Aggressive Energetic in pursuing goals, disposition to dominate.

Analytical Skilled in using analysis, separates tasks into component parts.

Articulate Communicates readily, clearly and effectively.

Athletic Characteristic of an athlete, vigorous, active, mesomorphic.

Calm Free from agitation, excitement or disturbance.

Candid Communicates with sincere honesty and absence of deception.

Cerebral Primarily intellectual in nature.

Charismatic Having or exhibiting a special magnetic charm or appeal.

Cheerful Full of good spirits.

Competent Capable; has all the requisite abilities and qualities.

Confident Full of assurance, conviction and certainty.

Creative Imaginative or resourceful.

Decisive Possesses the ability to decide with promptness and sureness.

Dedicated Devoted to a cause, ideal or purpose.

Dependable Capable of being relied upon.

Diligent Exhibits a steady, earnest and energetic effort to accomplish the mission.

Diplomatic Employs tact and sensitivity in dealing with others.

Energetic Active, operates with a marked vigor or effect.

Enthusiastic Filled with a strong passion or energy.

Ethical Strictly conforms to accepted professional standards of conduct.

Gung-Ho Motto of Marine Raider battalions in W.W.II, interpreted as 'work together.' Has come to mean extremely zealous or enthusiastic towards the cause, mission, or unit.

Industrious Hardworking; productive.

Innovative Tends to introduce new ideas, methods or devices.

Inspiring Possesses the ability to motivate and animate others.

Judicious Possesses and exercises sound judgment.

Levelheaded Calm, unexcitable, possesses sound judgment.

Mature Possesses a personality that is fully developed, the final or desired state. Adult, not childish.

Methodical Habitually proceeds according to a predefined method.

Multi-Talented Possesses many desirable talents.

Organized Uses a formal method to coordinate tasks and create order.

Persistent Proceeds resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition.

Physical Characterized by rugged and forceful physical activity.

Polished Refined in manners or condition.

Positive Fully assured, confident.

Practical Disposed to action as opposed to speculation or abstraction.

Principled Habitually devoted to right principles; high standards and morals.

Resolute Bold, steady, faithful.

Rugged Shows signs of strength, sturdy.

Self-Disciplined Capable of control of one's self or one's behavior, often for the sake of improvement.

Self-Reliant Has confidence in own efforts and abilities.

Solid Upstanding; reliable and sound.

Spirited Full of energy, animated.

Stable Steady in purpose, firm in resolution.

Steady Firm in direction, not easily upset or disturbed.

Studious Assiduous in the pursuit of learning. Devoted to study; scholarly.

Supportive Promotes the interests and causes of others.

Systematic Methodical or procedural in the accomplishment of the mission. Well organized.

Tactful Demonstrates a keen sense of what to do or say to maintain good relations with others and accomplish the mission.

Team-Player Demonstrates the ability to work in a cooperative effort to accomplish the mission.

Versatile In possession of a wide variety of skills, knowledge and abilities and is capable of turning with ease from one task to another.


Abrasive Irritating, not tactful.

Abusive Often displays wrong or improper use or action, physically injurious.

Ambivalent Displays contradictory attitudes or feelings, continual fluctuation, uncertain as to which course to follow to accomplish the mission.

Apathetic Shows little or no feeling or emotion; spiritless, impassive.

Argumentative Controversial, given to disagreement.

Arrogant In possession of an exaggerated sense of own worth or importance.

Backbiter Communicates mean or spiteful things about people.

Blunt Abrupt in speech or manner.

Careless Indifferent, unconcerned, negligent.

Caustic Descriptive of an attitude that is corrosive, irritating.

Childish Marked by a sense of immaturity and poise.

Clueless Someone who has no idea what is going on or how to accomplish the mission.

Complacent An attitude of unconcern, satisfied with one's own lot, score or standing.

Condescending Displays an assumed air of superiority.

Confrontational Seeks to confront for the sake of challenging, opposing or argument.

Egocentric Concerned only with one's self.

Excitable Capable of being readily roused to emotions or feelings.

Gossip Someone who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others.

Hardheaded Stubborn, unmoving, unwilling to accept other's input.

Immature Not fully developed, childish.

Impetuous Displays hasty or impulsive behavior.

Inattentive Fails to pay attention.

Inconsiderate Careless of the rights or feelings of others.

Inept Untrained; inefficient or incompetent.

Irresponsible Not responsible, speaks and acts with no sense of accountability.

Lackadaisical Lacks life, spirit and zest.

Lazy Disinclined to activity or exertion, not energetic or vigorous.

Lethargic Sluggish, indifferent, apathetic

Meek Deficient in spirit and courage.

Moody Subject to depression or changes in personality.

Nervous Easily excited or irritated; jumpy.

Overbearing Harshly and haughtily arrogant; domineering.

Panicky Subject to sudden overpowering fits of fright.

Peculiar Different from the usual or normal; odd.

Pompous Having or exhibiting self importance or arrogance.

Sarcastic Intentionally inflicts pain or insult through the use of ironic or ridiculing remarks.

Self-Centered Concerned solely with personal need's, interests and desires.

Selfish One way, concerned solely with personal needs, interests and desires.

Shallow Lacking in depth of knowledge, thoughts or feelings.

Sleepy Ready to fall asleep at a moments notice, usually in class.

Sloppy Slovenly, careless.

Spring-Butt Those who never miss the opportunity to say something when opportunities for questions arise.

Stubborn Unreasonably or perversely unyielding.

Temperamental Marked by excessive sensitivity and frequent mood changes.

Timid A person lacking in courage, self-confidence, boldness and determination.

Uncommitted Not pledged or motivated to any cause, unit or decision.

Unpredictable Subject to frequent changes in mood, personality or actions; erratic.

Unprincipled Lacking in moral values or standards.

Vain Having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements.

Weak Lacking strength in body, character or mind.



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