Showing Possession: Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Showing Possession: Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

It’s my house; It’s mine


Look at these sentences:

It’s my house.

The house belongs to me.

The house is mine.


1 These are the possessive adjectives.

my – My shoes are brown.

your – Your car is yellow.

his – His sister is tall.

her – Her brother is very tall.

its – The dog wants its food.

our – Our vacation was great!

their – Their house is very cold.

2 We use a possessive adjective before a noun.

It’s my dog.

That’s her cat.

Those are your glasses.


1 These are the possessive pronouns.

mine – Those jumpers are mine.

yours – These shirts are yours.

his – The blue bicycle is his.

hers – The red bicycle is hers.

ours – Those books are ours.

theirs – This restaurant is theirs.


We do not use a possessive pronoun for it.

1 We never put a noun after a possessive pronoun.

The dog is mine.

The cat is hers.

The glasses are yours.

2 A possessive pronoun (yours, mine, etc.) replaces a possessive adjective + noun (your team, my job).

My team is better than yours.

(My team is better than your team.)

Her job is more interesting than mine.

(Her job is more interesting than my job.)


Do not confuse its and it’s: its is a possessive adjective; it’s = it is or it has.

Can you give the dog its food? It’s hungry.


We use belong to + an object pronoun.

The dog belongs to me.

The cat belongs to her.

The glasses belong to you.


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