Children and violent mediaVideo games have been around for many years and in more recent years, the argument of are they good or are they not so good for children has been a topic for many. My question is, does playing violent video games make children violent or is it the way the children were raised? Video games are animated life like footage that can been very realistic. Now do I feel like children should be allowed to play violent games? Honestly, no I do not. However, I also do not agree with the fact that parents blame their children’s behavior on the video games they play. Studies show that children who play violent video games often tend to be very unemotional to violence. They also state that those children then become more and more aggressive. Video games tend to keep the attention of children with parents doing less as parents. I believe parents are not taking up time with their children anymore because of modern technology such as cell phones, tablets and video games. Games have ratings are on almost every video game to help parents know what is suitable for each age. For example, E stands for early childhood, E stands for everyone, T is for teen and M is for mature adults 17 and older. These are the most typical ratings created by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The purpose is to give parents information about the content so that they can make informed decisions on whether it is appropriate. content so parents can make informed purchasing decisions. Given this information, I firmly believe that the games are not the issue especially if the parents are buying them. This becomes a parental decision between a parent and child which shows how the child is being raised at home. According to APA studies early childhood exposure to TV violence predicted aggressive behavior for both males and females in adulthood. Additionally, identification with same sex aggressive TV characters, as well as participants’ ratings of perceived realism of TV violence, also predicted adult aggression in both males and females. Furthermore, while a positive relationship was found between early aggression and subsequent TV violence viewing, the effect was not significant. These findings suggest that, while aggressive children may choose to watch more violent TV programming, it is more plausible that early childhood exposure to TV violence stimulates increases in aggression later in adulthood.It's true that some studies have shown certain video games can improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. Video games can also teach creativity, encourage children to move around and most importantly teaches those that may not like sports to be competitive in other things a good positively. One other way is that if a parent wants to be interactive with their child, playing games that interest them is a great. But too much video game playing may lead to health problems such as eye problems from viewing the screen too long or even obesity. Kids are becoming lazier and do not like going outside to be active when they are always inside playing video games. Simple games that are easy to access and can be played quickly, such as "Angry Birds," can improve players' moods, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety, the study said. "If playing video games simply makes people happier, this seems to be a fundamental emotional benefit to consider," said Granic. The authors also highlighted the possibility that video games are effective tools for learning resilience in the face of failure. By learning to cope with ongoing failures in games, the authors suggest that children build emotional resilience they can rely upon in their everyday lives.Another problem is, as children become older they begin to lose interest in games that are just too simple. Most children like to be challenged and applauded for their actions. Video games are a way to give you a thrill and keep you occupied instead of being bored or look for something to do that interest you. Parents need to go back to the days when taking their child to the park or reading them a book becomes activities that a child enjoys. Today, some parents are so busy working or doing their own thing that they don’t take out time to interact with their children to help them learn and grow. That’s why children grown up depending on technology because it’s something they always had to keep their attention.When visiting many different households, the children are found sitting down with a cell phone, laptop, tablet or some type of technology device. Do I think children learning about technology is a bad thing? No, it is not. Nevertheless, too much of depending on technology can ruin a person’s brain. For example, Google is the website most often visited when people are looking something up. Today’s society use GPS, or a map app to find directions instead of using an actual map. People say it is all a mind thing that you need things like your phone or VT. Honestly it could be, but it is what we as children grew up around and it becomes something we need or depend on in our everyday life. Many factors are said to affect a child negatively because of video games. These factors include the following:Less time with friends and familyPoor social skillsLower gradesLess readingLess exercise Loss of sleepAggressive thoughts and behaviorThose things listed are some things that children today do suffer from because of video game addiction. But, there are so many children that have skills ahead of the ages. That’s why I cannot say video games alone I what causes children to act in a misbehaved manner.Video games can also have a positive effect on children of all ages. Now, games such Wii and a few others promote exercise for children. It’s also games that promote teamwork, build confidence, multi-tasking skills and more. Video games is not just a negative it’s also a positive to for children. Its honestly all about what they take in. There are games that make you think and solve problems and more. There are even some games that can help you learn things from everyday life. According to CBS News, Children who play video games for up to an hour a day are less hyperactive, more social and happier than those who don't play at all, according to an Oxford University study. The results contradict widespread concerns that video game use by kids is harmful.While there are many violent video games such as Mortal Kombat and Death Race. The video game that gets the most backlash for being too violent is Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto is an action- adventure video game mainly referenced to performing violent acts and missions on a free world based simulation. The game can be very enticing for minds of the young and old. There is everything from buying guns, stealing cars, sexual acts and drugs just to name a few. Playing this type of games may lead to life making decisions if a child plays them too long or at an early age. Some children tend to act out violently at school or at home because of the effect that Grand Theft Auto (GTA) can have on a them. Is this a game that a child should be playing? No, many would agree. I do agree it takes a certain age to be able to be mature for a game of that caliber. However, some parents have the mindset that their children are mature enough to handle some graphic material like GTA. GTA is rated M for mature because it is for mature audience and some may argue that it should be rated AO for adults only. The question is why do parents take out the time to buy the game that is obviously not for their child. They may do it because they do not take out the time to consider what the game is all about. Others may do it because they do not want to have to argue with their kids. Well, people always want things they do not need. Parents buying video games to keep their child’s attention is the real issue. Some parents don’t care at all what they play if the child is quiet, occupied and staying out of trouble. So, is GTA to blame for children playing it even when the game creator makes it known that it is for a mature audience only meaning 17+ of age? Some may argue yes because they are the makers of the game and some may argue no because there is warning that the game is not for children.The amount of violence on television is on the rise. The average child sees 12,000 violent acts on television annually, including many depictions of murder and rape. More than 1000 studies confirm that exposure to heavy doses of television violence increases aggressive behavior, particularly in boys. Other studies link television or newspaper publicity of suicides to an increased suicide risk.The following groups of children may be more vulnerable to violence on television:children from minority and immigrant groups;emotionally disturbed children;children with learning disabilities;children who are abused by their parents; andchildren in families in distressPhysicians who see a child with a history of aggressive behavior should inquire about the child’s exposure to violence portrayed on television.As time goes by, we see the things going on in media and media is continuing to become less and less aware on what they show on TV or video games. One thing is is that you can control what a child binge watches or plays at home. You cannot control what your children watch all the time but monitoring them is something that is very important. It is strongly suggested that parents should carefully consider the games their children play and how much time and money they spend playing them. Set rules for them and teach them good habits while they are young. Parents should take out more time to be with their children spend time with them and show then that games and TV is not the only thing that can keep their attention. This will help to increase things like social skills and the way children respond to life. Stop slamming tablets and video games in your children face to get relief from their behavior. Learn to control and tend to your child needs. Video games are not the main problem of all children’s behavior, learning skill, or being overweight. Children are only allowed to look at what you allow them as parents. It is clearly the decision of the parent to make changes that are beneficial to their child.Work Cited: ................

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