US History

9th Grade Midterm Review Name_______________________

Introduction (Chapters 1, 2, 3)

|Define |Give an example from U. S. history |

|artifact | |

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|Ideal | |

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| | |

|Opportunity | |

| | |

|Liberty | |

| | |

|Equality | |

| | |

|Freedom | |

| | |

|Rights | |

| | |

|Natural resource | |

| | |

|Region | |

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|Globalization | |

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1. Why is it possible to have conflicting historical interpretations of an event?

2. What physical features of the United States encouraged settlement?

3. What physical features of the United States posed challenges to its settlement?

Civil War and Reconstruction (Chapters 9, 10, 11)

Sectional Differences: Explain the differences between the economies of the North and the South.

|North |South |

| | |

Explain how each of these events helped cause the Civil War.

|Cause |Explanation |

|Kansas-Nebraska Act | |

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| | |

|Dred Scott Decision | |

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|Missouri Compromise | |

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|Fugitive Slave Law | |

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|Uncle Tom’s Cabin | |

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|John Brown’s Raid | |

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|Election of 1860 | |

| | |

|Compromise of 1850 | |

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|Attack on Fort Sumter | |

| | |

Identify why each of the following was important to the Civil War:

1. Anaconda Plan

2. Abolitionist

Explain the Civil War experience for soldiers. Be sure to include each of the following: medical care, leisure time and new technology.

Compare the role of women and African Americans during the Civil War

Women African Americans


Changing Roles:

List the 3 terms of the Confederate surrender. Would you describe these terms as harsh or lenient? Explain.




Explain each of the Reconstruction amendments

|13th Amendment |14th Amendment |15th Amendment |

| | | |

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Summarize Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction

|Presidential |Congressional |

| |(Radical Republicans) |

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| | |

| | |

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Which plan for Reconstruction would appeal to freedmen? Why?

Identify why each was important.

1. Jim Crow laws

2.Plessy v. Ferguson

Industrialization and Immigration (Chapters 13, 14, 15)

| |Define |

|laissez-faire | |

| | |

|Factors of Production | |

| | |

|monopoly | |

| | |

|Sweatshop | |

| | |

|Strike | |

| | |

|tenements | |

| | |

|Pull-factor | |

| | |

|Push-factor | |

| | |

|Ethnic Enclave | |

| | |

Explain the impact of each new technology

|Technology |Impact |

|Assembly Line | |

|Telephone | |

|Telegraph | |

|Automobile | |

What was the overall impact of all of this technology?

List 2 positives AND 2 negatives from industrialism.

Describe the working conditions of factory workers in the late 1800s.

What factors led to the formation of labor unions?

Compare and Contrast the immigration process for immigrants at Ellis and Angel Island

Ellis Island Angel Island

The Progressive Era (Chapters 16, 17, 18)

|Cause |Effect |

|urbanization | |

| | |

|Child labor | |

| | |

| |Pendleton Act |

| | |

|Social Gospel Movement | |

| | |

|Social Darwinism | |

| | |

**What caused the reforms/changes that resulted from the Progressive Era?


Secret (or open) ballot

Direct primary

Recall election



What do all of the previous terms have as a common purpose?

|Movement or organization |Goal(s) |

|NAACP | |

| | |

| | |

|Political Machine | |

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|Muckrakers | |

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| | |

|Square Deal | |

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| | |

|Federal Reserve System | |

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|Pure Food and Drug Act | |

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|Sherman Antitrust Act | |

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|Meat Inspection Act | |

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| |16th Amendment |17th Amendment |18th Amendment |19th Amendment |

|What it says | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Why was it | | | | |

|necessary? | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

What did each of the following do to address the effects of industrialization?

Woodrow Wilson-

Theodore Roosevelt-

William Howard Taft-

What did each of the following do to protect the environment?

Woodrow Wilson-

Theodore Roosevelt-

William Howard Taft-

Foreign Policy (Chapters: 19-21)


Describe each type of foreign policy:



Armed Forces:


Financial Aid:

Define the following:


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1. YELLOW JOURNALISM—What role did Yellow Journalism play in the Spanish American War?

2. What events led to the Spanish American War?

3. How did the Spanish American War change United States foreign policy?

4. REALISM V. IDEALISM—What examples of U.S. policies of realism were there in the 1900s? What examples of idealism were there in the 1900s?

5. Why did the United States get involved in Panama?

6. Why did the United States get involved in China, Philippines, Hawaii and Cuba?

7. What actions did the United States take toward Hawaii before it became a state?

8. What status does Puerto Rico have today in the United States?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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