the globe. A reason for the use of lightning skin products is to look more 'European'.[61] In other cases, the practice began much before exposure to European beauty standards ? tanned skin was associated with lower-class field jobs, and therefore constant exposure to the sun, while having signed pale skin belonging to the upper class.[62][63] Many women risk their health using these products to get the skintone they want. A study conducted by Dr. Lamine Ciss? observed the female population in some African countries. They discovered that 26% of women were using the skin lightening creams at the time and 36% had used them at some time. The common products used were hydroquinones and corticosteroids. 75% of women who used these creams showed skin side effects. [64] Whitening products have also become popular in many areas of Asia such as South Korea. [65] With the rise of these products, the research was done to study long-term damage. Certain complications experienced are ocronosi esogena, healing of altered wounds and descience of wounds, fish odor syndrome, nephropathy, steroid dependence syndrome, predisposition to infections, a wide spectrum of skin and endocrinological complications of corticosteroids, and the suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. See also: Korean beauty standards and cosmetic surgery K-beauty is popular in South Korea. In some cases, this may be due to the desire to look more western. [citation required] However, others argue that the prevalence of aesthetic surgery in South Korea is not rooted in Western beauty standards,[67] but is mainly due to other factors, such as the most general dissatisfaction with appearance and better chances on the labour market. [68][69] According to the International Society of Plastic Aesthetic Surgery, South Korea has the highest rates of per capita plastic surgery procedures in 2014. [70] The most requested procedures are blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty. [71] Another procedure made in Korea is having the muscle under the tongue that connects to the bottom of the surgically snipped mouth. Parents have their children to undergo this intervention to better pronounce English. [72] In Korea, eyelid cosmetic surgery is considered normal. Korea has close modern ties with the United States that allows constant interaction with Western culture. See also Afrocentrism Americentrism The Cresta del Peacock:not European of mathematics the oriental origins of Western civilization ellenocentrism history of Western civilization Orientalism panEuropean identity universalism in geography Western culture known references ^ hobson, john (2012.) the Eurocentric conception of world politics: Western international1760-2010. New York: Cambridge University Press. P. 185. Isbn?, 978-1107020207. ^ Eurocentrism and disappointing, American Historical Association ^ A B Sheppard, Eric (November 2005). "The model of the world of Jim Blaut". Antipode. 37 (5): 956 - 962. doi: 10.1111 / j.0066-4811.2005.00544.x. ^ A B Payne, Anthony (2005). "Unequal development". The global policy of unequal development. Pp.?,31 - 247. doi: 10.1007 / 978-1-137-05592-137-05592-7_9. Isbn?, 978-0-333-74072-9. ^ A B Youngblood Henderson, James (S??k? ? J) (2011). "Ayukpachi: aboriginal enhancement". To Battiste, Marie (ed.). Reclaim voice and indigenous vision. UBC printing. Pp.?, ? ?61. Isbn?, 9780774842471. ^ The German Adjective Europe-Zentrisch ("Europe-Centric") is attested in the 1920s, not related to the Marxist context of the use of Amin. Karl Haushofer, Geopolitik des Pazifischen Ozeans (pp.?, 11 ? ? ?,? "23, 110-113, passim). The context is the comparison of Haushofer of the" Pacific Space "in terms of global policy of politics against the "europa-centric" policy. ^ a rey (ed.) dictionnaire historique de la langue fran?aisaise (2010): ? ? ?,? partir du radical de europ? ? it ont ? ? T? ? ? Compost ? ? s (mil. xxe s.) europ? ? ? ? ocentrique adj. (de centrique) ?, ?, ?, ?, quat r? ? f? ? ? RENCE ? The European ? ?et europ? ? ocentrisme nm (europencentrisme variant NM 1974) ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ?the fait de consid? ? RER (unbl?¡§Meme g? ? N? ? RAL, Mondial) of a Point de Vue Europ? ? Europ? ? ? TM." ^ Hussein Abdilahi Bulh, Frantz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression (1985), 63FF: "Fanon and Eurocentric Psychology", where "Eurocentric psychology" ?

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