United States History I

United States History I

Mid-Term Review

Key Terms

Reconstruction – Chapter 5

civil rights


tenant farmer



Expansion of American Industry – Chapters 6&8

collective bargaining




division of labor

Pendleton Civil Service Act

blue laws


laissez faire

Munn v. Illinois

Key People

Chapter - 6

Samuel F. B. Morse

Alexander Graham Bell

John D. Rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie

Henry Bessemer

Samuel Gompers

J.P. Morgan

Thomas Edison

George Westinghouse

Chapter - 7

Frederick Jackson Turner

Chapter - 8

Boss Tweed

Jane Addams and Florence Kelley


Ch. 5 - Lincoln

Ch. 5 - Johnson

Ch. 8 - Hayes

Ch. 8 - Garfield

Ch. 8 - Arthur

Ch. 8 - Cleveland

Main Ideas

Reconstruction – Ch. 5

Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan

Johnson’s Reconstruction plan

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Freedmen’s Bureau


Radical Republicans

Johnson’s impeachment trial

13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

Tenure of Office Act

Expansion of American Industry – Chapters 6 & 8

Communication revolution

Transcontinental Railroad

The Business Cycle

Captains of Industry

Robber Barons

Vertical consolidation

The Distribution of Wealth

American Federation of Labor

First major labor strike

Pullman Strike

The growth of cities

Child labor

Immigration pattern shift

Settlement house

Social gospel movement

Purity crusaders

Looking to the West – Ch. 7

The Populist movement


1. It has been ironically stated that “the North won the Civil War, but the South won

Reconstruction.” Interpret this statement and assess its truth.

2. Some historians contend that “more than any other single factor, the railroad network

spurred the amazing industrialization of the post-Civil War years.”

Do you agree? Why or Why not?

3. The arrival of immigrants on American shores in the late nineteenth century involved

both “push” and “pull” factors. Describe the major motives that caused emigrants to

leave Europe and come to the United States during the late 1800s.

4. The presidents of the late nineteenth century have been referred to as merely “custodial”

–that is, nonassertive. Is this true? If so, why?


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